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  1. RoughGalaxy

    Trailer video - Stargate: Origins

    Stargate was a staple of my after school activities. lol I really enjoyed SG:U and thought they cancelled it too early. it was just getting interesting too. :( I'm unsure about this one... the trailer didn't exactly leave me amazed. we'll see.
  2. RoughGalaxy

    A little late, but hello TEST

    Ahoy! :beers:
  3. RoughGalaxy

    Almost ready

    Updated look. +2 smug grin included
  4. RoughGalaxy

    Video: Anthem the game by Bioware, will it save them?

    Same here. Bioware is my hometown team and have put out some of my all time favorites. I genuinely loved ME:A it was a blast zipping around in the nomad. Space sudoku was fun/interesting. I found the story to be really good. I too abandoned a second playthrough due too the sheer amount of...
  5. RoughGalaxy

    Video: Anthem the game by Bioware, will it save them?

    A difficult position to be in is to want to support the dev but not support the BS the publisher shoe-horns in. we vote with our wallets, the downside is that our favorite dev can get shut down by our trying to make a statement to a shitty publisher.
  6. RoughGalaxy

    Video: Anthem the game by Bioware, will it save them?

    Still totally interested, even more so with this news. Also First :beers:
  7. RoughGalaxy

    Video: A look at the Crytek response to the CIG motion to dismiss

    In my opinion. Crytek is just digging themselves a deeper hole. It's already been shown that there is a Waiver of damages in the contract. Crytek, even if they had something, has NOTHING. "I can understand their frustration and yes maybe it was not in tune with the agreement in a few ways but...
  8. RoughGalaxy

    Almost ready

    Maybe we should take em to the drug lab and find out :3
  9. RoughGalaxy

    Almost ready

    Earning that Exploration Tag already. Touched down on Yela and decided to take a look around. Found me some berries!
  10. RoughGalaxy

    Almost ready

    Rock Raider and Exploration represented! Now we just gotta get it in game! lol (if it's not okay to use the logo's let me know and I'll remove) :beers: Updated my look a bit
  11. RoughGalaxy

    I love lighting bugs

    These lighting puns really brighten up my day.
  12. RoughGalaxy

    What Smell?

  13. RoughGalaxy

    Improve SC performance with Page filing

    I have my SSD system C drive set to system managed and HDD set to 24-32gb page file. important note, if your system is a potato, it ain't gonna help
  14. RoughGalaxy


    Ahoy :beers:
  15. RoughGalaxy

    Is there a way I can Spawn somewhere other than POlisar?

    Report back with results please
  16. RoughGalaxy

    Impressed! I got 17-21fps in Levski with a 970

    I would expect a new optimization guide to have to be made, what with all the changes that came with 3.0. Heck it's practically a different game.
  17. RoughGalaxy

    Upcoming Windows patch expected to slow Intel CPUs

    intel is generally better at dedicated performance. It'll do gaming great, it'll do server hosting, it'll do streaming to twitch. From what I understand AMD is moderately more efficient at doing multiple things (like playing a game AND streaming it from the same machine)
  18. RoughGalaxy

    Would you pay more for TEST Products in SC

    I think the results speak for themselves. Unless people are rolling dosh, purchase wise, we'll make the best economic decision. However. overwhelmingly we are willing to discount our goods for fellow member. which would likely make the first question a non issue. :beers:
  19. RoughGalaxy

    Hi guys!

    Ahoy! :beers:
  20. RoughGalaxy

    Espionage 404 hi

    \(o.o\) (/o.o)/ \(o.o\) HEY MACARENA
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