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  1. Ichiru

    [CITIZENCON ROLE CALL!!!] Weekend Accomodation for CitizenCon, Manchester in October

    Would probably be best for people to agree a meeting time and place for both the friday and saturday and post it here on the forums. I should (hopefully) have access to internet/discord once am in Manchester but there may be some whom wont.
  2. Ichiru

    New Ship to be sold at Citizen Con - Never seen before

    If its the Cruicible i hope my credit card can take the pain of the citcon event and concept sale, its going to be an expensive month ... oh crap my car's MOT (yearly test of road worthyness) is due this month too. Could be eating Ramen/Noodles for the rest of the month.
  3. Ichiru

    Chris Roberts Responds to Derek Smart

    Ortwin's response was just beautiful. You could feel the burn in that letter from the other side of the Atlantic. The battle lines have been drawn.
  4. Ichiru

    October Merlin P-52 giveaway! (TEST main members only!)

    Your avatar is a Wizard. Wizard's are cool.
  5. Ichiru

    Endeavoring to Spend - Endeavor is up!

    Ben has confirmed that the bay is approx 2 cutlasses wide - Also the landing bay text says: Note that while the landing bay was designed to support ambulance operations, it also functions alongside standard...
  6. Ichiru

    New guy here - go gentle, I've never flown one of these before.

    Oh wow, another great streamer has joined TEST. Welcome!
  7. Ichiru

    Email from TEST caught in spam filter

    Hmm .... mine was in the name of shujal , never heard of you ... i reckon Seung did this to troll us into posting on the forum.
  8. Ichiru

    CitizenCon 2015 Coordination Thread

    Where to meet will depend if people wanted to meet close to the venue or in Manchester City Centre. According to google there arent that many pubs outside of the airport itself and close to the venue, though there may be some bars in the hotels. The closest pub to the venue is as below: -----...
  9. Ichiru

    Pirates/Piracy impact on Organization

    Interesting ..... promotes the question on whether its weighted, like can just a few pirates/criminals ruin a large org's rep or whether if a large percentage of org members werent criminals it would have a lesser/minimal impact.
  10. Ichiru

    PSU noise

    Yes, it stops when i exit a game. Had a quick experiment and looks like when the power utilisation on the graphics card hits around 50% (difficult to see exact figure) it starts to get loud, GPU utilisation looks somewhere around 60% at the time.
  11. Ichiru

    Computer upgrade advice

    If running in 4k resolution then the issue with frame rate will definately be due to running on only one card. Even with a 980Ti I plan to SLI before even thinking of going 4k. Take a look at Horizonz's benchmarks...
  12. Ichiru

    PSU noise

    instantly when the game gets into hanger.
  13. Ichiru

    Citizen Con Manchester TEST Meetup

    Hey TheCrimsonCyclist, I will indeed be attending. Am more than happy to meet you guys for drinks either on the day before the event or if anyone wants to go for drinks the day after, then am more than happy to hang around. As for decent places to go, i'm prob the last person to ask, but am...
  14. Ichiru

    Social Module Review by CGPepper

    I give this video 5 out 5 putins, its has to be one of best one's yet.
  15. Ichiru

    Hello TEST

    Welcome to test fellow Brit.
  16. Ichiru

    PSU noise

    The noise definitely appears to be coming from the area of the psu, my case fan is on the top and has rubber screw holes to prevent vibration, the psu is at the bottom of the case and the noise was happening when gpu fans hadn't spun up. If it is the psu fan bearing then probably should rma it...
  17. Ichiru

    PSU noise

    Hi Fellow Testies, Need some advice as the Internet is not being conclusive. Since I got my new 980ti my psu (corsair cx 750) when playing games has been making what can only describe as a kinda noise you'd get when something was caught in the fans. Have tried compressed air but it hasn't...
  18. Ichiru

    How many TESTies got into the Social Mod. PTU?

    Got my invite whilst i was working last night... been playing it on my new 980ti and it looks so pretty and awesome :). Start of the good things to come I hope.
  19. Ichiru


    Thanks man :) . What is the best stable driver for it atm? I know nvidia have a habit of releasing unstable drivers.
  20. Ichiru


    Guess what i just received this morning ..... Yeah baby! It'll be tomorrow before I get to install it as am working nights and dont trust myself to install it on this little sleep, cant wait to see how it runs.
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