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  1. Originman

    The One Ship Manufactuer you just can't stand

    MISC uses alien tech but still hasn't learned that pilots need to see where they are flying. Everyone who picked Origin is just jealous.
  2. Originman

    The Anvil Arrow

    I wonder if it will fit into some of the really tiny ones, like the 85X bay in the 890J.
  3. Originman

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    So what do people guess the secret on the 28th is going to be?
  4. Originman

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    Except that they posted a list of all the ships that will be flyable earlier and that wasn't on it, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  5. Originman

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    Idris-M From the reports with the leaks, it is only the shell, the interior is not available.
  6. Originman

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    I just want to support the game. The ships are just a bonus. I'm in rebuilding mode now. I refunded my large account a couple years back. I will always be grateful to CIG for helping my family out in our time of need, but now that I can I want to get back to supporting the project. I'm...
  7. Originman

    Questions about Marketplace

    Unrelated question about ship sales: How long do concept sales usually stay up? I like the look of that Valkyrie Drop Pack-WB but I am tempted to wait until the Anniversary sale.
  8. Originman

    Questions about Marketplace

    Thank you, all.
  9. Originman

    Questions about Marketplace

    I have questions about the marketplace on here and some general principles. I have some "fun" money and I want to support development a bit more. If I buy from one of my fellow TEST members who has buybacks available: * Do the gifted pledges count toward me reaching concierge status? * If I...
  10. Originman

    Call me Originman

    i used to, until i melted it for a mortgage payment.
  11. Originman

    Call me Originman

    Honestly, can't say no to a Cutlass. That rework looks top-notch. Though it'd be nice if the ships weren't already on fire when I call them up in the hangar. That feels like a poor design choice.
  12. Originman

    To what extent am I just terrible?

    I've been playing 3.3 PTU and really enjoying it, but I am finding a few things: I shoot things over and over and they never die in the PU. I've fired 40+ shots with my Omniski IX's at one of those little data skimmer beacons. I've switched my weapons (to Strife Mass Drivers, Tarantulas, and...
  13. Originman

    Call me Originman

    Good day, I'm just returning to Star Citizen, the great testing and this fine community. I have previously been a veteran backer, but I requested a refund some time ago for financial need. CIG was amazing and helped my family out at a time we needed it most. Now I am back and have the...
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