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  1. Huegpaynis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    I don't care about mustang CCU options, I have my gamma and I'm happy. What I DO want are the other CCU options we should have. Like Aurora LX > Cutlass Black.
  2. Huegpaynis

    This is why Killboards matter

    What the fuck did I just watch?
  3. Huegpaynis

    I have an announcement to make

    Fuck that. Now where did I leave the PM button?
  4. Huegpaynis

    This is why Killboards matter

    And I will look down on it, and whisper "no".
  5. Huegpaynis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    Get out.
  6. Huegpaynis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    I'm digging my gamma. I actually melted the avenger for cutlass CCU funds and kept the mustang. I briefly got a mustang beta for giggles with my store credit, and I think I might actually keep her as my runabout and use the gamma as ccu fuel for turning my aurora into a cutlass. The class 4...
  7. Huegpaynis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    I just picked up a gamma for melting later, but I might end up keeping it.
  8. Huegpaynis

    New Game Packages are Live, No Javelins Included:

    I am upset that the CCU for Avengers and Cutlass' aren't available.
  9. Huegpaynis

    Star Citizen Live Stream

    meanwhile, my wife is gonna be gone all damn night guess who gets to stay up too damn late and fly their cutlass and avenger?
  10. Huegpaynis

    Star Citizen Live Stream

  11. Huegpaynis

    You Joined TEST Squadron - Why?

  12. Huegpaynis

    Star Citizen Live Stream

    Word on the subreddit is that Chris has said 1.0 tonight like twice now
  13. Huegpaynis

    This is why Killboards matter

    Get cracking then.
  14. Huegpaynis

    idris on sale now!

  15. Huegpaynis

    Star Citizen Live Stream

    Munken, I can only be so aroused. Keep up the good work.
  16. Huegpaynis

    You Joined TEST Squadron - Why?

    I was in Larsson Group. Everything was good, I was angling for a semi-senior position in the logistics group (armored transport), and people seemed cool. Then Larsson Group fell apart because of senior officer dickery. So I slathered myself in machismo and wandered over here.
  17. Huegpaynis

    Star Citizen Live Stream

    Someone please do a writeup on here, I'll be working for most of it and unable to devote my attention.
  18. Huegpaynis

    This is why Killboards matter

    I am going to cut you.
  19. Huegpaynis

    This is why Killboards matter

    A pox upon your house. I'm the last one!
  20. Huegpaynis

    ED: Everything An Explorer Could Want

    They're both great games, and the more features E:D gets down the line, the better. As it stands, I *might* pick it up, but if I never get to get out of my seat I'll be dissapointed. At that point, it's basically just an awesome and fancy version of Evochron: Mercenary. SC's first person...
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