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  1. Devastat3

    GeForce GTX 1080

    If you have/had 980s or better would you skip the 1080 generation? trying to figure out if its worth it.
  2. Devastat3

    How much is LTI worth for you?

    I doubt LTI will transfer in the game if you sell your ship. Can't back that up with a source but I swear I've heard it in one of their weekly videos. I dont think LTI will mean anything to most as it probably saves you a few bucks... but if you start the game with 40+ LTI ships maybe the...
  3. Devastat3

    2.4 to Evocati Tester!

    The errors in spelling and grammar spook me a bit about the validity of the leak.. then again nobody's perfect.
  4. Devastat3

    Get your ARRRRR on - Drake Buccaneer late May

    This is one am probably going to pass on as piracy ain't my bag baby.
  5. Devastat3


  6. Devastat3

    Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

    We have a couple of completionists i thought.. god bless em.
  7. Devastat3

    Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

    I got a war pack and have been upgrading a lot of the lesser stuff into what I consider important LTI stuff. all in all :eek: 38 ships.. sad thing is every time I look at it I feel foolish..but then I know there are tons of folks that have spent more than me and that allows me to sleep at night.
  8. Devastat3

    Star Citizen SQ42 - Idris ship looks amazing!

    Has it ever been confirmed or even mentioned if the Argo will come with the Idris or do we have to purchase one separate?
  9. Devastat3

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    A big Org that feels like a tight-knit family. Never a dull moment. I plan on playing a little bit of everything since its been said there wont be a "career path" other mmos force you in to. That being said my main focus will be exploration/transport and flying my Idris into rival Org headquarters.
  10. Devastat3


    If you happen to be a larger individual I would do some research. Racing seat designs can be super comfortable or uncomfortable depending of your body frame.
  11. Devastat3

    Pax East photos

  12. Devastat3

    Testing Testing....

  13. Devastat3

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    Fallout! So much fallout! 1 hr late after the 2 weeks mark everyone would have their pitchfork out.
  14. Devastat3

    Japan First made Stealth Plane

    I was just goofing around... i figured the people that were behind this would have had a more imaginative design for a plane than something from decades ago regardless of function obviously.
  15. Devastat3

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    Great read as always btw.
  16. Devastat3

    Blinkky the ghost has arrived.

  17. Devastat3

    Star Citizen Stretch Goals Updated

    if/when my wife finds out ive spent over 5k in this game ill be wearing my computer up my ass...
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