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  1. RoughGalaxy

    Video: Innocent man gets shot in swatting prank

    The next step for us I think, as I mentioned directly on the video is this: What, as a community, is our next step? We have to do something, but I'm not well versed enough in these things to know what. do we use this garbage from DS' twitter and report him to twitter in an effort to get him ip...
  2. RoughGalaxy

    Propaganda dump Jan 2018!

    this is when all the canadians reach our hockey sticks out the igloo to press the like button.
  3. RoughGalaxy

    Help! Derek Smart is attacking me on twitter! :D

    well this... this is gonna be fun. :beers:
  4. RoughGalaxy

    Trade value spreadsheet

    this'll be helpful for us poor saps with only an aurora and 3 scu of cargo space Translation:
  5. RoughGalaxy

    Holiday stream reaction and thoughts

    My first reaction was "This sure as fuck doesn't look like pre-alpha" the slice we saw looked fully playable with a few graphical bugs. any other company would call that beta level. If this is where sq42 is now, I can almost see it ready for christmas next year.
  6. RoughGalaxy

    Greetings Citizens!

    Ahoy! :beers:
  7. RoughGalaxy

    Crytek sues CIG for breach of contract

    hmm ship sales... or see these poor saps crushed under Amazon's wallet... tough call which I prefer... am I a bad person because I imagine an amazon warrior crushing crytek with her boobs, but they are instead large wallets stuffed with cash? I think this needs to be a gif now... anyone?
  8. RoughGalaxy

    3.0 PTU System Requirements

    People with monster rigs are still having issues running the game. The problem is more optimization than hardware at this point.
  9. RoughGalaxy

    Is the 600i really this big?

    it's front deck will become a docking platform for the 600i?
  10. RoughGalaxy

    Lets talk 3.0, funding, TEST hate and more!

    I like it. down to earth, direct, clear, casual. I friendly chit chat we can all enjoy. I'll have to get more active in the discord at some point. (kiddo's keep me busy lol)
  11. RoughGalaxy


    Error code 30007 means the server is down. US servers were down all weekend. (I didn't realize they didn't have a skeleton crew for weekends to monitor servers and such, that will have to change.)
  12. RoughGalaxy

    Ahoy o7

    Oh I live up where all the fires were this year. About 5-6 hours north of Vancouver. (bout as close of a location as I offer on public forums lol) This canuck is a mountain man... with high speed internets :beers:
  13. RoughGalaxy

    big ships are gonna be a pain...

    so I thought of a real world solution CIG could use
  14. RoughGalaxy

    Test Post please ignore

    :beers: welcome aboard
  15. RoughGalaxy

    1, 2, 3 and that's all! - What will it be?

    Crucible - Fix yer beer tap Endeavor - Research new beer Reclaimer - Salvage exotic beer
  16. RoughGalaxy

    PSA: Go outside, everyone.

    Yer not my real dad!
  17. RoughGalaxy

    Some Xplor Drama (also "TEST not good for the community as a whole")

    not what I was expecting to come home too after spending all day in first aid training. XD uh... gg? We'll be over here having a brew.
  18. RoughGalaxy

    EA roasting thread

    INB4 EA shuts down DICE because they are too conceited to realize they are the problem and not the game developer.
  19. RoughGalaxy

    Mom is getting Sugery, so I'm seeling one of my accounts/ --- I Can sell LTI Pioneer on its own too

    I heard of someone who was in a tough spot, they contacted CIG about refunding and explained why they needed the money back. CIG refunded 100%, so you could try that too.
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