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  1. FZD

    I uncovered the true purpose of TEST

    So, while once again throwing in a mention of Beer in a conversation that was not about Beer, I finally figured it all out. The cold hard calculations of Glorious Leader and the purpose TEST exists: We're basically a research organization for figuring out various ways to work "Beer" into any...
  2. FZD

    Anyone know where ship purchasing got moved to?

    So, as most of you probably know, ship purchasing with aUEC was originally said to be in 3.0 or 3.1, but this was with the old schedule system, before this whole quarterly roadmap. I can't seem to find it on the current roadmap, unless it's "Economy polish 3.2", which I doubt. (It's such a...
  3. FZD

    My new workphone shoots lasers!

    I hadn't gone through the specs sheet too diligently, so imagine my surprise when I unbox the thing and this is what I see: Now I kinda want MobiGlas to shoot lasers as well. Last resort and all that. P.S. please don't ask me what kind of line of work I am in.
  4. FZD

    Today I woke up in some dudes apartment, a couple of countries away from home.

    So today, I woke up in some dudes apartment, a couple of countries away from home. Used a car, a cruise ship, a train, a bus and mine own two feet to get home, hauling a big box of goods that literally increased in value with each step forward. Here are the details: We got up 7:15 am, did the...
  5. FZD

    How to pass time whilst waiting for 3.1

    My method: Try photoshopping different beards you find online on Chris.
  6. FZD

    Tumbril goes Access Denied?

    I'm just wondering if it's a bug, but for me, the comm-link/transmissions shows Tumbril Goes Nova alright, but I can't view it as it says Access Denied. If I follow a direct link, it's some nonsense about this news being VIP only. If it's not a bug, I wonder what's the point of sharing news...
  7. FZD

    It's 4:43 am. Should I...

    So, turns out it's almost 5:00 am. Kinda skipped sleeping tonight I guess. What should I do?
  8. FZD

    GamesCom demo 2017 - 5 hours of 3.0 gameplay

    After watching this, the release of 3.0 will be approximately 5 hours closer.
  9. FZD


    So lately I've had this urge to make terrible limericks. I'll ̶p̶o̶o̶p̶ put them here. You can too You know, an Aurora is a sturdy ship, How to use? Well you crash with it! No projectile so strong, as Aurora, 60 ft. long with beer as a pilot, I dig it.
  10. FZD

    TEST - The drinking game

    So the rules are simple: 1. Every time someone on the test forums mentions beer, drinks or makes a drinking reference, you drink. 2. Every time you drink, you let the rest of us know in the forums. By the way, while cleaning I found some beer bottles I had forgotten existed, and decided to...
  11. FZD

    Could an Aurora beat Constellation Taurus?

    Analysis says: maybe. Depends entirely if an Aurora can output enough DPS to overcome shield regen. The thing with Taurus is, it's a cargo transport. It's supposed to have some defenses, but the current turnspeed makes it entirely ineffective against small ships, that can just hang around in...
  12. FZD

    Where to get the latest and up-to-date info on SC updates?

    So 2.6 was supposed to come out today, probably got delayed again, but that info isn't anywhere to be found. By me, at least. Does anyone know of a good place to get the latest up-to-date info on SC updates that are supposed to happen? Here are the ways I've tried and failed: So usually, when...
  13. FZD

    Putin's Poodle

    As a Fin, I'm slightly concerned.
  14. FZD

    2.6 Issues vs Fixes

    So, those that have been looking at the production schedule report lately, have no doubt noticed this interesting graph: That's right, the hard working CIG devs have resolved 164% of the created issues. Good job! I think this bodes well for the release of 2.6.
  15. FZD

    Ewok catty has info on 2.6

  16. FZD

    You can't travel faster than light

    So just about every time you talk of going really fast, you're going to hear "You can't travel faster than light". And yeah, 299 792 458 meters per second may seem like a impossible challenge. But then again, Gorrak, who lived some 6000 years ago, also was of the mind that you can't travel...
  17. FZD

    Crew Group

    So, every once in a while, I hear people talking about how we got all these capital ships, but no people to crew them. I don't think that is so, I think we just don't know who the people wanting to crew capital ships are. So, I'm thinking we could start a new group that people can join (as you...
  18. FZD

    Hi TEST

    Greetings all ya likely like-minded individuals. I was going to start with something smart, but as I'm currently enjoying a writers block, I'll start with something random instead. (Glad my browser takes care of typos. Thus far, I've written every single "with" as "iwth") Anyhow... oh, stock...
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