Lets talk 3.0, funding, TEST hate and more!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The reason test is so popular is the quality of people we have active here.

Really short list, but if your name does not appear, do not despair...I admire everyone here.

@Beerjerker , @CrudeSasquatch @Black Sunder @Adiran @Blind Owl @Montoya @NaffNaffBobFace @supitza @Mich Angel @IcaroSP @CosmicTrader @DirectorGunner @Shadow Reaper @SeungRyul and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping a forum active, engaged, fun, and civil is a really hard job. Think about how a community of 15,800+ people could be given the normal makeup of an online community. Test does not have that. What it does have is a community of engaged, passionate people who take the time to listen to each other. A group that looks at the other person’s viewpoint and accepts it as valid for that person, even if they disagree with it. Even when disagreements are voiced, they are done in a respectful way.

Truely, it is an honor to just be a part of this great community. So, to all those I listed, and even more so to those I did not, THANK YOU for being the best part of Test...the open and welcoming community of Test Members.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
The reason test is so popular is the quality of people we have active here.

Really short list, but if your name does not appear, do not despair...I admire everyone here.

@Beerjerker , @CrudeSasquatch @Black Sunder @Adiran @Blind Owl @Montoya @NaffNaffBobFace @supitza @Mich Angel @IcaroSP @CosmicTrader @DirectorGunner @Shadow Reaper @SeungRyul and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping a forum active, engaged, fun, and civil is a really hard job. Think about how a community of 15,800+ people could be given the normal makeup of an online community. Test does not have that. What it does have is a community of engaged, passionate people who take the time to listen to each other. A group that looks at the other person’s viewpoint and accepts it as valid for that person, even if they disagree with it. Even when disagreements are voiced, they are done in a respectful way.

Truely, it is an honor to just be a part of this great community. So, to all those I listed, and even more so to those I did not, THANK YOU for being the best part of Test...the open and welcoming community of Test Members.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
The reason test is so popular is the quality of people we have active here.

Really short list, but if your name does not appear, do not despair...I admire everyone here.

@Beerjerker , @CrudeSasquatch @Black Sunder @Adiran @Blind Owl @Montoya @NaffNaffBobFace @supitza @Mich Angel @IcaroSP @CosmicTrader @DirectorGunner @Shadow Reaper @SeungRyul and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping a forum active, engaged, fun, and civil is a really hard job. Think about how a community of 15,800+ people could be given the normal makeup of an online community. Test does not have that. What it does have is a community of engaged, passionate people who take the time to listen to each other. A group that looks at the other person’s viewpoint and accepts it as valid for that person, even if they disagree with it. Even when disagreements are voiced, they are done in a respectful way.

Truely, it is an honor to just be a part of this great community. So, to all those I listed, and even more so to those I did not, THANK YOU for being the best part of Test...the open and welcoming community of Test Members.
TEST is the reason I follow SC development so closely. If it weren't for you people, I probably would have bought a starter package and forgotten about the game until launch date, like I do with most other crowdfunded projects. The emotional roller coaster that SC development has been for me would probably have been unbearable.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The reason test is so popular is the quality of people we have active here.

Really short list, but if your name does not appear, do not despair...I admire everyone here.

@Beerjerker , @CrudeSasquatch @Black Sunder @Adiran @Blind Owl @Montoya @NaffNaffBobFace @supitza @Mich Angel @IcaroSP @CosmicTrader @DirectorGunner @Shadow Reaper @SeungRyul and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping a forum active, engaged, fun, and civil is a really hard job. Think about how a community of 15,800+ people could be given the normal makeup of an online community. Test does not have that. What it does have is a community of engaged, passionate people who take the time to listen to each other. A group that looks at the other person’s viewpoint and accepts it as valid for that person, even if they disagree with it. Even when disagreements are voiced, they are done in a respectful way.

Truely, it is an honor to just be a part of this great community. So, to all those I listed, and even more so to those I did not, THANK YOU for being the best part of Test...the open and welcoming community of Test Members.
Mawww, I think you summed it up perfectly - TEST has so many thoroughly decent citizens. Thanks to @Montoya @SeungRyul and all the other TEST staff that toil to make our day every day.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I got to agree with everyone, if it wasn't for TEST I'd probably Google "Star citizen" every month or so but now I watch the official channels and various streamers and follow any new stories or development my phone suggests. It is just insane the impact you people have had on my interest in SC.

Oh andthat Montego fellow or whatever you call him as well, he's pretty cool.


Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I got to agree with everyone, if it wasn't for TEST I'd probably Google "Star citizen" every month or so but now I watch the official channels and various streamers and follow any new stories or development my phone suggests. It is just insane the impact you people have had on my interest in SC.

Oh andthat Montego fellow or whatever you call him as well, he's pretty cool.
Yeah I was gonna be the guy that pre ordered a ghost starter kit back in 2014 and just ignore all development till the game came out. Having an awesome community makes this much more exciting. Also fun to talk about different possibilities, different groups that are forming for different purposes, etc etc. Just a lot of fun. Hopefully 3.0 goes to everyone soon. I think we got a solid player group and we will for sure be something great in the game at full launch.


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
All hail Glorious leader Montoya!
Thank you! Thank you! ohh wait... you mean him don't you... ;)

The reason test is so popular is the quality of people we have active here.

Really short list, but if your name does not appear, do not despair...I admire everyone here.

@Beerjerker , @CrudeSasquatch @Black Sunder @Adiran @Blind Owl @Montoya @NaffNaffBobFace @supitza @Mich Angel @IcaroSP @CosmicTrader @DirectorGunner @Shadow Reaper @SeungRyul and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping a forum active, engaged, fun, and civil is a really hard job. Think about how a community of 15,800+ people could be given the normal makeup of an online community. Test does not have that. What it does have is a community of engaged, passionate people who take the time to listen to each other. A group that looks at the other person’s viewpoint and accepts it as valid for that person, even if they disagree with it. Even when disagreements are voiced, they are done in a respectful way.

Truely, it is an honor to just be a part of this great community. So, to all those I listed, and even more so to those I did not, THANK YOU for being the best part of Test...the open and welcoming community of Test Members.
Thank you truly. I had no idea anyone even knew who I am.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
NO! AaaH!

....why, why's the Rum always gone... eahmmmm......

where's my Beer...
...there's a hand here holding my beer.... :eyes:
.. and, ...and, ..and when I spin around to catch it..... it i t it moves like so fast :astonished:

....:angry: hey stop moving, ya'r wasting out my beer

Ooh! that's not my beer.. my, my RUM bottle you, tricky little devil hand you... I'l get ya... :runner:

Narrator talking:
" And there he's Running of in to the darkness chasing the hand holding his RUM bottle... which obviously is his own hand "

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