Search results

  1. Timarien

    CIG Endorses TEST Squadron

    They mispelled it though.. Pointed that out to them!
  2. Timarien


    Welcome to test mate have a beer! Or something else alcoholic!!
  3. Timarien

    Russian Roulette Roster

    Yeah you have a good life.. And morning scotch is the best thing ever. Aiming to be at least slightly tipsy before I start streaming after barons stream..
  4. Timarien

    Russian Roulette Roster

    I would like to apply as COMM's officer, resident DJ and Escort Squardon leader. "This is the KGB destroyer Russian Roulette. Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded. All Alcoholic beverages will be confiscated for the Glory of TEST Squadron Best Squardon. Cooperate and your lives will be...
  5. Timarien

    Your Ships. The Why and The Future Purchases.

    A little update on this one. I got the Heral LTI from Captain Richbeard. And also finally bought the F7C-M Superhornet
  6. Timarien

    Vanduul Swarm Broken Moon

    I will be looking forward to it. Maybe we could do some coop vanduul swarm later?
  7. Timarien

    Carrack Count

    Sure man! So far we have a med officer, drone pilot, comm officer and XO.. But there is allways more place xD
  8. Timarien

    Well I just hit concierge... Guess no beer for me this month xD

    Indeed that is true I don't feel to bad about it xD. Also where can I leave my shipping information for the top hat and monocle?
  9. Timarien

    Well I just hit concierge... Guess no beer for me this month xD

    Well that is never gonna happen xD Let alone in a single ship!
  10. Timarien

    Well I just hit concierge... Guess no beer for me this month xD

    After struggeling for the longest time to get a superhornet I just got it and with that broke concierge... My wallet is in ruin thankfully I still have a couple of bottles of whiskey left xD
  11. Timarien

    Vanduul Swarm Broken Moon

    I made it happen just now in 21:10 with my new SuperHornet
  12. Timarien

    Considering selling my Redeemer LTI and Drake Herald LTI...

    I will take that one of your hands. I need it for Captain richard pirate radio.. Melted mine in the sale frenzy!
  13. Timarien

    Ship names

    Mustang Omega: Levitas Aurora LX: Hodor Gladius: Artemis Cutlass Blue: The Blue Devil Carrack: Oculis
  14. Timarien

    Maybe applying

    Awesome I love myself some Rage Against the machine! Also congrats on the superhornet xD Welcome to TEST
  15. Timarien


    Welcome to Test my fellow european! One of them right here, you will allways be welcome on my Carrack. Even more so than other since your are somewhat in the same timezone xD
  16. Timarien

    Release the Snakken

    Welcome to the Best Squardon... You will allways have a place on my Carrack if you want to do some exploring!
  17. Timarien

    Hi, I'm GeoToaster.

    LAZORS!!!!! Welcome mate
  18. Timarien

    I'm not really S734LTHY, I'm just called S734LTH.

    Hodor Hodor hode... I mean welcome!
  19. Timarien

    TEST Squadron, BEST Squardon!

    Welcome have a drink mate!
  20. Timarien

    Our Leader has Vanished

    Well I can allways be bribed xD
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