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  1. zeddie

    The Division Open Beta!!!

    zedex26 on uPlay. I'll try to play some this weekend, but my Fiancee just got a bad news from back home so if she's not in a good mood, I won't be playing
  2. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    Yacht comes with a helicopter, but it's only on the Yacht (or the shoreline closest to the Yacht when you call Captain). You can't call it from Pegasus, so if you're stuck in the middle of the map, you're still stuck in the middle of the map.
  3. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    3 types of yachts, 6mil, 7mil, 8mil. You add your customization to that. 6mil is very basic, 1 helipad, no bathtub, 8mil has everything, 2 helipads, bathtub, boats and helicopter. (apparently...
  4. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    prices are a lot more reasonable than the last few patches: yacht costs 25k per move, and 1000ish per game day of maintenance, and you can have 5 properties + yacht (6 total) now, with 50...
  5. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    My Social Club bugs out a lot so I can't even log in nowadays. I had to reinstall my game completely, but haven't tried to see if it starts up. I have 8.2m on me right now but I don't think it's even close to enough to buying anything but the cars and weapons (as if I didn't have enough to...
  6. zeddie

    Aegis Sabre Fighter - Who is getting it?

    Since it's proposed as a "stealthier fighter" that's equal to a Hornet, I've upgraded my F7C-S (Stealth Hornet) into the Sabre. I also much prefer Aegis ships to Anvil, so all the better for me. I'm really looking forward to flying it!
  7. zeddie

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    I played 1 round of Survival by myself yesterday. It was pretty fun. I won't be able to make it during the day Saturday though. Will you guys be playing till evening?
  8. zeddie

    Destiny TEST Division

    I still play pretty "regularly" Zee-X is my PSN, but good luck finding me (near the bottom of the list of 350+ if you search it) Although the past week, I've been on SWTOR trying to finish my Bounty Hunter story. PS: Seriously though, I feel like I'm the only one still playing games everyone...
  9. zeddie

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    sigh... am I the only one who don't dislike EA? nor Origin? I'm rather looking forward to their games (Need For Speed, Battefront, Mass Effect, etc) either way, if I'm available, Saturday, I'm in!
  10. zeddie

    'Elite: Dangerous' Lets You Land On Planets With Upcoming 'Horizons' Expansion

    This is just like what Bungie is doing with Destiny... The Taken King expansion, at pretty much 10$ off, for year 1 players, whereas new players can pay 60$ for the full game, +The Dark Below +The House of Wolves as well as The Taken King... as well as "unique shaders and emblems" It's like a...
  11. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    I still play! I feel so lonely saying that, and Rogesh plays on a different (European) time zone so it's also rare we get together... Sometimes Pazzolupo or Hydro pops in but lately, haven't seen them neither. Been playing Elite mostly, or if I'm on GTA, I play with /r/REBL crew, which does...
  12. zeddie

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    gotta make that money first though... and I STILL don't have a Serf rank >.> I already done 2 "Naval Progression" missions, yet I'm still Outsider WTF is this shit!
  13. zeddie

    Rocket League

    (not as "cool" of a title as SUPERSONIC ACROBATIC ROCKET POWERED BATTLE CARS!!!!!!!! *explosions* as it's its spiritual successor) Apparently it's "crossplay" between PS4 and PC, and it's free for PS+ members this month, on release! There's no way of forming a party with PS4 and PC yet though...
  14. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    Not sure about my weekend schedule, but sure if others join in... It's awfully quiet in GTAV lobbies lately... for TEST at least... I joined Reddit Rebels and had some pretty fun 20+ people sessions.
  15. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    and it's out! and surprise! (not really) the cars are expensive...
  16. zeddie

    Many Subreddits being set to private (in protest to firing of valued Reddit staff member)

    I don't understand why /r/StarCitizen is going private... it's only hurting itself. As /r/DestinyTheGame mods puts it:
  17. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    Ill Gotten Gains, Part 2!! MORE content update so soon after the last one...
  18. zeddie

    Just bought a warthog, an a mechanical keyboard,

    I just woke up, and my mind wasn't in the right places, and the first thing I thought was that you bought one of these: and thought.. WHAO!!! that's SOOOO AWESOME!!! then realized you meant this: and still thought ASWESOME!
  19. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    I won't be home for another 3 hours at least there are other small updates/fixes too. They nerfed the Assault Shotgun distance, fixed the black suit pants colour, added km in the distance (instead of miles) as options, Hydras from Pegasus calls now spawn on helipads (YES!) the Oracle magically...
  20. zeddie

    Test in GTA5?

    so eh... and the "Swift Deluxe" is apparently 5mil, and the "Luxor Deluxe" is 10mil (the gold paint variants)... Time to do some Criminal Mastermind challenge... anyone? (still won't be enough to buy everything) Apparently, you have champagne and "internet access" at the passenger seat of...
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