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  1. Devastat3

    Blind Owl Sure Loves to Post!

    I see nothing out of the ordinary in that picture... its how it always looks when i log in.
  2. Devastat3

    Now and then. 72yrs ago today.

    a barrage balloon... the AA of its day.
  3. Devastat3

    Drake Buccaneer

    comes free with the ship but its been available on voyager direct for a while i think.
  4. Devastat3

    Who's buying a Caterpillar?!

    Doubled in size so the price is what I am worried about. On the fence but I really don't need another 400+ dollars cargo ship regardless of how modular.
  5. Devastat3

    Alternative/Loose Command Structure

    I just hope whoever the people who end up being "in charge" are don't turn all Napoleonic on us. I'll be logging in to play a game and enjoy myself, not clock in for a 2nd job.
  6. Devastat3

    Who's buying a Caterpillar?!

    but but... isn't my cutlass blue a.. cop car? I guess i'll have to watch my every move..
  7. Devastat3

    Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

    I didn't notice till I read your post that they conveniently add up all you've spent at the bottom of the page... So that's where my kid's college fund went.:oops:
  8. Devastat3

    Who's buying a Caterpillar?!

    How much exploring are you expecting to do in game? I wouldn't part with any exploring ship if that is what you plan to spend a good portion of your time doing. There may be missions you can only complete if you have an Aquilla, some only with a Carrack. If you start the game with very little to...
  9. Devastat3

    State of the Squadron 17!

    I am not ashamed to say I have the exact same zebra blanket that you do.
  10. Devastat3

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    Not quite as bad here in Texas but this has been happening since April and its still going on in parts.. oh yeah found a future Testie while looking at pictures of the flood damage...
  11. Devastat3

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    1:45am.... horrible thunderstorm happening... might have to go hide in the bathroom if the tornado sirens go off... I could use a cup of your strongest coffee right about now.
  12. Devastat3

    Naming your digital children.

    My wife named my Idris "Grounds for Divorce" I kinda like it.
  13. Devastat3

    Drake Buccaneer

    yeah once I saw pictures without the jolly roger I went ahead and got it. Will be even more glorious once we can choose our color schemes.
  14. Devastat3

    Do you want to try my meat?

    :rolleyes: not rolling eyes just looking above :D
  15. Devastat3

    America, where everything is an excuse to go shopping.

    My grandparents live just outside of Chicago.. that is quite disturbing...
  16. Devastat3

    Drake Buccaneer

    Their color scheme advertising game is too strong.. must..not buy another..
  17. Devastat3

    Drake Buccaneer

    The way I understood it, it will not be used in ep1 of squadron 42 but the 2nd episode. So I dont think this ship will be out for a while. That being said I did upgrade a base hornet to BUC... just to see what happens when/if anything cool about it is said during the QA.. but it might turn...
  18. Devastat3

    PAX South 2017

    Yeah yeah I know it's 6 months away... but since it does sell quick and it's already up for order I was just wondering if any Testies were planning/thought about/hadn't thought about it but now hey... about going? Would be nice to set up some sort of southern get together.:D
  19. Devastat3

    Drake Buccaneer

    choice of a size 4 gun i think that tbd edit: well not really a choice but whichever gun wins the market research survey thats up
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