1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

5 'o'clock somewhere?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • Beer Time is Best Time

    Votes: 27 32.9%
  • Can't drink at work

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Random Response

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • LN best ship

    Votes: 10 12.2%
  • Witty beer remark here

    Votes: 19 23.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
A certain thread of mine having to do with mining, salvaging and other things will reach 10K views either tonight or tomorrow sometime. To celebrate I said that if it reached 10K views before the weekend was over, and it looks like it'll be before the weekend even starts, that I would put an Aurora LN up for grabs in a 1 week giveaway. You all can thank @Unshaven for this since he won it in the last giveaway but didn't want it due to his own overabundance of ships.

How to enter:

Simply post here stating why you like TEST and what profession(s) you wish to undertake in Star Citizen. Everyone can do that right?


One post per person. Anyone with more than one entry is disqualified.
Giveaway ends on Friday May 6th.


Montoya will do the drawing as he always does. Maybe he'll do it with SOTS 16? [CONCERN]

Good luck everyone!
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Apr 26, 2016
RSI Handle
I like Test because its like a my second home, I can do what I want to do, talk to friends, and have adventures with them. I know for a fact I choose the right crowd. I know I am new here but I have already meet so many people it's amazing! People are so friendly it's like a second family. I am proud to be in TEST.

The profession........ That's hard I want to bomb people with a retaliator and do salvaging with my Cutlass, then save up for a Idris, so command ship in a military role. - I know I dream BIG

PS- My Star Citizen name is Starlightning
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Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
I wanted to poke around the 'Verse with people and so I joined XPLOR, and it was dead, then ran across TEST Stream team on Twitch. I found a co-worker was with TEST and I jumped ship like it was going down like a hooker on Aurora(seattlites may get that, because we all know there isn't enough space in an Aurora for that kind of "fun", not when we can fly it into the Sun. I have never looked back because it's a great community, even if we're all drunk reprobates.

The Herald and Mako sold me on this game, so if there is information to gather, sell, accidentally leak. I'm right there!


Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
A big Org that feels like a tight-knit family. Never a dull moment.

I plan on playing a little bit of everything since its been said there wont be a "career path" other mmos force you in to. That being said my main focus will be exploration/transport and flying my Idris into rival Org headquarters.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm really looking forward to exploration and the various industries. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is probably modding out components with my Endeavor. I plan to purchase the full fabrication supercollider lab with profits off mining and hauling and start producing ludicrously twinked out components for racers, dogfighters, and other people who live and die on the bleeding edge of performance.

Oh right, and I like TEST because it's full of laid-back folks who are fun to hang out with. Also the beer.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2016
RSI Handle
1) Biggest and baddest (or is that the worst) group of space pilots in 'Verse!

2) Explore/Prospect/Mining (I kind of see all those as almost the same...or very interrelated in my case). Also want to do some repairing & rescue.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Shenanigans. Awesomeness. Hilarity. Relaxed. Beer. Beer methodology. Beer indoctrination. Beer induced everything. Haha.
TEST is fun. We are fun people. That's hard to find on this scale. I love it.
I can be cheesy as fuck, and no one cares. People even laugh. ;)

I want to explore. More than that, I want to discover. New planets, alien tech, Disco's Hole. Massive derelict hulks floating in the depths of space. I want to live a space opera.

I plan on doing a fair amount of dog fighting as well. Blasting the shit out of ships and stuff and things and kabooms and explosions and lens flares and pew pewing are awesome.

Salvage. I want a smaller salvage ship, like the Prospector, but used to tear shit apart. I think some of my solo play will be wandering off looking for things to exploit. And I like the idea of salvage. I also like the idea of forcing someone into being salvaged or salvageable. I'm imaging working hand in hand with @Black Sunder and doing some combat mining and combat salvage.

And for shits and giggles I'm going to certainly jump in with the black market boy's and try my hand at smuggling. Hauling doesn't interest me, but change the name to smuggling and suddenly I'm Han fucking Solo, before the lightsaber through the chest, trying different methods of getting through blockades and into/out of fortified/high security places. I'm a goodie two shoes in real life. Sometimes I just wanna be bad.


Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
RSI Handle
I like TEST because TEST is TEST and not some other org that's not TEST that has rules and other non-TEST things like actual TESTs. TEST is laid back more and have no TESTs and plus it's always fun to TEST those who think TEST is that other TEST for TEST-phobia. Go TEST!

I look forward to exploration as going out with no responsibility to steal old stuff and find new places very appealing. Also it's an excuse to be a space tourist while having a "legitimate" career.


Space Marshal
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
1. Quite frankly, out of every group I've been in, whether WoW, EVE, FF14, and so on, you guys have the best "following" and are very active. It's nice to see such a big turn of people for a game that isn't even out yet.

2. Professions, DIGGY DIGGY... Well, somewhat. Industry on the resource gathering and processing end is where I will spend most of my time, all to fund me doing exploration and possibly trade/hauling. I may help out during wartime as a bomber pilot though, not so great at dogfighting in space yet. Ultimately, I want to be a commander of stealth hit and run ops in combat, since I'm good at small gang tactics.

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
1. Why Test? Well who else has a crazy enough membership to allow me to be 'The Normal One'?

2. I really want to try out being a MAD SCIENTIST in the PU for oh so many reasons, but the top three are:
  • I want clone myself and steal a carrier with the clone army.
  • I want build a super-collider and see if I can blow up the game universe. I've done math and there's a 7% chance that if I succeed it will cause a chain reaction and take the RL universe with it. Neat or what!
  • I get to wear a cool lab coat, and someone once told me that chicks dig that. Right?
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Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Why i joined Test:
I love it, when things explode or catch fire. After a quick research i discovered, that a decent amount of Testties do some Crazy stuff, to see something explode...

Why i stayed:
It's dangerous to go out alone.
And to be a Testie feels like you're part of something bigger.
A fucking big group of idiots, who do what they want because they love it.
These are the idiots i was looking for!

What i'll do in SC:
I would like to discover, scan a System, and gain as much information about it, as fit on my Data Sorage. (and find someone who will pay me to get his hands on this informations)
So you will likely found me on ships build for exploring, science or Datarunning.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I like Test for the giveaways

Imma be a pirate so I can savor the sweet/salty tears of my victims/enemies
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