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  1. Floating Cloud

    Deus Ex: Mankind Devided

    Based on the recommendations above I have just bought it on steam. Currently on sale for 3 GBP and a few pennies (Director's Cut, with all extra DLC included), and sounds like a complete bargain if it is as good as you both indicate :slight_smile:
  2. Floating Cloud

    [Contest] Design a $500 PC for chance to win 3DMark!

    I normally only nail them to the wall once they start to crash too often, as a warning to the others.
  3. Floating Cloud

    Some new Ryzen stats and its looking good!

    Estimated prices for the Ryzen processors. These are probably reasonably accurate.
  4. Floating Cloud

    [Contest] Design a $500 PC for chance to win 3DMark!

    Hey Liszt, Sorry I think you may need to provide some context for that.
  5. Floating Cloud

    [Contest] Design a $500 PC for chance to win 3DMark!

    A tough one to fit in-budget and some hard choices had to be made, but here is my take on the build. Total price $499.13 Build Name: Ooh that hurt. Price: $499.13 CPU: Intel i3-7100 3.9Ghz (2 core, 4 threads) Motherboard: ASRock Micro ATX Z170M PRO4S GPU: Radeon RX460 Passive Cooling RAM...
  6. Floating Cloud

    [Contest] Design a $500 PC for chance to win 3DMark!

    For the fun of it I can see that limiting this to Amazon offered components levels the playing field, but if you would like to get bang-per-buck then opening it up to include major vendors like Newegg would make sense. Also AMD's Ryzen chips are expected to hit the market (along with third party...
  7. Floating Cloud

    Any one have any Scifi audiobook suggestions?

    The book and the film are quite different. I would say that the book is significantly better, but there is undoubtedly an element of personal preference there which may not be true for you. The book covers the relationship between Ender and his siblings in a lot more detail, and that is very...
  8. Floating Cloud

    Any one have any Scifi audiobook suggestions?

    Have a look at this thread regarding old radio plays that are available on the web. These may fit the bill, certainly they are are freely accessible: Now if you can consider 'low cost': Amazon...
  9. Floating Cloud

    Updated HCS voicepacks were released today

    I received notification that ASTRA had been updated, and that does seem to be by far the most frequently refresh voice pack. Have you had notification of others? I use Midnight and Orion (Tom Baker and William Shatner) mostly, but no word on those (yet :))
  10. Floating Cloud

    Fun RSI drama!

    Very topical :)
  11. Floating Cloud

    Fun RSI drama!

    Montoya, I thought that was an excellent bit of PR/promotion in the 'who are test Squadron' response. :thumbsup: It's shame that the thread closed before I finished reading to the end. I was just going to post the 'Test Squadron Exclusive' Prospector variant with Org. skin and essential...
  12. Floating Cloud

    Seeking Online life partner

    Well... MMOs: Everquest Everquest Everquest Everquest Everquest Everquest ...and Everquest In truth I have played probably about 40 - 50% of the accumulated MMOs mentioned in this thread, but I always go back to the one that has nurtured me for the last 16 years. The reason that I am on the...
  13. Floating Cloud

    [DONE] anyone got a CCU to a Prospector for sale?

    Bah, I need to find a better PartyParrot gif. Have some Happy Flowers instead:
  14. Floating Cloud

    [DONE] anyone got a CCU to a Prospector for sale?

    Good news, the Ghost is a standard 'buy-any-time' ship. The only limited variants are the F7C-M and the new Wildfire.
  15. Floating Cloud

    [DONE] anyone got a CCU to a Prospector for sale?

    I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with CCU:
  16. Floating Cloud

    Am I setting myself up for failure on multi-crew? Not a bash post!

    I believe that the closest ship so far would be the Banu Merchantman. It has been described as 'Not just a ship, but a home and a way of life'.
  17. Floating Cloud

    Elite Dangerous: Thargoids first contact!

    Same here. In fact some time back I logged in to show a friend the game, couldn't remember how to fly the ship and ended up getting it destroyed outside a station. Not been back since, but I suspect that the shards of my dignity are floating there still.
  18. Floating Cloud

    Elite Dangerous: Thargoids first contact!

    Exactly my thought. GG ED developers, GG.
  19. Floating Cloud

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    Booya! Congratulations, what a fantastic way to beat the mission.
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