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  1. Reptar Khan

    Finally got 3D mouse working for Elite, PC Part Picker ... Waiting for all parts for new PC...

    Finally got 3D mouse working for Elite, PC Part Picker ... Waiting for all parts for new PC, wait is real.
  2. Reptar Khan

    Russian Roulette Roster

    I'm applying for Redshirt #6 & Super H 'Rear Guard' someone has to stop all those large black Tali torpedoes from going up the ships backside. I believe these are the appropriate KoalaFications
  3. Reptar Khan

    [Brainstorm] TEST Public Outreach Programs

    +1 outreach ideas TEST 'Mercy' Squad TEST Newbie Train Days
  4. Reptar Khan

    [PSA] To all Spais

    Noo not back to the fancy drink Gulag... :D
  5. Reptar Khan

    RP Within the 'Verse - Noob friendly guide

    There are no emojis for this ...
  6. Reptar Khan

    [PSA] To all Spais

    Could I RP a Spai for a drink?
  7. Reptar Khan

    Trading on the Reddit grey market

    what ships you have? Sell them to someone TEST & they might hold onto your ships until you can buy them back PU.
  8. Reptar Khan

    [CITIZENCON ROLE CALL!!!] Weekend Accomodation for CitizenCon, Manchester in October

    If there are any CGI special giveaways at the Con Please share info and TEST will prosper! I'll PayPal you $s if it's awesome!
  9. Reptar Khan

    D's Dragonfly Dreams

    This is what the Drake Dragon Fly should do. 3D maneuver boarding gear/armor / Space Crotch Rocket. Also TEST Biker Gang Assemble!
  10. Reptar Khan

    Trading on the Reddit grey market

    Yes have bought stuff from Star Hanger. Legit as it gets. Also stay away from the black market, no true Scottsman shops there!
  11. Reptar Khan

    I'm drinking a...

    Edit: Last Night of course! Mimosas for breakfast drinking if needed
  12. Reptar Khan

    COMEDY GOLD!!! Read this thread on RSI!

    I gove the 'In Before Locked' *Indiana Jones Barrel Roll post MVP.
  13. Reptar Khan

    COMEDY GOLD!!! Read this thread on RSI!

    Xi'An in a suit is the new TEST Logo! TEST Banu is Best Banu Hahahaha gravy
  14. Reptar Khan

    Want to be the vest TEST! Got a 3D Mouse, Voice Attack, finger mounted mouse, throwing $ into...

    Want to be the vest TEST! Got a 3D Mouse, Voice Attack, finger mounted mouse, throwing $ into new PC fund... & Rums
  15. Reptar Khan

    We'll all remember this.

    I want to buy the ingredients to make this chip hat... Best link I'm spamming to friends and family: edible hat party!
  16. Reptar Khan

    Ship Talk Blog - Updates and Future Discussions

    Your Ship Talks are important for TESTies who don't put in the science and research time. Your talks are like fine distillations of all things SC. Maybe you could expand past just ships to various other areas of the game (when you run out of ships of course)
  17. Reptar Khan

    [Katamari] Leak thread, images of Panther, F8 Lightning and more - spoilers

    & I would ask to park my Super Hornet in it to fly into glorious battle!
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