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  1. Ichiru

    Who is going to BritizenCon? (July 23rd, Manchester, UK)

    I have a ticket so should be attending. Not sure if any of our illustrious streamers will be there (@Myre i'm looking at you here) . But if allowed i'll see I can Periscope parts of it (signal / data allowance allowing).
  2. Ichiru

    Its my birthday! So Im giving away some TEST patches! AND a shot glass!

    Happy Birthday Montoya , you dont look a day over 21 ....
  3. Ichiru

    Dethos is currently doing a 12 hr charity stream for Extra Life

    Lets show him some Test Squadron support and love guys:
  4. Ichiru

    Citizen Con 2016

    I will be there for both Twitchcon and CitizenCon
  5. Ichiru

    New to TEST not new to SC

  6. Ichiru

    TEST Squadron Global Ban List

    As Nightrider has said, it is for the streamers to decide how they wish their channels and the channel mods to use the list, but if nothing else it would provide a useful watch list so that the mods can be alert for any issues should these people appear.
  7. Ichiru

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    Received a Special Delivery from Test Logistics this morning :D. Many thanks again to @honcho12 @EpilepticCricket and @Myre .
  8. Ichiru

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    Wow. Thank you so much guys :D. Thank you @honcho12 for this giveaway man!
  9. Ichiru

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    I'm not drunk, i'm just intoxicated by you.
  10. Ichiru

    Anniversary Sale - Shameful Purchases Thread(Altar of Roberts)

    Current tally: 1 P72 1 Discounted Aurora Package 1 Reliant to Carrack CCU Planned: Crucible Banu MM CCU upgrade (to upgrade from Reliant to make BMM into LTI)
  11. Ichiru

    anvil crucible available for the anniversary sale

    Have been waiting for this concept sale for a while. Will be cracking open the wallet for this one.
  12. Ichiru

    Concierge Black Card Club

    No particular benefits have been mentioned. In terms of how longer the sale is for, just got the following in an email from CIG: Due to an overwhelming demand for Concierge Black Cards, we must close pre-orders early in order to allow our manufacturer enough bandwidth to produce the needed...
  13. Ichiru

    WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!! Window stickers and Ship Raffle: Round 2!!!

    You spilled my very nice beer
  14. Ichiru

    TEST hate

    This is about the thread on facebook isnt it? It feels that many people are afraid/jealous of the fact that Test has grown so big ... also some are still focusing on their false beliefs that SC Test is the same test as in EVE. Haters will hate and i guess only our actions will change peoples minds.
  15. Ichiru

    The Citizen-con Picture Thread!

    A couple more pictures of TEST that have found from a post on the SCUK facebook group by Ion Traz (I think he was that guy taking pictures with a tablet).
  16. Ichiru

    [CITIZENCON ROLE CALL!!!] Weekend Accomodation for CitizenCon, Manchester in October

    I also had a great time meeting you all you wonderful people! Cant wait till the next time be it Gamescom, Citizencon or a just a random meet up.
  17. Ichiru

    The Citizen-con Picture Thread!

    Will add some to my post later, after had some sleep, my brain's starting to shut down now.
  18. Ichiru

    The Citizen-con Picture Thread!

    Here are the pics that I took. Munken, when you get a chance if you could ping me over the pic you took of me and Sandi that'd be great, or just upload it here :). Edit: Adding Testies and notable people in the pictures below - Picture 1: Crimsoncyclist , Admiral Nolan, Trick Shot Bob...
  19. Ichiru

    Hey man. We will aim to be at the rompers at 3pm.

    Hey man. We will aim to be at the rompers at 3pm.
  20. Ichiru

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    This would be of interest to be but am attending a very important function in Manchester that day - ie citizencon. I find it most inconvenient that EA so rudely put the beta the same weekend as Citizencon. Anyway am looking forward to trying it out at some point during the beta period hoping...
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