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  1. Ltmifune

    The TEST Squadron MERCH is in my SIZE!!!!

    Hell Yeah!!! Someone finally thought of fatties. Even though I have been cutting the LBS this year I am still excited to see clothes for a larger set of person. I am trying out 2 shirt and coffee mug. I hope the mug fits...Wink!
  2. Ltmifune

    Shit new applicants are saying

    I support this person as new TESTIE as long as they have a Fer-de-Lance in game.
  3. Ltmifune

    [WTS] Account / Battle Pack Combo / Store Credits

    Is there a dislike button on this forum or thumbs down?
  4. Ltmifune

    What do you name your ship(s)?

    If I ever get an 890 with something more than 6mon insurance I may name it "Ropes" or "The Ladder" or "Just Lester"
  5. Ltmifune

    What do you name your ship(s)?

    I rather enjoy the names I gave some of my ships. I still need to name my Carrack, I am teetering on naming it Darrack...
  6. Ltmifune

    Anyone else hit with 40014 Error?

    My friends ask me "Why do you play that broken game?" somedays I don't know. I do feel fortunate that as I play SC, I am gradually getting introduced to all the errors and problems that make SC what it is. I have looked up what the 40014 error is and I just don't get it, I can log in as my alt...
  7. Ltmifune

    HI Test!

    Welcome to Test
  8. Ltmifune

    How I would make The ARGO COMPLETE PACK 2952 LTI?

    Thank you All for you suggestions. I will look over my option.
  9. Ltmifune

    How I would make The ARGO COMPLETE PACK 2952 LTI?

    If anyone knows or has any suggestions, I am all ears.
  10. Ltmifune

    3.18 Bugs and continuing performance issues

    Any suggestions?
  11. Ltmifune

    3.18 Bugs and continuing performance issues

    19004 IN THE HOUSE!!! I've tried all the "Guaranteed" methods to fix this problem and still can't play. I am not surprised.
  12. Ltmifune

    planetside delivery pack warbond

    I wanted to buy planet side delivery packs with lti
  13. Ltmifune

    Shit new applicants are saying

    According to his app he has weaponiced it.....:o7:
  14. Ltmifune

    Hull C on sale in the Lunar New Year sale

    They did the same thing with the Corsair
  15. Ltmifune

    3.18 PU Thought Experiment

    You'll have to have stashes on every server at the same place.
  16. Ltmifune

    3.18 PU Thought Experiment

    I think beyond salvaging, there should some form of composition for cleaning around cities, space ports, and the world in general. Lt's Sanitation Services - "We'll take care of your Clorpses in a dignified manner." "A clean community, is a Clorpse free community." "Crackdown on the Gown!!!"
  17. Ltmifune

    3.18 PU Thought Experiment

    I volunteer 2 Cats, Reclaimer, Carrack, and a C2 to trashing places. Also I like leave fruit everywhere in the cities.
  18. Ltmifune

    3.18 PU Thought Experiment

    I HATE THIS IDEA! ! ! Where do I sign up. I am against the trashing of rivers. I am 1 million percent in support for trashing stations. One of my fav things to do is gather loads of corpses and release them in station air space and dropping them over populated areas.
  19. Ltmifune

    Heroes, Heroines and villains of TEST.

    Got it!!! Thanks
  20. Ltmifune

    For the Salvage peeps

    HOLY Bananas!!! This is brilliant! Stay away from the elevator I got trapped in one. View:
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