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  1. Devastat3

    Japan First made Stealth Plane

    Come on Japan... this is more what I was expecting out of you
  2. Devastat3

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    Yeah it doesnt look like it could defend itself outside of protected space too well...and lets be honest who wants to mine in protected space...
  3. Devastat3

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    I wonder how many of this things would fit in an idris.. if any
  4. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    and its sort of already wearing a test skin... even better
  5. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    10 or so meters smaller than the freelancer.. about expected for the price
  6. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    I think they are standing right next to the freelancer and quite a distance from the prospector making it look a lot larger than it is.
  7. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    Thanks for the input! I think it will be freelancer size once is all said and done.. if not better pick it up while its cheap.
  8. Devastat3

    Prince just died :(

    Very sad indeed. wow he was only 57... for some reason I thought he was way older than that.
  9. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    If I have all 4 freelancers is there any point on hanging on the regular one? anthing it can do that the dur max or mis cant? or would that be a good sacrifice to the upgrade gods for the prospector?
  10. Devastat3

    New Pics of the Caterpillar Internal Work from the Subscriber's Vault

    $345 easy at hangar ready sale imo... if not more
  11. Devastat3

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    A scene from galaxy quest comes to mind... mining for beryllium spheres... except you'll be alone running away from a whole horde of tiny alien monsters...
  12. Devastat3

    Coni A or Retaliator?

    It should come down to whatever you will feel like doing once the game launches... weigh in the roles of both and make your decision.. if you cant come up with one then...
  13. Devastat3

    A word from President Obama regarding Star Citizen

    yeah thanks... but afterwards he started saying all kinds of obscenities and derogatory things... Man.. who writes this guys material anyways :rolleyes:
  14. Devastat3


  15. Devastat3

    Show off your rig!

    Pardon the cables.. cable management is not my thing..
  16. Devastat3

    TEST challenge coins?

    I too would be interested.
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