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  1. BarthSarafin

    Crytek vs CIG update by Lior Leser

    Thanks, oh great leader!
  2. BarthSarafin

    New 890 Jump images! IT HAS A POOL!

    Oh man! So damn true! And yeah Lando did do that ;) I thought so too!
  3. BarthSarafin

    New 890 Jump images! IT HAS A POOL!

    Poooool. With a grotto! I mean.... coooome ooooon! :heart_eyes:
  4. BarthSarafin


    Thanks. Haha. For both :joy:
  5. BarthSarafin

    New here

    Welcome to TEST! What is you stance on Sea Cucumbers?
  6. BarthSarafin

    Damage research required (for next event/operation)

    Getting on that research now!
  7. BarthSarafin

    TEST Book Club - August selection

    I am surprised how different the book and film are. I know it's how it usually is, but I genuinely think book and movies are both good, maybe not equally, but in their own standing.
  8. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    Hahaha! So true. I am glad, sir! And I mean it :sunglasses:
  9. BarthSarafin

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    It is gonna be very enduring and hopefully involving a lot of beer!
  10. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    Sorry mate! It turned out it was not a testie after all. :( As soon as I hear about some more I will inform you!
  11. BarthSarafin

    TEST t-shirts are here!

    Good question! need one of those caps!
  12. BarthSarafin

    Hi TEST!

    Welcome. Fellow unlucky dummy!
  13. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    I was able to aquire them all for a reasonable price! Thanks again all. It was actually a fellow TESTy i believe, but I will check ip on that!
  14. BarthSarafin

    Hey .. quality of components mean something )

    Yeah. Sometimes looks can be deceiving. Haha.
  15. BarthSarafin

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    A pleasure. Again. Haha.
  16. BarthSarafin

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    Well true. That's why I am getting one now anyways. I mean. What the hell. Complete that fleet or die trying! And beer. Of course.
  17. BarthSarafin

    TEST Squadron Fashion Show Event August 25th 2:00 PM EST

    If i am around, I will try to make it. Need to go shopping I guess
  18. BarthSarafin

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    As always, great trade!
  19. BarthSarafin

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    You see people what you have done now? Do you, hm? - I have to get a damned polaris now...
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