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  1. Loonetik

    Quakecon 2018

    Quakecon is this week. Anyone going?
  2. Loonetik


    Is anyone going to be at Quakecon this year? I am sitting at C17-22 (Loonatik).
  3. Loonetik

    Fighter Loadouts

    I am interested in practicing with different ships and testing different load outs. If you would like to join me hit me up!
  4. Loonetik

    Looking for good pilots

    Can anyone help me run pirate swarm? I want to beat it to get the pirate variant. I cant beat it alone!
  5. Loonetik

    Life is Feudal MMO beta

    Anyone in Life is Feudal MMO beta invite?
  6. Loonetik

    She drops the hammer at 4:27

  7. Loonetik

    Anyone running Star Citizen with gsync enabled?

    I bought a 1080 and a 1440p gsync monitor and have worse performance with it enabled than I did with my GTX 970 and 1080p monitor. If I disable gsync everything is smooth. Does anyone have a solid setup for using gsync or does Star Citizen not play well with it?
  8. Loonetik

    Anyone up for Arma3?

    I will just leave this here..
  9. Loonetik

    [Question] Current difference between Anvil Hornet F7C vs Ghost

    Is there currently a difference in game between the Anvil Hornet F7C vs Ghost? Better armor? I know there will be eventually but im wondering if I want to purchase the ghost now or wait.
  10. Loonetik

    Ship Loadouts: ANVIL Hornet F7C

    This series of posts is to open up a conversation on the different ship load outs. Post what you have tried and what pros or cons you see. I would like to get to the point in the conversation we can start talking about strategies, for example, what gun or missile would be best to take out...
  11. Loonetik

    Do we have time to watch one more?

    Frak me, I've started watching Battlestar Galactica for the sixth? time and it's so hard to get over how amazing the show is. Episode two where the president has to make a call to leave thousands of people behind to save tens of thousands gets me every time. If you're one of the unlucky souls...
  12. Loonetik

    [Poll] Which ship is your favorite and why?

    This has probably been asked before, but what ship blows your hair back? What do you like in the way it looks? What do you like in functionality? What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? What do you want to do with it in the game? Is there any specific ship brand that you like...
  13. Loonetik

    Time to adopt a beagle

    I have a labrador and a cocker chiweenie... But, its time to get a beagle.
  14. Loonetik

    [WTB] LTI Warlock

    If youre selling im buyin.
  15. Loonetik

    Ship Loadouts: AEGIS Sabre

    This series of posts is to open up a conversation on the different ship load outs. Post what you have tried and what pros or cons you see. I would like to get to the point in the conversation we can start talking about strategies, for example, what gun or missile would be best to take out...
  16. Loonetik

    [Request] Enable the TABLE BBCODE

    Would it be possible to enable a table bbcode plugin on our forums?
  17. Loonetik

    Ship Loadouts: AEGIS Vanguard Warden

    This series of posts is to open up a conversation on the different ship load outs. Post what you have tried and what pros or cons you see. I would like to get to the point in the conversation we can start talking about strategies, for example, what gun or missile would be best to take out...
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