Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The last time I made this thread it garnered a LOT of response from people which you can see here. Its been a while and people's personal fleets have changed quite a bit since last October with melting and new purchases. So lets kick this off!

We all have ships. Some of us have several ships which we bought in moments of "SHINY!". What are your ships and why did you get them? Some personal reason perhaps or just because they look cool? Maybe you see yourself in some sort of role besides Crash TEST Aurora Pilot #1837(nothing shameful about this). Tell your reasons and at the end put down your future purchase plans for other ships. I'll start.

Super Hornet - Bought the original Hornet because it frankly looked cool and then grey marketed an upgrade for it a couple months after reading about it. It wasn't my first purchase because I bought a Constellation before that lol! I really jumped in. Looking forward to flying it in fleet with a good co-pilot on missions or whatever but this may have been supplanted by the Vanguard.

315P - Originally bought this due to its role in exploration. Still intend to use it as a cheap explorer and because it holds one of my Alpha passes when I get a computer to play the game. It also has the color Yellow on it and you just can't not have a ship without that.

Constellation Phoenix -
I bought this when it was just the normal Constellation but upgraded it to the Phoenix because of 2 things: limited availability and at the time hilariously wrong OP stats. Still plan to keep it because I may need to use the hot tub for something. I also need something to transport myself around in style since I don't have an 890 JUMP.

Xi'An Khartu-al - Because it was the first alien ship and it screams maneuverability. May make a good racing ship. It also has LTI now of course so thats also nice. I won't ever not be able to get one.

- It looks cool, packs a punch and was my first LTI ship. It was also a really cheap purchase at the time so I figured I could always melt it before they gave it LTI. It is now a permanent addition to the collection.

Reclaimer - I'm an industry junkie by heart and not so much on the pvp stuff. I loved salvaging in Eve Online so when this came up for sale I immediately had to have it. I hope the salvage mechanics are as detailed as the mining ones they have put forward. It has LTI too.

Redeemer - I loved this ship from the first time it was shown in TNGS and voted for it in the finale. When it got put up for sale I immediately got it. I love the look of it while most people don't and I honestly don't mind the engine nacelles and think they look cool, something different. It came with LTI of course for the concept sale. Beerdeemer away!

Herald - It was cheap and looked interesting. This is one I may melt in the future for something else. Don't know. At least I didn't get 10 of them like RJ.

Retaliator - Bought this in a moment of weakness in the anniversary sale last year. It looked cool but it may also be melted for something else in the future like the Crucible or I may rent it to TEST people.

Carrack - I've always loved exploring so the Carrack coming up for sale I HAD to have it ASAP. It has LTI of course :) I've always found myself in FPS levels and RTS going around after the AI was fairly dead or left the area to explore and loved it in Eve Online so I hope this is more of the same.

Aurora LX -
Bought this i nthe Anniversary sale last year because I had some melt money left over. I call it Shuttle 1 to get me around places fast. Also has leather seats.

Mustang Delta -
I got this one because I honestly like the look but it may get melted later for other things. My own Ship Talk exposed thing about it I wasn't too happy with.

Orion - OMG I'm so happy they finally brought this out. Eve Online was my first MMO. Talk about jumping into the deep end and only learning then how to swim. It all turned out ok though. Amway the first thing i did in Eve was mining with friends and by myself. It has LTI so I'm not worried about it given its probable high value. I expect it to make a lot of money on large ops. Because of this ship I also got it into my head to see if there were like minded individuals and the unofficial Rock Raiders group was formed and will hopefully be an official part of TEST in the future.

The first ship of the Wave 4 concepts the Vanguard may replace my Super Hornet completely if it wasn't for the fact my SH has alpha access. I'm expecting a redesign of this ship for its look and I'm ok with that completely. I got it because it has LTI tbh and I see it being used by me in one of its other roles and not its primary.

Future Purchases!

Its interesting to note that compared to my last version of this post I have gotten all of those ships except the Hull C and the Crucible so I've mainly followed through and bought what I wanted.

Freelancer MAX -
I may have accidentally talked myself into this with my own Ship Talk over the weekend and because I need some sort of hauler unless one of the Hull series can do it better.

Crucible - Continuing down the road of an industrial pilot I want a Crucible for reclamation purposes. Repairing and refitting a derelict ship really appeals to me. This is the butter to the Reclaimer's bread. And how else will we be able to salvage that Bengal Carrier for the star coronal exposure TEST if we don't repair one to use? I just imagine the tears.

Your turn TEST! What ships do you have or plan to get and why?


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I will buy nothing else. I've spent like 450 dollars on SC. NO MORE!
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Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle

Sol Invictus

Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Sol Invictus
Hmmm Here we go.

1: Superhornet, this was an Mustang with package, it then became a Hornet and finally a SuperHornet. This was my original package and realised I was getting my arse handed to me daily in my mustang so natural progression.

2: I then bought a Constellation Andromeda. Why? because it looked good and it was shiny! Also have a few old Eve buddies I am trying to persuade to come play so a decent multi-crew ship for us is waiting.

3: Redeemer. Long story

4: Retaliator. Part of the long story

5: Vanguard. LTI and reason for long story.

THE LONG STORY ( made short )

Got myself drunk on home brew and said to myself. DAMN I need a vanguard but also a Redeemer. So off I trot, slightly pissed out of my face and buy a Retaliator and a redeemer. Without thinking I load them up in to my hanger and off I wobble to look at the redeemer. BUT WAIT BY THE HAND OF BOB THERES A VANGUARD IN MY HANGER ( says my blurry eyed vision ) So, I make all haste to look at it and run around it and OMG it's gorgeous. I think to myself " Im sure the vanguard is only concept, what tom foolery is this? " Then I stop drinking for just 1 second, tears start to leak out of my eye sockets as I make the fatal realization. I bought the wrong ship. " Damn myself to BOB " says I and so continue looking around thinking it wasn't that much of a bad purchase but I sure would like a LTI ship.

1 Hour later and 2 bottles of home brewed 12% wine I am on the RSI site looking at the vanguard again. " Hmm I could melt a ship and get me a vanguard, problem solved " But which one should I melt? The Gunship or the Bomber. Oh Decisions decisions. So I have another drink, or 5 and then Buy the Vanguard ( the right one this time ) and think to myself " Ahh finally have it " but wait, did I melt a ship?

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHHHH " is the sound my neighbours heard as I realised I had indeed not melted a ship and bought a vanguard from scratch. So here I am with these ships, one of which isn't hanger ready and a little over £750 out of pocket.

Life suck and this game better not had!

Future Purchases

Anyone got a Frigate for sale?

Willem Default

Space Marshal
Apr 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Aurora LN - Got the starter package with the MR, thinking I'd only spend £38 ($54) on SC to get into it, try out the Arena Commander, and have beta access.

Mustang Beta - After talking to some of you guys and others in the general chat, I decided to get the other starter, the Mustang Alpha to have both starters. Then I realised that as I had an MR and a Mustang Alpha, I could upgrade my MR to the LN (first to MA, then to LN). At first I had wanted to upgrade the MR to the LX, but it wasn't available at the time. Now I've upgraded from the Alpha to the Beta for dat sweet living space.

Endgame I want a Freelancer or a Constellation. This is mainly because I'm not actually too fussed about fighters as while I'm good at flying around and evasion, I'm a terrible fighter pilot. Also the Freelancer looks like the Firefly. I'll be in my bunk.
Last edited:


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
325A - Bought in my initial package because it looked awesome and I couldn't justify a more expensive package. I have visions of being pretty militaristic so it seemed good on that point.

Vanguard - A big moment of weakness effectively; im going to blame TEST for everyone having mountains of ships and me only having one at this point. I really wanted a Retaliator but it's not currently on sale so I ended up setting my heart on the Vanguard. Wanted to wait a few months but LTI swung me. Again it fits in with my militaristic idea but also I'm a big fan of its multi-jump capability, plus it looks awesome.

Future Purchases

Hornet (Probably the Ghost) - Again I think it looks epic. I'm not entirely happy with the 325A in AC and so I want another 'fighter' type craft. I seem to have got a Hornet available in AC now (I think its a Vanguard Loaner) and I love it. Thinking the Ghost as I'd love to get involved in some kind of stealth ops/espionage both active and passive.

Caterpillar - I'm one of those people that wants to do everything and it's my favorite of the haulers. Not fully set on this due to the crew capacity and a few other things pointed out in your ship talk but I still really like it. Not certain until the full specs and those for things like the Hull A-E's come out.

Cutlass Black/Blue - Again I'm not certain but it seems like a really well rounded ship that can do a bit of everything.

Retaliator - Its my dream ship. It looks badass and has an awesome loadout. I really like the idea of being in a bombing squadron on a big mission as it keeps my military ideals around without relying on my sub-par dogfighting skills. Also I read somewhere that the bomb bay is supposed to be a module that can be removed and replaced with a cargo bay/med bay etc. so I really like that versatility for using it in a range of situations.

Aurora LN - Because TEST.

I'll stop there as I could probably come up with a reason to own every ship there is.


Space Marshal
Mar 23, 2015
RSI Handle
Ships I have:
LTI Vanguard - because I got drunk and am a horrible role model... I think i'll use it for bombing missions or fleet escort when I don't have a crew for my andromeda
Constellation Andromeda - I Won my first one in a contest. but I melted that to buy the LTI vanguard. I then bought a new andromeda pack. I plan to use that as my main ship (unless I find/buy something better) and fill up a crew to explore the verse and go on missions and shit. If i find a pheonix upgrade pack I'm swapping out in a heartbeat.
315p - I bought this as my 1st standalone ship... I love the idea of a luxury focused small craft. like the Mercedes Benz of the stars... I'm going to make fun of every 300series owner in the exact same way I make fun of Benz owners for the record. a bunch of entitled douches with no sense of how shitty their cars are.
Mustang Gamma - I got this as my first ship in a mustang starter kit. I then melted it for the LTI Vanguard and bought a standalone.... It's now been upgraded to a Gamma for my racing as that's the best Racing ship I can access without assistance or a re-release of the others.
Mustang Alpha - Troy gave me this, and earned my loyalty. Oh Admiral my Admiral?
Aurora ES - I don't know what the fuck to do with this thing... I guess just crash it into shit.

Future Purchases: The moment I can I'm buying an 890 jump or a Pheonix for hosting negotiations or if there's a Diplomacy career path where you hob-nob with npc VIPs
I want to upgrade my 315p to a 325a, possibly...
I also would like to pick up either a Carrack for heavy exploration or a MISC Endeavor for Battlefield support for our Marines... or "Narcotics production" for our Marines. Zekk brand "Alcohol" .... It'll fuck you sideways!


Space Marshal
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
I plan on being more of a support/exploration/salvager guy. Not so great at PVP, but I have a tendency of being a strong support in games that have a support option, whether it be sniping (Not the FPS kind, I'm awful at FPSs) or healing.


- I wanted a nice versatile single-seater, plus it's aesthetically pleasing

Freelancer DUR - Was originally the freelancer package. I felt that in the beginning Exploration would be way more important for the early-game in SC. I'm Talking early game as in "This game is out for a week and TEST has found all the best things already."

'Tali - I don't know why, but I have a strong hunch she'll be able to be refitted as a blockade-runner-freighter. Plus, I'm not a great dogfighter, so I feel I'd be of more use being a bomber pilot taking out big targets. I tend to have an eye for weak spots. (Torpedo straight into the hanger of an idris? Did someone yell timber?)

Future Purchases/Wishlist

Stealth Bomber -
A Stealth Tali would be the epitome of combat ships for me, since I'm not a great dogfighter. On my old eve account I flew stealth bombers almost exclusively in PVP, and they were a lot of fun.

Big hauler -
Whether I re-get a Taurus, or get something like the MM or Caterpoozel, I want to be able to transport a lot of stuff. Caterpoozel is most attractive right now since it's modular, and I want to play as more of a support/exploration roll more than anything else.

Entire 300 line - Space lexus. 300i as a loner ship more than anything. 315p for solo exploration, 325a for support, and 350r for "WEEEEEE"

Starfarer - "But you already said hauler" Dedicated gas harvester/support craft. If there isn't in-flight refueling for most ships I might cry.

Cutless Red - Again, I plan on being more of a support/explorer type. The red suits both of those needs fairly well.

Mining ship - Preferably a single person ship for casual use. Orion is nice, but I would like something where on a day I don't want to put in much effort I can pop in, mine for an hour, and walk away a few thousand credits richer.

Aurora LN - I miss mine, traded it in during a huge reconfig of my hanger. I plan on getting one when beta comes out. I know, I'm a bad TESTie. Also, Cargohold full of high-yield explosive crash-landing into an enemy corp's Bengal/Idris/Anythingthathaslandingbay? Yes please.

Hornet Ghost (or any other stealth single seater) - Combines my "sniper" and my support plans. I have a dream of a Caterpillar with Ghost hornets parked on it functioning like a trap (BSG viper trap anyone?). CIG, make it work.

MISC starter - Forgot the name, but I like MISC. If it's a mini Freelancer, I will instantly love it more likely than not.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Ships I currently own

LTI M50 - Star Stuff - The ship I've had the longest, I got this ship pretty much entirely because of how incredibly sexy it looks. I plan to outfit it for the highest top speed I can possibly get out of it, and use it as my personal pimp wagon/fun shenanigans ship.

LTI Vanguard - Point and Click - Anyone who read the Vanguard ship discussion thread already knows my thoughts on this ship, so I'll just say I bought this ship primarily because of its flexibility, its range, and its small crew compliment. This'll be the ship I use when I just want to cruise the 'verse and not have to worry about running into pirates (AKA probably most of the time).

LTI Redeemer - Francis Drake - Good looking and shitloads of firepower, I got this ship mostly because I like that it's a smallish ship that can support up to 5 people, so when I finally get my friends into the game I have a ship that we can use to roam around and blow shit up together. I'm not planning on using it as a troop transport, but I haven't made a decision about how exactly I want to outfit it yet (that letter from the chairman about modularity that used the Redeemer as an example made me excited).

Mustang Delta - This ship only exists to be CCUed. I got a Mustang Omega for 20ish dollars and decided to upgrade it to a Delta so I had something fun to mess around with in the short term (since the Omega was somewhat redundant with me already having an M50). I have no plans or desire to actually keep it as is.

Ships I plan on buying before the PU

Freelancer MAX or HULL A/B - My current plan is to CCU that Delta to a Freelancer once that becomes an option so that I have something I can use to haul cargo and make a quick buck when I'm in the mood. However, I'm also interested in seeing some of the smaller HULL variants to see if I'd rather go with one of those. Time will tell.

Priority ships in the PU

Gladiator - The Gladiator is actually my favorite ship, but I melted mine for the Vanguard because it didn't have LTI and, since it has a civilian variant, I imagine it'll be much easier to find in the PU. It will be my first priority to acquire when we get back to the PU (assuming I don't cave and buy one again at some point before then, which is entirely possible).

Once I've got the Gladiator back, my next priority will be a much bigger cargo ship that I can use to make some big bucks, but I haven't decided what yet. I'm not worried about deciding that now, I figure I've got some time.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle

Cutlass Blue: Piracy yar har harrrr.
Cutlass Red: Piracy Support and legitimate SAR. Semi-yar harr harr.
Caterpillar: Modular trucking, heavy duty boarding, and piracy. [Yarr module]-[Harr module]-[Harr module]
Gladius: Sexiness incarnate.
Redeemer: Fire Suppport, Landing ship, etc etc.

Future: Might melt down Redeemer for a Herald + Starfarer. Or an Avenger variant if they look cool.

Feral Oxide

Grand Admiral
Mar 13, 2015
RSI Handle
Ok, Gonna look cheap here for a second, but then, not so much.
I've spent $80 american on Star Citizen so far. A 315p and then a $5 arena pass (the 315p package comes without that)
there's the cheap part.

But, I didn't have a PC. Hadn't had one for 15plus years cause I had stopped playing games online, and bought Macs for the interim (filmmaking and graphics and sound) but then I stumbled into Star Citizen (truth to be told I actually stumbled into Dreadnought, which got me excited for online space shooters again and then I found SC.
So I decided in like January that i HAD TO PLAY THIS. So I started buying the pieces a little at a time (so as not to break the bank and/or piss off the wife and/or not feed the kids) and got enough to get online and play the game less than 2 weeks ago. It's not really done yet, running on a borrowed monitor/ windows needs to stop telling me it's not a registered licesnce, etc. etc. so ACTUALLY I'm into the game an additional $1200 or so to date. I know that doesn't really count, and I envy you guys n your big fleets.

So once I get my rig rigged and done(ish I realize it will never end, I used to be a pc builder and gamer back in the 80's and 90's and yes I'm oldish) I want to get/purchase/steal:

Freelancer Max. furthering the exlore and smuggle and trade

An indeterminate fighter. I did like the Gladius last week, but I'm refitting my 315 this week to get more fight worthiy as my pilot skills progress. I love the handling of my 315p, and some other boats (Cutlass) feel like boats or skitterish chickens (mustang) I know a lot of that is my piloting, and I'm a stick pilot, but whatever I end up with will be fast and furious, hopefully. Still testing, as I sed.

I don't see myself purchasing a capital ship, though I hope to fly with many of you as a something something.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I went to look at my old post, and realized how much more I've bought since then. I had a moment of shame. Last time I finished off saying:
As for future ships... I'm looking to get my hands on a Retaliator, at some point. It makes no sense whatsoever and it's way too bulky to try and drive solo, but I just love the design so very much. I'm also probably going to pick up a Cutlass, but that'll wait til the persistant universe. If the 'Lancer is the F-150 of SC, the Cutlass is the dinky little 1970's Ram 50. I'm also very much eyeing the new Aegis Bulldog. If I want a high-speed, long-range, durable dogfighter, it may end up replacing my Avenger. Also, the Crucible is looking very nifty and helpful for being deep-space drucking friend.

tl;dr: I spend too much money on pretend internet spaceships and have no plans of stopping anytime soon. Cheers!

edit: and if I ever find myself in a position to board and steal an 890 Jump, I'll ram the damn thing with my entire hanger and use my Crucible to patch it up.
The tl;dr was very correct. I have purchased my beloved Retaliator, Poor Life Choices, I am eagerly awaiting the day I get to take it out into the verse loaded with drunk gunners and the biggest torpedoes available. Combining looks from the B-1B and SR-71, it is a sexy, sexy, sexy, ship.

Since then, I have also purchased the Carrack. I wasn't quite planning on purchasing one; I was on the fence about it. I'm very excited about exploration, but I was worried that the Carrack would be too much ship for me to handle what with crew requirements being a bit high. Then, I saw the pictures of the interior... and the exterior... and I was hopelessly in love. I think that this is one of my favorite ships just for the awesome looking command deck.

My next purchase was much less well thought out. During the Anniversary sale, I decided I wanted another Freelancer... one with missiles. Lots of missiles. So with the help of some beers, I went out and bought a MIS. I'm in love with this ship too, like all of my Freelancers. (Spoilers: there are probably more Freelancers in my future.)

I've always been in love with the Gladiator. I like the idea of a torpedo bomber, something small and fast enough to beat enemy defensive fire, get in close, and drop a big payload on some fool in a capship. But I was thinking that I'd be fine, I had enough ships, I already had a freakin' Retaliator! I didn't need any more ships, right? Yeah... I think you know how that story ends. So I ended up with a small two-man torpedo bomber ready to rain destruction on everything.

My next two ships were simultaneous. I picked up a Mustang Beta and Delta at the same time; the Beta I envision as my solo explorer, perhaps for exploring tiny wormholes that I can't shove my Carrack through. The Delta was to take it advantage of the rockets, and the agility. The ability to mount more guns than most of the fighters except for the Hornet series and the Auroras also was tantalizing. Also, they're "cheap" enough that I felt very little shame adding them to my collection.

I honestly don't remember re-buying my Aurora LN. It just ended up in my hangar somehow. I blame spontaneous generation.

And my most recent ship, the Vanguard. I actually melted my 325a to help defray the cost on this one, also because I had so many fighters and I feel like the Gladius pretty much replaces the 325a for everything I wanted. But the Vanguard is everything I hoped for (so far) and more than I dreamed of. I never imagined it would be as large as it is, and I didn't know it would be 2-person. But I'm completely in love with it and can't wait to go cruising in Troublemaker.

Oh, and I still want to see what the Crucible looks like.


Vice Admiral
Mar 7, 2015
RSI Handle
So far, I've purchased 2 ships:

The Aurora MR (I call her Sunspot) - It's a great starter ship and will let me experience the new player content with complete immersion.

The Freelancer DUR - I was looking for a smaller multi-crew ship to explore the universe and map jump points. Hopefully it will also work really well as a mining escort and mineral discovery ship to help out the beer miners.

Future purchases:

Probably a constellation of some form, as it's a sexy ship and will be great for combination hauling and discovery.

890 Jump - I want to start up Space Uber. I'll pick you up and take you where you need to go in complete luxury for a small (heavy) price - I'll even carry your ship if it's a small one.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I have no idea where to begin....
It all started with the Aurora MR starter, which turned into a 300i, then a Mustang Omega got added, then the 300i got melted to turn the Mustang Omega into (by way of the convoluted CCU system) a Mustang Delta, which turned into a Cutlass Black, at which time its sister, the Cutlass Red showed up in my hanger, then everything got melted, and turned into 3 Cutlasses, a Black, a Red and a Blue, and then they turned into an assortment of Mustangs, Auroras, and 1 Cutlass Red, then something blew up, and I now currently have a Cutlass Red, a Cutlass Black, and a Mustang Gamma.

I will keep the Cutlasses, add another Blue(for the missiles), and maybe add a solo explorer ship(315p or Mustang Beta, or whatever other small explorer ship comes out), and probably a Freelancer Max for nostalgia reasons(homage to my favorite old school CR game "Freelancer"


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm only rocking:

1 x 300i - For that "luxury" exploration
1 x Mustang Omgea because I thought it would actually be a fun racer, and $20? How could I not? Shame it handles terribly
1 x M50 - by far my favourite ship, exclusively bought for racing and what I've done the most of in the game

I'm tempted to switch out the Omega for a Gladius, but frankly I don't really want to give CIG anymore money at the moment until they prove that the game isn't going to turn into an endless project or be crippled through some design flaw. I'm aware that scope of the game has changed significantly, and that dates will slip - that's just the nature of the business - but equally I'm not convinced he's Christ Roberts, saviour of the PCMasterRace either.

Gladius, super hornet, and banu. Fun, function, and flair in a nice, neat grind-free package.
I do kinda wish I'd been clever enough and gone for this combination though :o So wise.


Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I currently own;

1. A Carrack for ultimate exploration.
2. An Orion for ultimate mining.
3. And 2x Vanguards to escort me through the black.

Considering to purchase:

1. Hull-C
2. Endeavor
3. Crucible

And when available, an upgrade to the Reclaimer.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
SH (my first puchase, basically, with 2y insurance)
Vanguard LTI, because i love it.
Mustang Delta (i can't remember why)
Avenger from AMD pack

Planning to get Banu. Maybe. Or some trading ship.

Dorian Grey

Space Marshal
Feb 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Freelancer LTI (first ever)
Connie (Melted for Orion)
Origin325 (melted for Orion)
Hornet Ghost (melted for Orion)
Mustang Gamma (Melted for Orion) lol
M50 upgrade to(350R)

Origin 350R

Future: (in game)
That's about $800 on SC (Don't think I'll spend more real life dinero on it)

Chairman Meow

Grand Admiral
Jan 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Omega- Became the Super Hornet
Avenger- Went to my partner as his main ship for now.

Freelancer- Picked this up because at the time it seemed like the best all around utility ship, especially the DUR, I haven't applied an upgrade to it yet though out of hopes I can CCU it later.
Super Hornet- Not much to say really, its an ugly brick but the idea of the 2nd gunner at the time was amazing to me, I've since stuck by it and its by far my favorite ship out of the the current flyable group.
Reclaimer- This was the ship I originally wanted when I first started doing some actual research on the game, I couldn't come up with the money at the time for the Concept but was able to at least grab it in the anniversary sale. Why? CLAW, DO I NEED ANY OTHER REASON? I'm really excited to see this thing in the hanger, or planet side, wherever it ends up. But until then I can just sit with the holo-viewer open and make pew pew noises.
Vanguard- I hated this at first, the Vanny just didn't really live up to the hype that had settled on it leading up to the sale. Over the next week or so though its really grown on me, I have hopes to replace the SH with it as my main ship for PU but we'll see.

Crucible- The idea of a flying toolbox sounds incredibly useful to me, as a support vessel it should be extremely useful for the org as well as help secure us a functional Bengal hopefully.
890 Jump/Idris- I can dream right?
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