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  1. Floating Cloud

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    Completed on third attempt. More by the grace of a good wingman than any personal skill. The subscriber Sabre loan did me proud though, the ship was far sturdier than I had feared. The plasma shotguns that I fitted it with though did NOT server me well. I know some people have great success with...
  2. Floating Cloud

    Decoupled, Full AB, in a Caterpillar, Through Port Olisar!!

    Lol, fantastic. Not sure which was funnier, the ship sliding sideways through the rings, or your reaction when you cleared the last part :) :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  3. Floating Cloud

    M50 vs 350r

    With the ship speed changes that are being implemented with 2.6 you should probably ignore anything that has been said before. I have a 350R and love it, but when it comes to racing I rely upon 'The Word of Shive', and according to that gospel it is the m50 that comes out ahead. ...see his...
  4. Floating Cloud

    Free Fly available Dec 2016 to Celebrate imminent 2.6 release

    48 hours access for any of your not-yet-in-SC friends. Vrooom.
  5. Floating Cloud

    Can Cortana be used for voice commands in WIN10?

    To answer the original poster's one year old question (and I guess yours),: Yes, VoiceAttack works great in Windows 10. I use it for Star Citizen and have had no problems. No, you cannot use Cortana's voice for VoiceAttack or general windows/Text-to-speech natively. I did however come across a...
  6. Floating Cloud

    Email received: Invite to Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 on PTU (not)

    I almost said 'Population 2, You and CosmicTrader', but thought that to impugn your good name with insinuations of drunken frolics through the PTU might be uncalled for ;)
  7. Floating Cloud

    Email received: Invite to Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 on PTU (not)

    This was in my inbox this morning: --- We are please to advise that you are banned from the 2.6 PTU, which will shortly be available for selected testers. To be be absolutely clear, you are in fact banned from all further PTU testing after your persistent drunken debauchery in PTU 2.1 though...
  8. Floating Cloud

    Ships available for sale!

    It's that period between the Anniversary Sale and Christmas where wallets go dark.
  9. Floating Cloud

    FINALLY playing SC at long last

    Welcome to the party. With Alpha 2.6 likely to be with us in just over a week, and 3.Ohmygod (Planetary landing) on the horizon it is an exciting time time to actually get into the game. Good to have you with us :)
  10. Floating Cloud

    Archilele's Tube Guide to the 'Verse (Galactic Travel Chart)

    For your eyeballs' delight then:
  11. Floating Cloud

    Archilele's Tube Guide to the 'Verse (Galactic Travel Chart)

    We have a home, but the location hasn't been announced yet (for strategic reasons). I'm just hoping that it's not going to be:
  12. Floating Cloud

    TESTball Plushies?! If only I wasn't so broke!

    A) It's being held upside down. B) Those two front-mounted beer holders are much too small. If they fix those problems then I am so getting one. :)
  13. Floating Cloud

    Official Stance on Evocati Posts

    You have to understand Salt that is is just not practical to release ultra buggy versions to everyone. Most people love to find and report a bug, but if forced to spend a couple of weeks playing through a version which crashes to desktop, warps them out of their ships, or has other early release...
  14. Floating Cloud

    Notice: Professions Subforum is NOT for organizing your own private subdivision!

    I don't have a capital ship, but I can probably spring for a hamster suit. Am I in?
  15. Floating Cloud

    Caterpillar Walkaround - Modified 2.5 CLient with model from 2.6

    Fantastic level of detail. The wiring in the walls is pretty impressive - presumably it is there to be seen when destruction damage from firefights/ship-to-ship combat removes wall panels. You can really tell that FPS combat was a factor in their design - this will be so much fun (or not) to...
  16. Floating Cloud

    Let's Help Lando Out!

    I liked the above post only because there is no 'Mind Bleach' button :)
  17. Floating Cloud


    Hey Shadow, Depending on your browser you should be able to install a javascript blocking extension. Some block all java as an on/off function, and some can be more specific to block specific scripts. In Chrome I use 'Quick Javascript Switcher', but there are probably better ones out there.
  18. Floating Cloud

    Release 2.6 is currently with Evocati (29th November)

    Reposting an RSI announcement from a couple of days ago. 2.6 is now with the Evocati, which matches the last RSI published production schedule. That schedule indicates a general release date of December 8th. Edit note: also found this mentioned at the tail of another thread. Ah well, missed...
  19. Floating Cloud

    The *REAL* PU Stuff Thread

  20. Floating Cloud

    PU stuff

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