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  1. Scarthian

    Warhammer 40K & Shadowrun

    So a while back some of the folks on here piqued my interest in the two above worlds? Stories? Games? Anyhow I find myself bored often since well I get paid to do next to nothing (Hurray for overnight IT /wrists). What I want to know are there books? or other type of materials regarding these...
  2. Scarthian

    Elder Scrolls Online on Sale

    So despite the fact that I probably will not play it anytime soon due to a combination of Wildstar and Skyforge for my MMO fix. I figured I would give a heads up that it is on sale on Green Man Gaming today for 75% off for a normal copy which is sold out. The Imperial Edition is not sold out yet...
  3. Scarthian

    New Test Theme Song

    In honor of our forever song black and yellow I put Wiz Khalifa's newer song (We Dem Boyz) as another of our official theme songs. I feel it fits us pretty well as we are indeed Dem Boyz, we do indeed Make Noise and We are indeed #1 and cannot be replaced...
  4. Scarthian

    In regards to the S.S.S Weekly

    Alright so this has been discussed mainly over teamspeak but it seems the ball hasn't gotten rolling just yet here. I posted this here because this is more about the event rather than the specific games. So I am sure we all know the S.S.S is an event that is supposed to take place on a weekly...
  5. Scarthian

    Gaming Together

    So bear with me as I go over my musing's of a mad man here it might end up long it might not kind of just going with it right now. So over the past few weeks I have noticed a few different things either myself or brought up in discussion. One being activity in general, two a variety of games...
  6. Scarthian

    Starpoint Gemini 2

    So I came across this game on steam and naturally thought of Star Citizen. So after watching a few videos it looks interesting and has the 3D ship control which interest me. So question is has anyone tried it yet? Figure are a sub 20$ bucks price point currently I may pick it up and give it a...
  7. Scarthian

    New Night Owl

    Where you from stranger? Currently residing on the east coast in Pennsylvania. Night Shifter as well so most likely will play late afternoon or nights on weekends with the Euro Bros I guess! What drew you to Star Citizen? This Corp naturally! What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen...
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