Star Citizen Stretch Goals Updated


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Ive had doubts from time to time, in the start there was a lot of delays.As time went on more delays than delay after delay..Than when ever the next project was hitting there was that add 3 weeks befor it comes out..Than crusader finally hit an we seam to be full steam ahead..Now im just waiting for more things to do..In the mean time no man sky will come in june so ill have time to wait..


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
But its happening. It goes forward. The journey Chris has started on began with a single step. We're all walking right beside him and the team and its a great journey to behold.

as someone who has seen other large scale software projects come together from up close, I can say that Chris Roberts is an amazing project manager

I have zero [CONCERN]s about the game

my fellow Testes are another matter


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I had a little doubt at one point for some reason I can't remember. I've only been following since Jan 2016, but the moment I read up and watched videos I was hooked. SC is everything I've ever wanted from an mmo. If they can get big space battles with Cap ships, frigates, and fighters then I'll be squealing for joy!


Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2015
RSI Handle
As long as SC is popular, there won't be any shortage of income for CIG.

Long Version
I'm writing this for you @Sam K Macer , cuz you make me virtual coffee sometimes, and because I want to help set your mind at ease.

I don't know if you all have seen the SC Crowdfunding Spreadsheet, but it's a fun little collection of funding data:

I used this data to crunch some numbers, a while back, to check for myself if CIG is financially viable. My numbers were based on their current staffing levels (which was around 300 people in late 2015).

Here's some truths:

1. Current Star Citizen Cost and Funding

1) CIG is running some fairly tight margins. They are basing their staffing levels off of projected income.

2) From what I calculated, it costs somewhere between 20 to 30 million per year to pay all the business costs for salaries, real-estate, technologies, etc.

3) CIG relies on a stable flow of funding; and the speed of their development is tied to their income.

On the flip side, CIG gains about 30 to 35 million per year in funding. While I'm sure they're saving some cash for the future, the lions share goes right into development.

What does that mean? Well... basically... as long as the following graph continues to grow in a linear fashion, CIG will be ok:

If funding starts to fall off; then that will be another story. CIG will have to start cutting back their staff to support whatever the new funding levels are. So far, however, the hype train doesn't look like it's going to stop. And once SQ42 is officially released, it's guaranteed that there we be a very significant spike in game package buying.

2. Revenue from releasing SQ42

After the initial hype of SQ42 and SC, funding will start to wane. Before that happens though, I personally believe that SC will go viral, and we'll see a massive influx of new players.

Current we're getting close to 1.5 million citizens (accounts on the website), and almost 1 million of those citizens have purchased a game package (average pledge is around $80). I'm guessing that we'll grow to at least 2 million by launch, and SC will sell around 4 million copies within a year of release.

At those numbers, we're talking about doubling their total funding so far. If the game sells well on launch, they'll make enough profit to fund development on the game for another 1-3 years.

3. Future Star Citizen Funding

On top of that, they've already shown that they can successfully fund the game through real-money purchases. A lot of citizens will buy the max 20k UEC (or whatever the limit is) per month, just to make sure the game stays well funded.

Some people have also already mentioned the SQ42 expansions, which will be sold as DLC. If they release one expansion ever year, or every other year, they should be able to continue development on SC indefinitely.

If they release an expansion every year, and they sell 3 million copies @ $30 per expansion, they'll make 90 million a year! That's three times as much as their current funding per year! With that kind of cash, they'll actually be able to expand their development team, and pull in all the expensive talent that they need to make this game the BDSSE.

Basically, the success of SC is tied to its popularity. If SC becomes a staple game series, and enjoys the same success of other AAA titles, then we're looking at the start of a new powerhouse game company that will be around for 10+ years.

4. Mega Persistent MMO

The feature retraction from the Persistent Universe launch is not something that is caused by a lack of funding. The spreadsheet shows that there's no sign of an end to the gravy train for CIG yet. It's more of a problem of available time.

CR wants to get this game into our hands as soon as he can... not because he likes money... but because this is his dream.
He wants us to be able to play the game, and he's already feeling the pressure that it's so far behind his initial predictions. He's said many, many times that he will continue developing SC for as long as we keep playing it, and that he'll make it into his exact vision if he can.

It is true that the funding won't last forever if the game doesn't come out in 2016 or 2017, so that is a big factor in things, but they aren't hurting for cash just yet.

So again, the restriction on what makes it into the initial release of SC is based on time-constraints, and not so much on funding. Adding stuff like console support would only increase the time-line until SC release, and that's exactly what CR doesn't want right now.

To wrap-up: You can't hide financial problems. Take CryTek for instance... they had to sell of some of their new game IPs, they had to layoff a bunch of employees, and everyone knew they were looking around for financial support. If CIG starts doing any of that sort of thing, we'll know about it in about .01 seconds..
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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow - is there a double or triple-like? :D Thanks for that detailled post, Jeff *doublethumbsup*

[edit]As a sidenote, that rumors I mentioned within the opening post are not mine but - again - rumors which are set up by one of our large german gaming magazins (this ones titled "The lights switch off" and relates to the funding situation at CIG).

To use this post I'd like to say "thank you very much" for the lots of answers as a reaction on my set up topic. It seems that this topic "Star Citizen" is truly a matter near the heart from the most of you - as it is for me. I also am assured that SC will a) released and b) will be a great success and - I've written it before - am very happy to be part of this story from, well, almost from the beginning ;)
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Rear Admiral
Nov 2, 2013
RSI Handle
Games like this will have quite a few whales that will dump more money into the game as well, look at the average pledge price, there won't be a shortage of people that are perfectly fine with throwing 3-500 bucks a year towards the game and thats on the low end of the scale. Blizzard said that for Heroes of the Storm alot of their micro transactions rely upon the whales that dump money rather than time into the game to earn rewards and it's one of their biggest sources of funding for that specific game.
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2014
RSI Handle
I am not interested in them spending any time or making any compromises for consoles....
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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
You were aware of that list...?

Thus, of 87 goals 21 are released, 29 are in development, but 26 goals haven't been updated since a long(er) time and 9 are at least postponed to "somewhen in the far future".

So, rumors awakend again since the latest "ten for the chairman" that CIG/RSI could be running into financial problems or will never reach their goal for the planned mega SciFi persistent MMO.

Imho this project will definitely go live, but it never will be such a "technical Overlord of a program" which Chris Roberts announced two years before. Perhaps it would be wise, in opposite to the first announcements, to widen the technical base onto the current gaming consoles like XBox and PS4. Because as a fact, the one question remains: how will this development machine "CIG" finance itself after the backing phase is over? When ships can be gained in-game and CIG have to set up their financials on micro transactions - how will CIG keep up making the "big money" as today? Will they "dismiss" half of their team? Or has Chris Roberts something in hidden in his bag which will keep firing up his "RSI backing machine"? What'd you think? And, well, tiny but stunning list anyway, isn't it? ;)

Another pretty amazing list:
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
If CIG starts selling things like f8 and stinger and bengals is when we really havr to start worrying


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
i don't see a big problem with decreasing the number of employes after the release, as this is somewhat normal in the game buisnes.
It's normal for a lot of programmers to hop from projekt to projekt. And unless you're working for a company like EA which have multiple projekts running at a time, you need to get a new job after you finished your last projekt.
The phase before release is like 150% (need to hire additional workers) workload, and after it you go back to 90%...
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Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
The idea behind stretch goals was to be able to develop the game level with those funds. Hes not new to the game development business. Less money would have limited the stretch goals possible and SQ42 or PU would have come out much sooner with an ED type finish. He can at the moment do that if he wants. You have port olisar and crusader. Procedural generation of planets with limited walking outside the ship capability and dock on port olisar type ports without landing in any planets could be already done. Polish the fight and flight mechanics lower the graphic load and port it to PS4 and Xbox.

Even if he messed up the funding, he has gone well and beyond the needed cash of 65 million so he has enough to play around with. He opened up an office in the UK because the country will give him a 25% tax relief ( so he saves a ton of money there. His 10FTC and other media is being funded monthly separately by the community ( So this aspect is never funded from the game development fund. Every week 10 for the developer is hiring more people like 4 more in Frankfurt. Totally already has 330 employees. Haven't heard anyone complain that they haven't received their monthly checks. So thats a good sign.
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