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  1. GrammarGestapo

    Random image thread

  2. GrammarGestapo

    Intro to the Official RP!

    here. Just write X, then make a character in the introductions section.
  3. GrammarGestapo

    Hey do you know?

    fairly certain in 0.9. They were talking about 4 player Vanduul swarm co-op. I'm not sure, but it has to be either that or 1.0.
  4. GrammarGestapo

    Our own switch?

    It probably activates the self destruct sequence, what with our luck.
  5. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous

    find more valuable trading resources, and trade. I was making about 4200 round trip from buying fish at I-Bootis, selling them at Aulin, and then buying Terrain enhancers and selling them at I-Bootis. If you can't afford the terrain enhancers to fill up your cargo hold, do a few runs with...
  6. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous

    choppa, to preserve enjoyment of the final game, I suggest you go straight to the Cobra Mk III from the hauler. The anaconda takes too much work, considering that everything will be reset in a few weeks.
  7. GrammarGestapo

    [WTB] Hornet F7C-M (Super Hornet)

    As soon as they integrate it into AC, it will be for sale again. Don't purchase anything off the grey market. It has been stated that every ship, as it is put into arena commander, will be made available for sale again. Excluding special editions, like the pheonix, of course. But there was...
  8. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    Sunny D, the Kölsch of 5 year olds everywhere.
  9. GrammarGestapo

    Civilzation: Beyond Earth Pre Order (25% Discount till Aug 29th!!)

    meh, I'll get it for 80% off during some summer sale.
  10. GrammarGestapo

    Guten Tag!

    choppa, you type excellent english in my experience. Well, far better english than my german... Hello! Welcome to the organization! Don't be scared to join us on the RSI TEST chat, we'd love to hear from you. Also, I'm fairly certain theres a subset of specifically german testes, the...
  11. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    no, I meant the random idiotic quotes from rene descartes
  12. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    is this gonna be a thing? I want this to be a thing.
  13. GrammarGestapo

    I really, really regret not buying a racer now...

    you should go by his house if you ever happen to be down here a bit. He's got more than a bus in his yard. He's got jet-propelled outhouses, a VW bug, and tons of other stuff just sitting out in his yard. It's kinda cool to see new stuff pop up every once in a while.
  14. GrammarGestapo

    I really, really regret not buying a racer now...

    Possibly, I recognize the bus, but I couldn't find an image of his house. But, then again, how many people have jet powered busses?
  15. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    you have a point, this isn't like an MMO, where theres a reacheable level cap. Everyone will always have something to grind for, and that will probably call for different bodies in different places. Maybe this 900 thing will actually feel like a close knit group of 50 of us who stick together...
  16. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous

    I just bought a hauler, went on the fast track to a cobra, now I'm working on pimping it out. I suggest you get hauler, the eagle is not a good choice.
  17. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    ha, I'll do it better! *Installs angry housewife with hatchet* you also shouldn't ignore th fact that there are over 900 of us. almost all the time, there will be at least a 100 people online.
  18. GrammarGestapo

    Freelancer v. Constellation: your thoughts?

    does the taurus come with a merlin?
  19. GrammarGestapo

    Diablo III

    I did a single full playthrough, experimented with basically all the different classes, then called it quits. Fun game, but I never saw much reason to engage in multiplayer. I was honestly just using it to fill in a hole I've had in my gaming library ever since I moved off of playstation 2 and...
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