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  1. RedBaron1010

    Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 Megathread - Its Done

    Seriously, how hard is it to build a tank. Hire some War thunder ppl and get it done.
  2. RedBaron1010

    Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 Megathread - Its Done

    waiting to get the Perseus. My god the F7A!
  3. RedBaron1010

    Leaked images of Perseus. Looks like a cap ship killer!

    Some of the newer images of Perseus, it looks the length /height of a Carrack and the width of a hammer head. I do not see this going for 600 dollars, more like 725 like the Hammerhead and the Nautilus. Possibly a 8-10 man crew ship. I doubt the Perseus will be flyable, but we could be surprised.
  4. RedBaron1010

    Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2950 Megathread - Its Done

    Having fun at the expo...Got my beanie to glich through my hat so now I look like rebel alliance on Hoth.
  5. RedBaron1010

    Melt the Nautilus for the Ares?

    would be better if they had mines that could be linked together into a quantum interdiction net or maybe a detection grid.
  6. RedBaron1010

    Melt the Nautilus for the Ares?

    everyone buying caps. I'm over here sitting on my Starlifter, MM, and a
  7. RedBaron1010

    Industry Orion - Starfarer Partnership

    Currently have Banu MM /defender, Starlifter M2, Pisces (POS), and an upgrade to upgrade starlifter to orion.
  8. RedBaron1010

    Combat Flight Training (CFT) 7th Dec 2019 20:00 UTC

    Sorry I missed it, been pretty busy with flu season here.
  9. RedBaron1010

    Trading Looking for fellow Banu

    I received an invitation to join Evilorg today. I have not played in 2 days so I don't know whom sent me the invite, but I am already in Test so I didn't reply to it.
  10. RedBaron1010

    Trading Looking for fellow Banu

    I have both, CIG mentioned that it would dock with the MM as well as some other function with it. The other function is what I am curious about, maybe the defender becomes a turret?
  11. RedBaron1010

    Trading Looking for fellow Banu

    Just looking for friends that are Banu specific players so we can have common play styles and possibly same time zones. I have a family org that I'm in with my brother and sister. That's about it.
  12. RedBaron1010

    Hey Test bros!

    Welcome to TEST!
  13. RedBaron1010

    Trading Looking for fellow Banu

    Looking for ppl with Banu Ships to add as friends
  14. RedBaron1010

    What up Citizens

    Welcome to Test
  15. RedBaron1010

    POW (Plan of the Week) 8 July - 14 July

    I will be on Friday at 5pm cst. Sat and Sun about 6pm cst.
  16. RedBaron1010

    Ship upgrading idea: Flagships

    Yeah , I understand the real players are a real threat but so is a vanduul Ai cap ship with ACE Ai rating supported by ace corvettes and various ranked vessels.
  17. RedBaron1010

    Ship upgrading idea: Flagships

    I'm sitting in the back of the room listening to everyone argue about org capital ship battles while watching news about how the vanduul fleet is gearing up to kill us all.
  18. RedBaron1010

    Sup dudes

    More likely the U.S. will invade Mexico as its gov threatens national security. Especially, after what is going on in South America.
  19. RedBaron1010

    Star Citizen - Anvil Arrow review

    I have been testing the arrow. Its fast but it seems like any opponent with gimballed shotguns incinerates me in a couple of blast, no matter how well I evade. You can try to outrun them but chances are u will be torn to bits.
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