Looking for ppl with Banu Ships to add as friends
He's not recruiting, just looking for friends to play with.Are you trying to recruit people in our forum.. ?
Yeah reason I ask is you're not listed as a TEST org member or hide your org you'r in and IMO anyone need to hide is up to no good, not saying that is the case here..
But it make it a fair question.. Forum member less than a month and you're recruiting people!?
Well yeah I got that to but, don't look like that, just protecting TEST ( or looking after is more the right word ) in all fairness it is a valid question.He's not recruiting, just looking for friends to play with.
That's awesome :DJust looking for friends that are Banu specific players so we can have common play styles and possibly same time zones. I have a family org that I'm in with my brother and sister. That's about it.
Yeah I get a lot a invitations, but never reply to them.. some org do a lot a recruiting ha ha... :PI received an invitation to join Evilorg today. I have not played in 2 days so I don't know whom sent me the invite, but I am already in Test so I didn't reply to it.