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  1. Talonsbane

    For those who wish to brush up on Babylon 5 Older fans know Babylon 5, the game-changing 1994-1998 series, but younger fans may not have had a chance to watch it. Here’s your internet-sized window of opportunity. B5 has come to streaming service Go90. According to...
  2. Talonsbane

    Squadron 42 Curiosity

    I might be alone in wondering this about the stars & cast of Squadron 42, but does anybody else ever ask themselves if the members of the cast might have their own personal accounts for them to privately play Star Citizen along side the rest of us? From what I've heard through various sources...
  3. Talonsbane

    Spaced out greetings from Texas

    Hello my fellow band of potentially crazy Pilots! My name is Talonsbane & I joined Star Citizen back in early Oct 2014 with the benefit of the Mustang Omega : AMD Never Settle Space Edition bundle but I am new to TEST. As the thread head states I'm from Texas in the US. I've been interested...
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