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  1. Devastat3

    What Constellation variant did you choose?

    all 4 initially although the Taurus has been upgraded to something else.
  2. Devastat3

    Dont pick a fight with Canada

    so they're like our southern rednecks except for being verbally articulate? oh yeah and other people are dating their sisters :p
  3. Devastat3

    Howdy from Texas

    Welcome! more texas folks! may be high time for a southern barcitizen!
  4. Devastat3

    ❀ hiya, coming in with some love! ❤

    Yay another Texan! But but.. I wear spurs to go shopping at walmart.. this is Texas darnit! :p great stream yesterday btw and Welcome to TEST!
  5. Devastat3

    Sex Survey

    This place has been around for many years without the need of such things... there's plenty of other sites to go to if you need to get your jollies yanked. Btw we do have underage testies. am sure they know more about xxx than I do but I still feel a moral responsibility to protect their fragile...
  6. Devastat3


  7. Devastat3


    Where have you been?? You should visit Captain Richards streams on Twitch.. it's already like that... :cool:
  8. Devastat3


    My pilots will fly it for me.. I am a Captain! I get to sit in the comfy chair in the middle of the bridge and eat my snacks while everyone else does their assigned duties! The Starfarer has proven this possible so I expect every "big" ship to be equipped like so!
  9. Devastat3


    at 500 "if true" that is very tempting... Reclaimer, Phoenix or Gemini...which one will get put on the chopping block... going to be a tough choice..
  10. Devastat3

    Steam Summer Sale

    you know you're a fatty when you see that picture and think its a sandwich before realizing its a wallet...
  11. Devastat3

    Warthog HOTAS Consideration

    Yes/yes Ps - I spilled beer (whole bottle)on the throttle and it still works 100%... 10/10 would buy again.
  12. Devastat3

    Advice Please On Ship Swap

    I am curious as to what "updates" they have in mind for the redeemer's 2nd pass... That's really the main reason why am still holding on to it.. well that and my stupid gotta buy them all mentality...
  13. Devastat3

    Bearded Space Pilot reporting for duty!

    Welcome Sir! glad to have another beard on board.
  14. Devastat3

    Starfarer LTI path

    there's quite a list of flyable ships that you cannot purchase in game at the moment.. makes no sense but it wouldn't surprise me.
  15. Devastat3

    Is anyone else having issues with the Merlin?

    I cant see it being difficult... landing mode auto land get close and boom done..
  16. Devastat3

    Starfarer LTI path

    melt first no? that way you use those credits to buy the fly then still have enough for the difference of the upgrade and have 0 out of pocket. I could be wrong though...
  17. Devastat3

    Dragonfly concept art, first look!

    Perfect for the beerfarer tailgate parties..
  18. Devastat3

    Is anyone else having issues with the Merlin?

    did you actually purchase a Merlin or is it just the ones that come with the aquilas? I have full access to a merlin i pledge for but cannot do anything with the others attached to my constellations.
  19. Devastat3

    Performance issues in 2.4? Just me?

    If you SLI or xfire try r_MultiGPU = 1 in the console command... could be my paranoia but i swear it helped give me a few more frames...
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