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  1. Nightlane

    [BTW] old price CCU to Defender

    A pity, hehehe ^^. Thanks anyway! I keep some CCUs on my hangar just because of this, including one to hull-e, but... I forgot to get this one!!! :-O I have to recover another to carrack and then at least one to hercules CCU. oh, yeah, that movie about an old geezer mind controlling a young...
  2. Nightlane

    [BTW] old price CCU to Defender

    I know this is hard because this is like a free discount, but I wanna obtain an old price CCU to Defender so everyone would prioritize him/herself unless he/she have everything he/she wants. Thanks in advance!
  3. Nightlane

    What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

    Are you sure there is not someone pouring something weird in the water you drink? 🙃 😈
  4. Nightlane

    Bar citizen attendees

    Hmmm, I got a ticket, and now I am going to volunteer...
  5. Nightlane

    What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

    I can lend you that ship or others if you want. Advocacy skin? cutlass blue? BTW, have you checked the Valkyrie? Hercules? Those are more expensive, but maybe a good upgrade sooner or later.
  6. Nightlane

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    What about vanduul ships? can be captured and used? 🙃 hmmm, robbed ships are tagged as robbed... but what about it's components? Where... and how many!
  7. Nightlane

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    Just let CIG do it's magic ^^
  8. Nightlane

    Stevetank's Cheap LTI Shop (Closed)

    You forgot to add there the Javelins and the Krakens!! No better LTI tokens than them!
  9. Nightlane

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    A blue without cells is not just a cutlass black? :-0 Do not worry about insurance fraud: * if it happens the legal owner of the ship will lose it (source: insurance faqs most probably the old one) * stolen ships will not create inflation because they are marked as stolen and such they will...
  10. Nightlane

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    I am sitting around 5000 to 5500 credits or so currently. Maybe a bit more but I can not check it until I can reach my computer.
  11. Nightlane

    2019 Goodie Bag on Sale Now!

    I will suggest it subtlety :-D Hmmm... Ninja terrorist?
  12. Nightlane

    Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm

    But do you sweat? Not intended? Hehe About the computer, have you checked ??? BUT I guess it is still too expensive. 4 Ravens, Orion, Kraken, Nautilus, EMS. Not sure about: Pioneer, 890J, 350R, more Endeavors... Maybe a second Nautilus... If I grab a credit Javelin...
  13. Nightlane

    What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

    I have an EMS as well, and several CCUs. It is one of my favorites and I will start the game with one unless CIG sell ships I like more. (Maybe this Citizencon will come with one of those...)
  14. Nightlane

    Nautilus brochure and related data

    I got it without a doubt. But I doubt if I am going to keep my 890J. Never big enough! And it is a ship with multiple roles so... Fun Nautilus is nimbler than Polaris, and better defended so it can ignore fighters and such so the arc of te S7 is not so important. It can as well lay mines in...
  15. Nightlane

    Nautilus brochure and related data

    I think this is the ship need the least any type of reinforcement :/)
  16. Nightlane

    Nautilus Q&A

    So when the rock do boom the mines kaboom and you cu cu! 🎉
  17. Nightlane

    What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

    Size... usefulness... awe power :-) not sure the order
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