It's is not so bad having it non limited sale. In reality maybe only 50 to 100 ppl will get one this sale. There is only probably 10k ppl whom own one across the planet, so it will still be scarce to see in the verse. Most ppl are going to go for the smaller ships or the really big ships like...
The new text on the Endeavor landing bay. "Intended to support hospital operations, the landing bay has room to support multiple Cutlass Red ambulances and features complete decontamination facilities. "
The current size of the ship compared to the resized cutlass red. You see the discrepancy...
The Endeavor will definitely go up, I foresee it to become a civilian capital and the same price or more than the Kraken. Like Bengal Sized and more modules being added. The ship itself will probably be 725.00 and the modules will add to the total cost. The hanger size is being increased to the...
My brother and I have aquired the Perseus with the two arrows. Current fleet is as follows: Perseus, 2x arrows, M2 Hercules, Prowler, Tonk, and a roc. I am not to happy about the 92 m/s scm though. That's less combat maneuvering than the carrack.