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  1. Raggy

    So I watched firefly...

    Yo-Saff-Bridge... the hottest thing that ever walked on two legs
  2. Raggy

    Anybody buying a ship soon? [edit: goal achieved, thank you!]

    Montoya - Are you still looking for more ship purchases? I'm in the market for a cutlass if it helps your concierge thang.
  3. Raggy

    Evolve: have your day wrecked by a monster with three of your buddies

    I'm really quite excited about Evolve. 4 player Co op versus a player monster in a Hunter prey relationship that can turn on its head in an instant. The classes look really interesting and I like that teamwork is essential. Anyone else looking to get this early next year...
  4. Raggy

    Is this the Star Citizen Obsessed support group? I was told there was free food.

    Welcome :D I too am in love with my 315p!
  5. Raggy

    Freelancer Commercial and Variants

    Aw, sexy commercial. I'm looking forward to working up to that from my trusty 315p
  6. Raggy

    I like cheese.... a lot.

    I like where you're going, I did try and a find an image matching beers to cheese... I shall have to just make do with good ale and whatever is in the fridge :D
  7. Raggy

    I like cheese.... a lot.

    Hey all, Just dropped an application in on the CIG website. I'm a casual gamer, I've played a lot of FPS, X3, and a fair bit of EvE (don't let that put you off, I'm actually very bad at it). I was a masive fan of WC when it was originally out (so yeah, I'm chronologically experienced). I'm...
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