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  1. Bastion

    One year down...

    So i've been a member of test for over a year now, and the beer keep flowing. Cheers to all the staff and fellow crewmen for an interesting year, and lets hope the next one is just as fun, especially with the ever expanding universe to come! P.S all of you fellow super hornet users, don't...
  2. Bastion

    So... Aurora's have become platforms of death.

    Pew fuckin' pew. Credit: /u/devnought
  3. Bastion

    Tell me your heart doesn't skip a beat...

    That second passover, with headphones on up loud... Holy shit.
  4. Bastion

    REC Is now live! Things to note: You get 7 days of play time with a rented item (7 days where you log in, not seven from the purchase day), Weapons are pretty damn cheap. (Even omnisky IV's) You can get Turrets, Shields, and Gimbals. Ships...
  5. Bastion

    Crowdsourcing Voices for Propaganda

    So I was fucking around and thought i'd make a bit of propaganda for funsies based on This Video. I'm looking to get a couple of different voices recorded. I have a little in progress script and I'm happy to also hear ideas on making it funnier. I'm no comedian, so yeah. Whatever. The more...
  6. Bastion

    Breaking News: Footage of Test's Inaugural IDRIS launch

    Yup. Seems like something we'd do. RAMMING SPEED! Seriously though, split DPS is the worst. Don't be that guy. Focus on one target. This is your daily PSA. Note: I didn't make this. I am however making a spoof of it for propaganda. Deal with it.
  7. Bastion

    New Event: Sunday Brawl

    So today we had a good 8 man brawl going for at least four hours. Everyone said they wanted more of the same, so here it is! Come along, we do a mix of FFA, Team based and Capture for laughs(Rarely). The more the merrier, and it's full of laughs. Play whatever you like, ask for tips, and lets...
  8. Bastion

    TEST Board Gamers Night!

    Do you like board games? Are you able to connect to the INTERNET? Do you have Fifteen whole dollars(To buy the program)? Then TEST Board gamers night is for you! Basically in the real world I run a games day once a month, and we're moving into Online days as well through Tabletop Simulator...
  9. Bastion

    Hey. Hey. I survived.

    Not sure how many of you folks will remember me, but i've been around for a loooong time. I've been overseas for the last 6 months or so and haven't had access to my computer + games, etc. But now i'm back, and ready to get down to the business that is crashing into the sun. So, Hi again.
  10. Bastion

    Upgrade Time!

    Planning on upgrading my Aurora LX with LTI at some point, but i'm trying to decide what to. I'd love a super hornet but that isn't going to happen anytime soon(Because its not available), so im thinking one of the limited ships perhaps? The 350r or M50 sound good, but I also have the AMD...
  11. Bastion

    RIP in pieces, Wallet.

    Where you from stranger? 'Straya, aka Kangarooland What drew you to Star Citizen? I've been a fan of space sims for a long time, probably freelancer is my favorite. Saw the kickstarter, and threw my money at the screen. When this proved ineffective, I used the regular amazon payment methods, and...
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