Search results

  1. MammonLord

    New TESTie Flight Tool

    If you don't want to download strange .exe files from the some weird guy on the internet, you can compile and run the script yourself. :) You'll need to install AutoHotkey, which is a widely recognized automation scripting language. Here's the important parts of the script: #IfWinActive Star...
  2. MammonLord

    New TESTie Flight Tool

    About: The TESTie Flight Tool aims to make fixed guns easier for mouse pilots while keeping flight natural. It is easier to fly and maneuver with gimbals unlocked, but easier to aim fixed weapons with gimbals locked. Either locking or unlocking gimbals before a fight means you are at a...
  3. MammonLord

    Looking to buy or trade for a Saber

    For what it's worth, the Sabre went on concept sale for $170. If you want to trade for a Buccaneer you'll probably need to add either extra funds or a second ship. Alas, I don't have a Sabre to trade or perhaps we could work something out. Good luck though :)
  4. MammonLord

    [Question] P-72 Archimedes LTI trade for store credits

    I haven't looked at the grey market in a long time, but RSI credit used to go for about 80% of face value. You buy a $10 RSI card for $8. It looks like the Archimedes goes for $50 so you could reasonably ask for that much cash or perhaps $65 in RSI credit.
  5. MammonLord

    {not Star Citizen} Rent the new Deadpool movie for free

    If you're in the US, you can use coupon code DEADPOOLUSA (or DEADPOOLCA if you're in Canada) to rent and stream Deadpool for free. I've confirmed it works and I'm watching now :) You need a free account but you don't have to put in payment information or download anything...
  6. MammonLord

    Pax East photos

    Awesome thanks for sharing! :)
  7. MammonLord

    SGT_Gamble is tearing it up out there

    He's like an infinite propaganda machine. Every night he arranges something great, and it's even catching CIG's notice. Is there anything we can do to better support his efforts and get the word out?
  8. MammonLord

    Reserve a Prospector for future purchase

    Not interested in or can't buy a Prospector now? Buy a Hornet Tracker -> MISC Prospector upgrade now to keep your future options open. Uncheck "My ships" to see the Tracker if you don't own one.
  9. MammonLord

    Anybody have an Avenger Titan to Reliant Kore CCU?

    The free upgrades cannot be traded. You'll need to find an upgrade from a cheaper ship. Sorry for the bad news.
  10. MammonLord

    Testing Please Ignore

    I believe this has become the most important thread on the TEST forum... perhaps on any forum.
  11. MammonLord

    Starfarer Blanket for Captain Richard

    RAD Thanks!
  12. MammonLord

    Looking for a Sabre LTI

    The MISC Prospector should go on sale this month and will probably cost less than a Sabre. Also the Drake Buccaneer and Dragonfly sales are coming. Unless you can pay very close to the original price I strongly urge you to wait and CCU yourself a Sabre. :)
  13. MammonLord

    Regarding the Aurora to 300i coupon...

    I didn't one yet either. If I do, I'll PM it over.
  14. MammonLord

    WTS Ship and a ship/package

    I know that feel. Good luck with your sale!
  15. MammonLord

    BEER HERO: The Drinking Card Game - On Kickstarter

    Happened to stumble across a random Kickstarter that may be of interest to my TEST pals. Ever wanted to get tipsy but in a super nerdy way? This is the game for you! Check out the BEER HERO Kickstarter. Their video explains how the game works. :)
  16. MammonLord

    February Giveaway - Rise of the Tomb Raider! [DONE!]

    I am confused about everything.
  17. MammonLord

    Best ship to fly?

    I think the M50 is probably the most fun to fly in the game. The Avenger Titan is very, very nice as well and quite a lot cheaper.
  18. MammonLord

    Looking to buy 1 LTI game package

    I can't help you directly except to say that truly LTI doesn't matter. You won't be able to accidentally lose your ship, or forget to buy insurance -- which will be "one mission" worth of in-game currency according to Ben Lesnick and others. I know there's a lot of conflicting statements about...
  19. MammonLord

    looking for wing commander movie pilgrim necklace

    You might have luck contacting Ben Lesnick directly. He probably knows good places to find Wing Commander memorabilia.
  20. MammonLord

    [SELLING] Unmelted ships and more ships aaaaand more ships

    Cap dropping some KNOWLEDGE up in here.
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