Those pictures could be anybody! This proves nothing!

Hope everyone gets the reference!
Those pictures could be anybody! This proves nothing!
nope ^^ or i am blind (or drunk?)I have a donation button on my Twitch page here if you scroll down and just click the icon that says 'Donations' it will direct you to paypal!
Yep, you are :) Click the donation picture.nope ^^ or i am blind (or drunk?)
It's right there in the middle with the cat, says "Donations". So, blind /and/ drunk maybe?! :Dnope ^^ or i am blind (or drunk?)
I blame the fact that he has easy access to German Beer.drunk maybe?! :D
I think thats a great ideaHow about running some sort of raffle, i think if there is a small prize like a basic stand alone ship (possible purchased with part of next months donate button or with a small part of the raffle profit) more people will jump on the band wagon. How about a £/$5 entrance fee, we must be able to get a decent amount of peeps to enter considering our the size of the community, maybe even open it up to the global SC community Info/comp post.
It would need a bit of setting up like a just giving page / paypal link and some simple rules...
Don't forget the jetpacks...I will be compiling a list of ideas via GoogleDoc and will open it up at a later time when Montoya and I put together an official meeting to brainstorm. <3
Love these ideas!So! To do list:
1) Set up a meeting to brainstorm fundraising/awareness ideas.
2) Talk to CIG community managers about a possible stream host for myself or another big streamer we have in TEST to help raise awareness/fundraising for while playing Star Citizen's Arena Commander or perhaps even Star Marine if it's out when and if this becomes a possibility.
3) Set up an in-house raffle for TEST members only, and figure out what sort of stuff we should give away as a prize. Ship, t-shirt, patches, or something along those lines. Money would go towards Arrangingstar's GoFundMe unless we agree in the meeting that a percentage of every entry fee goes toward for research.
4) Make signatures maybe that have something to do with SMA Awareness maybe? Like a ribbon (similarly to the breast cancer ribbon, there is one for SMA which I can show everyone in the future - or by doing a quick google search you can see it.)
5) See if people in TEST would be interested in doing a "SMAshAwaySMA" challenge, (similar to the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, but you smash a whipped cream pie in your face, or smash things like watermelons, etc, and record it then nominate others) to raise awareness for SMA.
6) Provide banners/info to people interested in streaming in order to promote awareness for SMA if they were interested in doing charity streams.
More ideas to come but this is what I have compiled so far from your suggestions and my own thoughts!
#SMAshAwaySMA challenge example!:
Ooh, is there a pic of two Auroras crashing into each other floating around anywhere? Or can someone make one? That would be a good TEST SMAshawaySMA signature banner.#CrashawaySMA comp for best Aurora ramming/crashing/failing/exploding vid :p
This sounds like a clan activity I can fully get behind! We can all smash auroras into each other to support stars#CrashawaySMA comp for best Aurora ramming/crashing/failing/exploding vid :p