2.5 to the PTU: 1st wave go!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle

Guns at the HUGE-wing tips means that you must rotate your ship to line up with your target so it can do the most damage.

That is an Argo!!!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I cannot for the life of me see why anyone would want one of these ships past tending a larger ship, and if you have to choose between two Argos and an Avenger to tend your Carrack, why would you pick the Argo? It needs to have lots of utility. Would be cool to see minelayer and minesweeper packages, prospecting, mass transit, freight, ambulance, gas fuel refinery, and several others modules for the Argo.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I just got invited during their second round of testing. I had a blast helping out during 2.4, but it does get to be a pain when you have a new 24 gig patch every day.

One of the things I am going to be looking at is how repeaters have changed. It's not just overheating, but power consumption now, so putting in an all repeater setup may no longer be a good option for people like me with bad aim and small wallets.

I don't rent a ton of things from the store, but is there anything that people want me to check out for them? Either send me a PM or post here

Ships: Connie Taurus, Hornet, Sabre, bucc, Prosp, 325, dragonfly.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm in, here we go!


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Im waiting for 2.7..That will be the big key on where we are heading bye dec...If we have 20 planets bye the end of the years end its a good start..

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I cannot for the life of me see why anyone would want one of these ships past tending a larger ship, and if you have to choose between two Argos and an Avenger to tend your Carrack, why would you pick the Argo? It needs to have lots of utility. Would be cool to see minelayer and minesweeper packages, prospecting, mass transit, freight, ambulance, gas fuel refinery, and several others modules for the Argo.
Okay, picture this: 1 or 2 Prospectors and Argos and a big cargo ship with a fighter escort head out to an asteroid belt and the Prospectors start digging. They have 4 containers to fill and I believe 4 more empty ones for a total of 8. As each container is filled and dropped, an Argo scoots in, picks it up, and transports it to the big cargo ship, returning the empty ore containers to the Prospectors which minimizes the down time for the Prospectors. A couple of unknowns though, mainly cost effectiveness.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Buggy as all getout. Clean out your USER folder or you will have some serious graphics issues

Still had issues with HUD graphics (worked sometimes, not others) Sabre had HUD issues for me, ARGO did no.

Love the concept of the Argo, especially the passenger shuttle. Move passengers between ships without having to suit up and do an EVA! Kinda Star Trek ish in concept. Would love to see a cleaner/more stylized version of it as this one feels overly industrial. Also, not suitable for an assault shuttle. Very cramped, not much room for armor, would easily clip through the ship if everyone got up at once in the passenger area.

I have not been able to play around much. Sabre feels more nimble, but not a lot of extra guns due to my limited number of ships, so I went with standard weapons. No issues keeping up with my energy usage with 2 Panther and 2 Badger repeaters. One thing, I wish they would make all energy weapons target the same pip, all laser weapons a different one, and then you can have some differences between mass drivers, gatling guns, etc, but even then you might want to keep things the same between sizes of the same type of weapon...eh, just my 2 credits.

I like the change they made to quantum travel markers. MUCH easier to determine your destination.

Not yet been to GrimHEX
HATE the sign to the new store in Olisar...WAY to bright. Makes we want to shoot it out

Have not landed yet...had my ship stolen, blow up while parked, and had a...umm...Test landing..err takeoff...err, my controls had problems and my ship blew up on the pad....yeah...that's it...

They may have fixed a bunch of crash issues, but they have given us a bunch more.

More as I have time


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
tried playing on my laptop this morning, should have known better (older laptop with NVidia 540m) took off from Launchpad, pulled nose up a hair,
lag hit and did a beautiful 360 nose dive into the launch pad. ended with a nice ship shattering Kaboom. I am definitely a Testie.
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