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  1. FZD

    Wait, they've BUFFED scatterguns? Shot a few connies with this during a mission, absolutely shredded them in just a few seconds. Funnily enough, smaller targets are much tougher. Guess that'll change once we get armor in game, though I think larger shields should also just have a flat...
  2. FZD

    Hercules Starlifter Cargo door dimensions

    Okey, so, we didn't get to see the hercules in the expo hall, but! And that is a "but" followed by an exclamation mark, so you know it's a major sort of "but!" Whitley's guide had a scene where the cargo bay was open, and a friendly measuring stick was standing near the door. So: Now, it's...
  3. FZD

    PSA: The ultimate LTI token - LTI CCU

    So basically all the LTI you could ever want, even for existing ships (under $65) like that referral reward Merlin, for just $4 usd a pop. On top of that you're getting a discount token for upgrading cheap ships to $80-$100 range My biggest problem has always been that my game package ship...
  4. FZD

    Nomad first impressions

    Okey, so took the Nomad for a spin. It's... lot less than I wanted it to be. While it theoretically can go fast, the acceleration is just terrible. Felt like I was flying my starfarer instead of a small starter ship. It also either has the tiniest hydrogen fuel tank I've yet to see, or it just...
  5. FZD

    There are no stupid riddles

    I don't think we have a riddle thread. So let's have a riddle thread. In order to keep order, let's agree on some rules: 1. nobody is going to follow rules anyhow, so just post. I'll start: What would you call CitCon if it was divided into 24 minute episodes, released one episode per week and...
  6. FZD

    Navigation to Nunen Waste Management in 3.8

    Okey, so the graphs for planets changed, so here is the new navigation. Single pic, so you can have it on another screen or print or whatever.
  7. FZD

    So... staggered development?

    Okey, so I was looking at the roadmap today. Staggered development would mean that 3.9 is halfway done, they've worked on it for 3 months, and they got 3 months to go. However, what I find kinda odd, is that there seems to be little to no progress on it. What's more, the cards that have...
  8. FZD

    Predictions: Idris-M, Javelin and Hull-C before/unveiled during the next citizencon.

    Okey, so Idris-M, Aegis Javelin are supposedly quite far in development on SQ42 side of things. Javelin is 60/70, Idris-M is 49/64. Of course, these are "only" the implementations for SQ42, so could be some functionality required for SC will be missing. However, all the heavy lifting should be...
  9. FZD

    Hull A

    Okey, so after some IAE warbond discount shenanigans, I got $70 in in-store credits burning a hole in my pocket. So I just randomly bought Hull A, I'm kinda curious about the Hull line and looking to do various sorts of hauling. And then I noticed it. Hull A comes with VFG Industrial hangar...
  10. FZD


    I haven't paid much attention to Origin, I mean, I know they make fancy ships that seem to sacrifice function over form. But as it was the Expo, I took a look anyhow. They sure do look pretty. And then I found out 315p has 12 SCU cargo hold, comes in Yellow and can go 1223 m/s. Long story...
  11. FZD

    Let's recruit this Tram driver

    See this automated Tram graciously crashing into the platform? That's TEST material if you ask me. We need to recruit this AI driving this Tram.
  12. FZD

    MISC Endeavor

    Okey, there has likely been discussion and speculation on the subject before. And there isn't really any new information about the ship itself, apart from it being one of the last remnants of the rapidly dwindling stock of ships that were designed and priced before the current pipeline was...
  13. FZD

    10 year CCU token

    Okey, so we all know what an LTI token is. You buy a cheap ship with LTI, you can then upgrade that ship to whatever you want. But perhaps you, like I, have some recruitment reward ship you simply can't melt, but you'd want it to have a longer insurance somehow. Well, that's what you can do with...
  14. FZD

    What exactly would happen if I melted my Ursa Rover Fortuna?

    Okey so I get that I wouldn't get the fortuna skin back if I came to regret this decision, but what about the LTI token? Would I still be able to buyback that? I've come to realize that I don't much care for the ground vehicles at this point, not for the ursa anyhow, although I like how it fits...
  15. FZD

    Predicting the future of ship to ship combat

    Alright, so the other thread about trading got me thinking about ship to ship combat and how it's quite fastpaced right now. Any ship piloted by an NPC goes down in milliseconds right now, smaller ships can take like one salvo, and even the only capital ship currently in the game, with...
  16. FZD

    Ship for dangerous traderoutes

    So, I like tough ships to run more dangerous trade routes. Maybe with escort, maybe without, would actually need to test to see how much firepower is required. There are few ships that I have had my eye on: Starfarer Gemini, Hercules (I'd go for M2 because the other models just cost way more...
  17. FZD

    Parked my starfarer on the upper atmosphere of ArcCorp...

    Two pictures or about 2.5 thousand words.
  18. FZD

    The Staggered Development extra time fallacy

    Firstly, it's commendable that CIG is trying different things to improve the development process. However, staggered development is not a magical incantation that turns 30,000 man-hours into 60,000 man-hours, which might be the idea you'd get reading through Staggered Development FAQ: What it...
  19. FZD

    Starfarer and troop delivery

    So, I had purchased the Ursa Fortuna, and as luck would have it, CIG left the regular ursa loaner in this patch on top of making Ursa Fortuna playable, so I had 2 ursas to mess around with. So of course I put them both in a starfarer to see how well they'd fit, and there most certainly is room...
  20. FZD

    TIL: Radetzky March

    So. All my childhood, I've watched this one clown show that has appropriately upbeat and playful opening tunes, the kind of music you'd expect to hear in a circus. Or, that's what I think anyways. Today I learned it's called Radetzky March. I also learned that Chilean military uses it in...
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