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  1. Genoside

    wts LTI Esperia Prowler

    SOLD !!
  2. Genoside

    wts LTI Esperia Prowler

    selling occ Lti ranger cv to prowler melt vaule of $440 for only $350 us ...let me know if any One is interested.... Or Any other ship you want in store at same ratio $440 for $350 ..
  3. Genoside

    wtb Goodie pack

    hi guys was wondering if any One has an extra digital goodie pack , from last week ment to buy it and missed it... sale waited to long...:( ty guys
  4. Genoside

    New Member: Pillwalker

    Hi Pillwalker ..glad to see you on board
  5. Genoside

    Star Trek: Picard, This Should Be Good.

    Not bad,,, cant wait...
  6. Genoside

    WTS Caterpillar

    hello planing to sell my Caterpillar Pirate Lti ccu melt value of 290$<<<< for 250 reason for selling bought alittle too many ships have to unload atleast 1.... selling to test members only
  7. Genoside

    WTS Drake Dragonfly Black LTI

    pm sent
  8. Genoside

    Tractor Beam - Coming with Argo SRV or implemented later?

    They'll let it out and notting will work,theres not one ship that came out and was flushed out except the prospector.... who knows fingers crossed
  9. Genoside

    St. Patricks Day(Stella Fortuna) Sale - A lot of wait for next to nothing

    Hope they do something a ship with green skin of course...
  10. Genoside

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    thanks SpudNyk
  11. Genoside

    hello test...genoside

    hi guys my name is Genoside , just wanted to say hi to everyone and cant wait to meet every one in game cheers my ships i own are -saber raven -tumbler -dragon fly black -black cutlass -freelancer Max -Prospector - Aqulia -Ursa rover -Nox Kue added jan 6 -Origin 600i touring -Caterpillar...
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