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  1. RogueIce

    FINALLY playing SC at long last

    He was inside the station at the time. But he usually does, so I expect it would have been an explosion worthy of song had he been there for it. Is that linked anywhere on their site (like from the menu or one click away from that menu) or do you just kind of have to memorize the link?
  2. RogueIce

    FINALLY playing SC at long last

    Pretty sure I'm an adequate TEST pilot, because I've died more than I've succeeded at, well, anything. Was trying to meet up with @CaptainRichard at Kareah, crashed into his ship instead. Allegations that I actually crashed into the wreckage of his ship after blowing it up are completely...
  3. RogueIce

    CitizenCon 2016 Reactions

    Actually, I think Spectrum will be quite useful as the game goes on. For me, why most in-game voice chat fails is because a) it ends to suck and b) it's not useful for the whole "well my game crashed let me log back on" and such (as they mentioned in the presentation). Spectrum, AFAIK, is the...
  4. RogueIce

    My laptop can't run SC, so playing Wing Commander instead

    That and I wanted to see how this whole thing got started. Of course, I don't read the manual, because reading the manual is for chumps. So I have no idea what I'm doing aside from vague "point and shoot" and flying from Point A to Point B. Also using an Xbox controller because why not? Get...
  5. RogueIce

    What's your favorite RTS game?

    Warcraft 2, StarCraft of course. AOE2, naturally. If C&C ever makes it to GOG I'd love to try them. For one a little more out there: Jane's/SCS Fleet Command
  6. RogueIce


    Newbie to TEST Squadron, thanks to so many great TESTies (@Fall @CaptainRichard @Grakees @SkyyHawk @Farasalt and plenty of others I can't find on the tag list lol). I can't wait to be among the finest group of pilots to ever travel among the stars...anyone know where I can find them? #creep
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