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  1. FZD

    IAE 2954 WB CCU Watch

    Also check Bictoria's more detailed tables below! Todays Ship(s) Warbond CCU Price Normal price Permanently available starting point Closest available starting point Finale: Spartan $75 $80 Hawk $95 $100 600i $445 $475 Perseus $615 $675 BIS...
  2. FZD

    In-game purchasable modules are here

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the retaliator modules that can now be bought in-game are the first in-game purchasable modules. Source: View: This opens a whole new avenue for theorycrafting. Like, how much will Endeavor modules be in game? (Hint: A...
  3. FZD

    Holy [Adjective] [Expletive]! ASUS, what the [A Different Expletive]!?

    So, my PC has been running a tad poorly after some updates. Today I got to the bottom of the matter, my RAM has maxed out without really a good reason as to why. Like 98% used out of the 32GB I have. And Task Manager is happy to tell me that processes only use like 3GB total, but 98% used...
  4. FZD

    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    Here's the link to the previous years thread(s) for more information. Also check Brictoria's more detailed lists below. Finale: Date Ship Warbond CCU Price Normal price 27th, 28th Constellation Aquila $290 $315 27th, 28th Vanguard Harbinger $270 $290 27th, 28th Valkyrie $350 $375...
  5. FZD

    The Overdrive Initiative missions were mostly fun, but a bit grindy. Few words about soloability

    So, managed to finish the Overdrive Initiative missions yesterday night. Had a tight 11h after work missions spree that pretty much took care of the entire event, well, that and the couple hours I spent on Sunday night tipping my toe into the Intel missions. Btw, since 3.23 is still in Wave 3...
  6. FZD

    Hornet price adjustments incoming

    Anvil Hornet F7C, Hornet F7C-S Ghost, and Hornet F7C-R Tracker will go up by unspecified amount on March 11
  7. FZD

    Engineering gameplay in 2.23

    2.23 seems to be getting even better While it's not 'even' a T0 implementation of Engineering gameplay in the 'verse, we will get to try out engineering gameplay in an Arena Commander experimental mode. This is a very good way of introducing a totally new mechanic (or engineer) to the 'verse...
  8. FZD

    Turns out distribution centers are the next iteration of Jumptown

    Unlike the name would suggest, distribution centers have less to do with hauling gameplay, and are more like targets for bombing and assault. This is rather disappointing, as I was hoping CIG would finally flesh out non-combat professions a bit more. Sigh.
  9. FZD

    3.23 is bringing in some desperately needed basic features

    The next patch is looking, well, quite awesome. We're finally getting the star map rework, fps map, personal hangars, cargo missions, blockade events, EVA T2, item recovery, bank, freight elevators, master modes and the next version of replication layer. That's a pretty huge set of features...
  10. FZD

    The next roadmap update is on February 7th

    Just posting this here since I keep forgetting. Sucks to wait for a whole month >_>
  11. FZD

    Help wanted: Larger ships & mastermodes, there was some news but I seem to have forgotten the details

    Hey, uhm, I'm pretty sure I listened to BoredGamer or SuperMacBrother (or I'm mistaken and it was somewhere else) go over some Star Citizen news, think it was related to some sort of Q&A with dev answering questions about master modes. There was a question about how master modes will affect...
  12. FZD

    IAE 2953 WB CCU watch

    NOTE! Unlike previous year, the finale will have new WB CCU offers every day this time! Thanks @Ploeperpengel for pointing that out. Yes, I will once again spam the forums with notifications about Warbond discounts. It has started, so prepare your wallets! Todays Ship(s) Warbond CCU Price...
  13. FZD

    The Hull C is now $500

    Yeah, wat ta falcon. That's only around $100 more than what I guessed it would end up at. Not really sure what I'm gonna do with my Hull C now. Was planning on upgrading it to a Reclaimer, but I might go for Orion instead.
  14. FZD

    Apparently you can't call out bad business practices on spectrum

    This is starting to get a bit ridiculous. Was the post removed because "subscription based whale milk operation" is too vulgar? No. It was apparently "a claim of bad business practice," an arbitrary offense that, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't found anywhere in the linked code of conduct...
  15. FZD

    Alienweek Warbond CCUs 2024 & 2023

    EDIT: Since this is such a stub thread, let's just re-use this one :like: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks @Talonsbane for the heads up Date Ship Warbond CCU Price Normal...
  16. FZD

    A Starfarer can fit about 10 furies

    Don't know who needs to hear this, but I was just testing if a Fury can even fit into a Starfarer, as the door can just barely accommodate an Ursa (needs to pull the turret down). Well, it was actually remarkably easy to enter the ship once I realized I need to expand the configuration (alt+k)...
  17. FZD

    ILW 2953 WB CCU watch

    It's on. Let's go! Todays Ship(s) Warbond CCU Price Normal price Permanently available starting point Closest available starting point Vulture $160 $175 Prospector ($155) Prospector, Razor Ex ($155) Finale -- -- See Below -- On a side note, Storm concept can help you get a discount...
  18. FZD

    Let's play a game

    The name of the game is, guess the ship with the lowest combined acceleration of the maneuvering thrusters. You could check SC Ships Performances Viewer for the correct answer, but please do it only after guessing. Or go to Erkul and tally up the Gs for all the maneuvering thrusters yourself...
  19. FZD

    BMM and Modularity

    Okey, so there's very little modularity currently in game, just a few ships got a room or two you can theoretically swap out but for now they basically resemble variants, so it's easy to forget that pretty much every larger ship is intended to have some modularity. Even the Merchantman. Here's...
  20. FZD

    Scraping together the 6th chain

    With the way Vulture price bump was noticeably larger than expected, and that Hurricane price bump leaving me with a pretty good F7C-M -> Hurricane CCU just lying around, combined with some leftover CCUs from yesteryears, I noticed I had more or less all the ingredients for a CCU chain...
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