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  1. Rainshine

    WTT Redeemer for Redeemer LTI? >.>

    You still have time. Here's what you do; 1) Reclaim the package, you should get $250 2) Pledge for a Concept Sale LTI Aegis Sabre for $170 3) Go to store > Ship Upgrades 4) Purchase a Sabre to Redeemer upgrade for $80 5) Congratz! You now have an LTI Redeemer :D
  2. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  3. Rainshine

    Graphics Card Woes

    Well, I had a few hundred extra bucks, decided to grab a GTX 980 Ti to hold me over till Pascal drops. I did a host of tests on my system, I couldn't actually find anything wrong with any of my hardware. I did memory tests, on both system and GPU, hdd test and defrags, fresh installs of...
  4. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  5. Rainshine

    Graphics Card Woes

    Allright you degenerates, let's talk GFX Cards! I've been on Red Team for the better part of a decade and am thinking it's time to switch. NVidia beats AMD out in nearly every category, except price, but honestly as someone who's dumped over a grand into an internet spaceship game that hasn't...
  6. Rainshine

    Got a Reclaimer!

    Well I doubt that, I did have to submit a copy of my current military I paid full price for it, so I don't think it's really all as common as you're trying to make it out to be. Meh, I could be wrong. This post was more of a "Hey guys, got another Reclaimer for the Corps! Also, CIG...
  7. Rainshine

    Got a Reclaimer!

    Well, I was on a Military deployment at the time. I'm a Marine stationed in Okinawa, unfortunately I drew short straw and had to go on a short trip in the Pacific, which ended up landing me right during the time of the sale >.< Did they not all have LTI in the Feb sale?
  8. Rainshine

    Got a Reclaimer!

    Apparently, there was a sale for them with LTI in Feb, I was out of the country. Just wanna say, Alexis is pretty baller, she hooked me up with a one-time code to buy one. Current status; Reclaimer LTI, Redeemer LTI, Carrack LTI! Salvage, Exploration, and shooting stuff. I've been out of the...
  9. Rainshine

    [POLL] Who here is U.S. Military ?

    Active Duty Marine Corps here. Living in beautiful Okinawa, Japan ^_^
  10. Rainshine

    Hi...I guess.

    I'm so excited to see another friendly face, I salute you!
  11. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  12. Rainshine

    Random image thread

  13. Rainshine

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    My Redeemer is standing by to drop an angry, inebriated squad of pissed off honey-badger-esque TESTies strait into their unsuspecting commie faces!
  14. Rainshine

    Less than an hour till Carrack goes on sale...

    Hah, they hiked the price $5 from what Ben said in the last RtV. That's it. Deal breaker for me. Can't afford it now damnit!
  15. Rainshine

    [WTB] Reclaimer - $450 in store credit

    Back in the market, paying cold hard paypal cash. Let me know if anyone is selling their Reclaimer and I'm sure we can work out a price :) Thanks!
  16. Rainshine

    Less than an hour till Carrack goes on sale...

    $345 I assumed it would go on sale at 00:00 PST, but I was mistaken. We might need to wait til 0600 when the Javelin goes on sale >.<
  17. Rainshine

    Random image thread

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