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  1. Devastat3

    Just upgraded to windows 10

    had a few issues with the wifes computer but nothing tragic... all driver related issues though overall pretty painless..
  2. Devastat3

    Where in the Verse will your hanger be?

    somewhere between where the lovely prostitutes reside and the closest std clinic.. My space trucker's life will not be a lonely one damn it!
  3. Devastat3


    Hope you're able to reach your goal, will spread the word out!.
  4. Devastat3

    KPOP Thread

  5. Devastat3

    Is Ship Shape hot or not?

    This are the kind of threads that usually get me banned from the interwebz...
  6. Devastat3

    Show off your rig!

    a few upgrades
  7. Devastat3

    Birth of the Fancy Xi'An Gentleman aka "TEST Raptor"

    Frankly, I find the suggestion made by the video portraying the birth of the "TEST RAPTOR" with such small and inoffensive genitalia to be very concerning and it should be fixed as soon as possible .
  8. Devastat3

    This is why im over AMD

    We can all kick and scream about their business practices but nothing will ever change. We complain about Hairworks being proprietary but the developers still use it, so who's really to blame here? Nvidia for being assholes? or the developers for knowingly screwing a good portion of their...
  9. Devastat3

    [Discussion] Fleet Command - Deaf People and FCing.

    I'll honestly probably be so shitfaced drunk that I wont be able to make out what anyone is saying or typing..
  10. Devastat3

    This is why im over AMD

    am having witcher 3 crashes with the damn cards that were meant to be all the rage to run this game on.. that's pretty sad!
  11. Devastat3

    This is why im over AMD

    coming from a die hard Nvidia keeping an eye out for the 390... It doesn't really pay to play fanboy now a days. I've had plenty of nightmares with 980's sli so the grass is not always greener.
  12. Devastat3

    [Katamari] Leak thread, images of Panther, F8 Lightning and more - spoilers

    I swear they did this so called leak on purpose just to set my wallet a flame in the near future once again...
  13. Devastat3

    Testies, explain your avatar

    my kids are afraid of clowns. keeps them off.
  14. Devastat3

    AMD R9 390X VS GTX 980 Ti Performance Leak

    I guess it always comes down to what you're using the product for... I just built myself an intel/nvidia machine and my wife who thinks "gaming is cute" a pretty much strictly AMD machine because of the price of components and I knew it would be sitting there gathering dust after a while... and...
  15. Devastat3

    AMD R9 390X VS GTX 980 Ti Performance Leak

    pretty sure its my own stupidity.. the games I play ran everything on highest settings with the 1 card so now my computer is probably thinking.. -_-? really... But I found it for under 500 at a local place so I told the wife to go back to the car and wait for me and stuffed it inside the box of...
  16. Devastat3

    TEST meeting: What hours are best for you?

    The later the time...the more beer in the system.. just a friendly fyi
  17. Devastat3

    AMD R9 390X VS GTX 980 Ti Performance Leak

    I now sli 2 980s and I swear it looks/feels/works the same as just having 1... I must be doing it wrong.
  18. Devastat3

    Good Day

  19. Devastat3


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