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  1. White Lando

    @Sum1 went and got married

    RIP :o7: I've been married for over a decade so I can say that. Grats, though! :like:
  2. White Lando

    Fury like no other

    I was just mentioning to a coworker that I wish they would've made the Fury stackable with other Furys like storage totes. Feels like a MISCed opportunity...
  3. White Lando

    My new fleet so far

  4. White Lando

    Noobcakes here

    Now that you're a member, I can share some free life advice: Melting a Warbond is like trusting a fart. Sometimes you REALLY regret it. Welcome! :o7:
  5. White Lando

    New guy

    Can you believe duhballz on dis guy?! Welcome! :o7:
  6. White Lando

    So uhhh… what did you buy from 2953 Invictus event so far?

    I grabbed a Fury WB and some WB CCUs to upgrade my Cutter to a Caterpillar and my Herald to a Vulture. Kind of started when I began to miss my Retaliator and decided to upgrade my Corsair to the bomber (bought the standard upgrade with credits but going to wait until they put it on Warbond to...
  7. White Lando

    Hi There!

    Welcome! :like:
  8. White Lando

    New to Test

    I dig it! Welcome and thank you for your service!
  9. White Lando

    Hey! I'm your new crash test dummy

    Welcome! :o7:
  10. White Lando

    Well $#1t

    Don't have to be clean when you got money.
  11. White Lando

    New Corsair Test-themed paint

    They did release new black/yellow paints for the Vulture and Cutter (Cutter on the front left) ETA: Hope they release one for the Caterpillar soon. It's called Pyrite. I dig it.
  12. White Lando

    The Ignoble Death of Indiana Jones

    Unfortunately, South Park did a great job predicting the future of the Indiana Jones and the Star Wars franchises :drunk:
  13. White Lando

    ELX987 Videos thread :)

    Drug running?! That's illegal! Subbed :o7:
  14. White Lando

    Enjoying Invictus

    Thanks for the laugh! :o7:
  15. White Lando

    I got an Idris in my Cart. Any tips....

    Grats, everyone! :like:
  16. White Lando

    The Fury should be a detachable turret for the 400i

    I'm 100% for this except its only function is to mow down the pretentious 400i owner when they exit :like:
  17. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
  18. White Lando

    My Intro Thread.

  19. White Lando


    Welcome! :o7:
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