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  1. Reptar Khan

    Palmer Luckey Explains Why the Oculus Rift Will Cost “More than $350”

    Doesn't matter had VR I've spent to much on computer components, ships, & HOTAS to stop now...
  2. Reptar Khan

    Bomber Squadron?

    Nope it's good, just had to click 'Add to My Drive' :D
  3. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Didn't think about that, yeah that's going to be a thing.
  4. Reptar Khan

    Bomber Squadron?

    Still locked or I'm doing it wrong... Edit: Got it
  5. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    PALS can help you out there ;)
  6. Reptar Khan

    Bomber Squadron?

    +1 Tali 'My Lil Friend' Here are some thoughts :) As Bomber Squadron, we need to stay on target, & focus on our primary objective: That big boom at the end! I suggest that we let the other squadrons do what they do best (Logistics, EWAR, ect.). We keep our scope to: Sending in the Bombers to...
  7. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    There might need to be a new thread created for this but seeing as this is the place for the 'not-technically-legal' gameplay folks. TEST PALS I present to you our new drug dealer king pin friend: @Devil Doge
  8. Reptar Khan

    Org funded Endeavor?

    Well when you pick up that drug lab pod remember: TEST PALS can move product lol!!!
  9. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Yeah I'd prefer to help crew one.
  10. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Ahoy PALS! Can any TEST pirate confirm they are getting one of these awesome Endevors? I'm tempted to melt all my pew-pew and start the 'Friendly PLAS Den of Scum & Villany(TM)'
  11. Reptar Khan

    Did anyone read this?

    Temper your expectations. Yes it's coming but Soon(TM).
  12. Reptar Khan

    Org funded Endeavor?

    They have said difficult (must change tags/vin/codes/ect) to insure a stolen ship. Also if the Endevor is stocked with Auroras we can spawn with... TEST will become unstoppable Re-Spawing-Kazee-Ship AKA 'Best Endevor' I'm in +$20
  13. Reptar Khan

    Firestrike $1500USD PC (technically)

    +1 for that value/price/power ratio on the i7 5820k (doing similar)
  14. Reptar Khan

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    RSI Lawyer Responds with smack down! BOOM! Game, Set, Match. /Dinkle Shart
  15. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    We can hug them in our Titan Armor ^_^
  16. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    This guy gets it. Will give out hugs & tribbles as well. 1st one is free...
  17. Reptar Khan

    Oculus VR Black Friday! Wooh now my VR option won't cost almost as much as my graphics card! $99 puts VR in most everyone's price range. Do Want This (& it better be good...)
  18. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    After we rob someone's ship we leave them a sample of Space Meth as a parting gift for them and customs to sort out... HAHAHA!
  19. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Please tell me that at least one PALS out there will get an Endevor Awesome Edition. It will be the crown jewel of our wretched hive of scum and villainy! TEST Meth = BEST Meth!
  20. Reptar Khan

    [Discussion] Divisions of TEST - Brainstorm

    [RAID TRAIN LAUNCH] Chooooo!
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