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  1. Timarien

    [WTT] Drake Herald LTI for Xi'An Scout... Make your very own pirate radio!

    Hi, Have you allways wished you could fly the verse in a really fast ship that can also double as a pirate-radio station? Now is your chance! I am looking to trade my Drake Herald, with LTI, for a Xi'An scout. Why, you ask? Because I am absolutely stunned by the design of the Karthu'Al. And the...
  2. Timarien

    [Contest 2] Win $20 gift card

    Nevermind found the link...
  3. Timarien

    [Contest 2] Win $20 gift card

    Awwwwhhhh :( I would have loved to win that. Anyway can we see the results anywere?
  4. Timarien

    Semi Broken Hopefully Good Enough Intro

    *Steps to front really shy.. "Could I fly with you in your majestic phoenix... I do know how to party..."
  5. Timarien

    Hellow joystick geeks!!

    I will proptly fly an Hornet into a asteroid to celebrate you joing! psssst... Would probably do that anyway xD
  6. Timarien

    Greetings, Fellow Space People

    We need to add an epic text to this anthem!. And broadcast it through the entire persistent universe using our TEST-Pirate-Radio powered by a fleet of Drake Heralds!! Blast our enemies eardrumms with our magnificent battlesong!!
  7. Timarien

    Hey hey!

    Yaay more fellas from the EU!! Now I might get an acctual normal sleep cycle! May your explosion be bright and large!!
  8. Timarien

    New around here....rumor has it you have BEER!!!

    Welcome to test! I will celebrate you joining by promtly running a ship into an asteroid!
  9. Timarien

    [GIVEAWAY] Free AMD Mustang package to a TEST SQUADRON member!

    Physics, that is exactly how they work!
  10. Timarien

    Something, something, something, Dark Side?

    Any thought on games? If you need someone to play Forged Alliance star citizen or anything else with I will gladdly join you for some time xD
  11. Timarien

    Officer Record: Timarién Ainur

    Officer Record #000084993 Name: Timarién Ainur Rank: Commander Joined: 17/06/2243 Security Clearance: Classified Omega III [Redacted] Omega [Redacted]...
  12. Timarien

    Operation Curveball

    You have my Herald and Dur. For the glory of explosions!!!!
  13. Timarien


    I'm trying to save up for a Saiktek x55. But a friend of mine owns a old joystick, maybe gonna try the HOJAM (you have now coined that captain) soon.
  14. Timarien

    [SOLD] Elite Dangerous Beta for 300i Package

    Best I can do is an Mustang OMEGA package. :(
  15. Timarien

    Sup Fella's

    Welcome to Test! Have yourself a beer. Or whiskey. Or Port. Or basically anything with alcohol. I acctually lived in south afrika as well for a couple of years I really mis it. Especially the pinguins.
  16. Timarien

    Clip reporting in

    Greeting! Promptly crash an aurora in the sun.. It's required. My latop never could handle Planetside 2 with more than 5 Fps. And since I bought my desktop, I never thought about it. Might have a look sometime xD Anyways Welcome
  17. Timarien

    Something, something, something, Dark Side?

    Oeh me, me, MEE!! Forged Alliance Forever!!!!
  18. Timarien

    Something, something, something, Dark Side?

    Welcome Leatherneck to TEST. Hopefully your stream will fund a desktop rig before the verse will be life xD!!!
  19. Timarien


    Welcome welcome, I will drink a beer in your name tonight!!!
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