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  1. BarthSarafin

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    I have a hammerhead right now as well. And the polaris is not on sale right now so. I have asked myself that same question and went with the hammerhead. I just can't imagine decking out a polaris with a full crew is going to be easy for me. I guess I might have to be Crew on somebody elses ship XD
  2. BarthSarafin

    The "I got my Citizencon 2018 ticket" thread!

    I won't be able to come to America unfortunately :(
  3. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    Mmh. Shoot. Alright thanks!
  4. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    I know! Still gonna try :D
  5. BarthSarafin

    [WTB] Retaliator Modules LTI

    Hi I am looking for the Retaliator Modules with LTI. Cargo Front Cargo Rear Living Front Living Rear Dropship Front Just hit me with a PM should you have them. Cheers and thank you! Ryon
  6. BarthSarafin

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Aight. Thanks. Like a damn charm!
  7. BarthSarafin


    Well. Thank you all! I am enjoying myself very much! As i said. An awesome thing, this cult ;P
  8. BarthSarafin


    Cheers everyone! I am Steve, Ryondus in Star Citizen. Where you from stranger? I hail from the beautiful country of Switzerland and love to play video games, when I am not drinking or playing D&D with my friends ;) What drew you to Star Citizen? I am an early bird backer from waaaaay back on...
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