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  1. TestBot

    Planetside 2 with Test Outfit. Dec 19th and 20th.

    Hello friends, Some of you might know me, most of you probably don't. I'm one of the early members of Test Squadron and Test Outfit. Test Outfit is another reddit group focused around Planetside 2 initially, but now has moved on to include Arma 3, Insurgency, and a few other games. Over the...
  2. TestBot

    I made this playlist.

    Thought some people might like it:
  3. TestBot

    The Reddit button! Vol. II

    Can we please add the previous list of Test groups and other Reddit groups to it? It was really useful and I liked it :( Here's a list of subreddits that have reddit specific groups that I have found: /r/Planetside: /r/Eve
  4. TestBot

    Why did that go up there?

    Is this a bug or is this planned? If it is planned, why?
  5. TestBot

    The Reddit button!

    It does nothing!
  6. TestBot

    Where did the links to other Tests go?

    Was there a decision made on removing them? Or did they accidentally go missing?
  7. TestBot

    I just realized we don't have enough cat pics here.

    Here's a vine:
  8. TestBot

    420 Blaze it

    It is currently 1:14am and I have no idea why I'm making this post.
  9. TestBot

    /r/starcitizen drama

    The mods purposes new rules. The community requested a rewrite. The mods implemented the rules without a rewrite. The community is mad. What do? New sub? Too soon? I've got my popcorn ready.
  10. TestBot

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    I recently started rewatching the clone wars series (shut up, its amazing) which prompted me to jump back into the SWTOR MMO. Well to be honest I'm enjoying it but there is a problem: Last time I played, I liked it so much that I subbed. This time due to unfortunate circumstances (fuck you...
  11. TestBot

    a possible way to un-blue specific posts?

    What I mean is I tend to visit every single blue link on this site. I don't want to miss anything. What I want to do is to keep the "testing please ignore" post in notices from going blue so I can know whenever an actual notification is made. Also we should do something about all these new...
  12. TestBot

    Hello o/

    I'm back. Thankfully things weren't as bad as previously thought and two weeks of absence was enough. I am now back to the internet. :) Thanks to all of you who commented on my goodbye thread and cared. Love you all <3
  13. TestBot

    Goodbye o/

    Hey guys. Due to reasons, I am taking an indefinite leave from the internet. See you guys later o/ I will not respond to anything below but don't worry about me. I am alive. Goodbye for the time being.
  14. TestBot

    e-Tabletop RPGs

    Hello guys, recently I have been getting deeper and deeper into the tabletop RPG games. I now have one pathfinder cleric in a game with a few Test Outfit members and another pathfinder wizard/sorcerer in a game with irl friends. That said, I can not deny the fact that I crave more. Recently I...
  15. TestBot

    Gaming with SCA!

    UPDATE: The game is Planetside 2 and the time is next Saturday (April 12th) at 4pm US Central. Time equivalents: Hello guys! Recently Flipper has been contacted by SCA and they are interested in...
  16. TestBot

    I'm so fucking sad right now....

    Facebook just bought Oculus Rift. I need a shoulder to cry on.
  17. TestBot


    IMPORTANT DRAMA POST IS NOW HIDDEN/DELETED. THIS IS DEVELOPING GET YOUR POPCORN Edit: I also just noticed that /r/starcitizen does not have a rule set in its sidebar. EditEdit: POST IS NOW UNDELETED...
  18. TestBot

    Happy Persian new year everyone!

    This is one thing me and my family celebrate every year and we enjoy it a lot. I always wish friends and family a happy new year so happy new year ya bums! Enjoy the year 1393 and may your goals all be accomplished.
  19. TestBot

    This is a crime.

    The tweet button. Who killed it?
  20. TestBot

    Planetary Annihilation

    It seems like a really cool idea. Is it worth its price? Also does anyone here play it?
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