3.17.2 IS LIVE!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Soo, that's a new one. I suspect the new netcode isn't as perfect as they thought it would be, or we have ghosts as a new feature now!
I was standing around the ship kiosks on port Tressler waiting for my impound to expire (bugged landing detection as usual), and I saw a console activate, a ship get claimed, expedited, get requested, and the console went back to deffault screen. Then an elevator door opened, closed.
There was no one there!!! I looked around and there was a single NPC in a 20m radius.
lol wtf :D

@GPcustoms no idea, never managed to do one, always bugged for me.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry for double post

how the heck do I get the new wreck/outpost missions? What rep do I need?
Tried googling, came up with tons of generic nothing.

Also, about my comment about NPCs being more smooth... yeah naaaaah, I played ona server where SoO and JT were active, normal bunker mission or Microtech, NPCs just blinked around, shot me from nowhere through walls and shit, just like before. It's still all very much broken.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Sorry for double post

how the heck do I get the new wreck/outpost missions? What rep do I need?
Tried googling, came up with tons of generic nothing.

Also, about my comment about NPCs being more smooth... yeah naaaaah, I played ona server where SoO and JT were active, normal bunker mission or Microtech, NPCs just blinked around, shot me from nowhere through walls and shit, just like before. It's still all very much broken.
Not sure of the rep but did a few camp sites on MT @ delivery menu @ recover a box. Only did two of the camp sites and only one of those had npcs that engaged me. A few loot boxes scattered around. Didn't see any weapons boxes on my 2 :like:


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Soo, that's a new one. I suspect the new netcode isn't as perfect as they thought it would be, or we have ghosts as a new feature now!
I was standing around the ship kiosks on port Tressler waiting for my impound to expire (bugged landing detection as usual), and I saw a console activate, a ship get claimed, expedited, get requested, and the console went back to deffault screen. Then an elevator door opened, closed.
There was no one there!!! I looked around and there was a single NPC in a 20m radius.
lol wtf :D

@GPcustoms no idea, never managed to do one, always bugged for me.
I saw this today too. have also just experienced a crash to desktop, with the crash report failing. When I got back into the game, I was between the walls of my ship. Also, some how someone had joined a party with me. I logged out and back in, everything was normal. Other than I was suddenly at New Babbage, and I had to claim the ship. I also can't find a Lancet MH1 mining laser that you can actually buy. I mean I can buy a lot of other stuff, including the Lancet MH2, but I need the MH1 for the prospector.

If I could do a YouTube channel, I would do a series called "A System Architect reviews" and it would not be as kind as "An Architect Reviews"... I don't disagree with him, it's just that I know well implemented software, and this isn't it. I mean, their bugs have bugs. That should never be allowed to happen.

You're all safe, I can't do a YouTube channel.

Signed: Frustrated *** explicative deleted *** !!!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Not sure of the rep but did a few camp sites on MT @ delivery menu @ recover a box. Only did two of the camp sites and only one of those had npcs that engaged me. A few loot boxes scattered around. Didn't see any weapons boxes on my 2 :like:
Thank you!
Managed to do one of those missions, found the place, the box I had to retrieve, nothing else was present. It's a nice touch but without any npcs to fight it's rather pointless imo.
Also today I did a "find named crewmember" mission. Landed and ran into the Starfarer wreck as usual, and then had the oh shit moment, it wasn't empty! I knew there were supposed to be NPCs around in these wrecks in previous patches but never ever found one. Now I suddenly had 6 outlaws gunning for me lol Managed to clean out the place and found the body so it went well I guess. For some reason another player showed up as well, but I was already in my ship by the time I noticed. I guess he had some mission to this same wreck location as well.

The most annoying thing for me currently is the invisible wall in elevator doors/unresponsive elevators. I had to server hop 3 times until I found one that worked so I could get out of habs. In less then an hour of playtime the elevators on Tressler I could previously use were broken again, so I had to relog.
Another annoying thing is the total inability to eat while it feels like hunger/thirst needs got accelerated Again. It wouldn't be such a big issue if we could depend on food/drink items to carry around and consume when necessary but it's totally random if they persist or not, and it's a 50/50 bet if you can actually eat the damn hotdogs or not...

Also my ship guns keep disappearing. On my 300i I have the default set, but the middle one just disappeared, and my HULL A just lost both it's guns. I think it happens to weapon group 1? Not sure. I know I won't be able to get it back unless I reset my account, it's just bugged to hell....
BTW this is a bug that was present in 17.1 as well, seems like they didn't care to fix it.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Not sure of the rep but did a few camp sites on MT @ delivery menu @ recover a box. Only did two of the camp sites and only one of those had npcs that engaged me. A few loot boxes scattered around. Didn't see any weapons boxes on my 2 :like:
I've been making regular visits to one of the abandoned outposts. It's random (maybe 1 visit in 4) whether NPC's are present or not, but the Nomad's guns tend to take them out reasonable quickly when they are present (and the tray on the back is useful for dumping bodies to loot direct to ship inventory)... I just wish they'd do something to stop the windows on the Nomad scratching so badly if anyone looks at them.

I think I've only ever found a box for a delivery mission twice in all my visits, but I didn't have the option to select a mission to collect a box from the site at the time (there was one that was at another outpost, though), so not sure if they were for mission there, or someone left them as navigation markers.

No weapon boxes, at least at the site I've been visiting (nice and quiet with everyone distracted by Orison\Jumptown events... I think I've seen player ships 3 times, and each time I left them to do the looting), but there's often lots of Dolivine in boxes, and I currently have a large (pristine), a medium, and a small (both damaged) Atifact fragments, damaged UNE ingots (1 silver, 1 gold), and 5 medals - Tevarin war service medal (1 Damaged, 1 worn), UNE unification war medal (Damaged), Tevarin war service marker (worn), and a UEE 6th Platoon Medal (Damaged).

Loot tends to be boxes with either armor or food\drink, flares, multitools and attachments, dolivine, misc items (ranta dung, etc) and rare artifact fragments\medals\ingots (If a box contains these rare items, there seems to be 2 random rare items (from memory, 1 medal, 1 non-medal) in it along with the standard misc items (I don't recall if dolivine is present or if these replaced that)).

If looking for the outposts, here's the locations I found online for them (I haven't visited them all, so can't confirm these are all correct).
Abandoned outposts:
New Babbage, heading 67 for 39.4 km. outpost is between 2 rock ridges.
New Babbage, heading 254 for 51.1 km. Outpost in forrest.
New Babbage, heading 205 for 440 km. Outpost is just up from lake along river
Shubin Mining Outpost SMO-13, heading 103 for 19 km. outpost is in trees on plain
Microtech Data Centre KH3-AAE-L, heading 286 for 14km

Ghost Hollow OM3 bearing 352 pitch 6 or Microtech Data Centre 4HJ-LVE-A heading 04 for 406km Outpost is next to small snow capped mountain surrounded by forrest.

I'm considering switching to the cutlass red for future visits, as it should hold a mule (for loading armor items onto), and makes food\drink needs easier to take care of (lie down on med-bed for a few seconds is a much easier option than move food\drink to hand, remove helmet, leave inv screen to drink, then return to inv screen to replace helmet and dispose of drink bottle).


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been making regular visits to one of the abandoned outposts. It's random (maybe 1 visit in 4) whether NPC's are present or not, but the Nomad's guns tend to take them out reasonable quickly when they are present (and the tray on the back is useful for dumping bodies to loot direct to ship inventory)... I just wish they'd do something to stop the windows on the Nomad scratching so badly if anyone looks at them.

I think I've only ever found a box for a delivery mission twice in all my visits, but I didn't have the option to select a mission to collect a box from the site at the time (there was one that was at another outpost, though), so not sure if they were for mission there, or someone left them as navigation markers.

No weapon boxes, at least at the site I've been visiting (nice and quiet with everyone distracted by Orison\Jumptown events... I think I've seen player ships 3 times, and each time I left them to do the looting), but there's often lots of Dolivine in boxes, and I currently have a large (pristine), a medium, and a small (both damaged) Atifact fragments, damaged UNE ingots (1 silver, 1 gold), and 5 medals - Tevarin war service medal (1 Damaged, 1 worn), UNE unification war medal (Damaged), Tevarin war service marker (worn), and a UEE 6th Platoon Medal (Damaged).

Loot tends to be boxes with either armor or food\drink, flares, multitools and attachments, dolivine, misc items (ranta dung, etc) and rare artifact fragments\medals\ingots (If a box contains these rare items, there seems to be 2 random rare items (from memory, 1 medal, 1 non-medal) in it along with the standard misc items (I don't recall if dolivine is present or if these replaced that)).

If looking for the outposts, here's the locations I found online for them (I haven't visited them all, so can't confirm these are all correct).
Abandoned outposts:
New Babbage, heading 67 for 39.4 km. outpost is between 2 rock ridges.
New Babbage, heading 254 for 51.1 km. Outpost in forrest.
New Babbage, heading 205 for 440 km. Outpost is just up from lake along river
Shubin Mining Outpost SMO-13, heading 103 for 19 km. outpost is in trees on plain
Microtech Data Centre KH3-AAE-L, heading 286 for 14km

Ghost Hollow OM3 bearing 352 pitch 6 or Microtech Data Centre 4HJ-LVE-A heading 04 for 406km Outpost is next to small snow capped mountain surrounded by forrest.

I'm considering switching to the cutlass red for future visits, as it should hold a mule (for loading armor items onto), and makes food\drink needs easier to take care of (lie down on med-bed for a few seconds is a much easier option than move food\drink to hand, remove helmet, leave inv screen to drink, then return to inv screen to replace helmet and dispose of drink bottle).
"New Babbage, heading 205 for 440 km. Outpost is just up from lake along river"

That explains why I keep being attacked by outlaws out there! I'll keep my eyes open next time and *ahem* clean the place up a bit.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
If looting outposts, large white crates have either armor or dolovine\misc items. The rare items are in the small square boxes along with misc items (no dolivine in these, based on tonight's "research"). I think you can clear on average around 50-60k of dolivine at each outpost if you loot every crate.

So far I've tried 2 of the 5 outposts - They were both different in size and layout, but used many of the same assets (and so had the same "hiding spots" for the boxes). There also seems to be a different number of guards as well (4 at my "main"\favourite of the pair, 2 at the other), and I haven't seen reinforcements flown in to either.

Rare items (medals\artifacts\ingots) don't appear to be able to be sold, either, as far as I have been able to see.


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
OK, I am pretty sure I am not more deranged and delusional than the next man or woman, BUT
... since when are research missions a thing? Picking up a satellite and dropping it in space?
And why does it not work, as in, the mission cancels itself the second I get close to the pickup point?

Is it just me? Did it finally happen? Has something snapped?


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
OK, I am pretty sure I am not more deranged and delusional than the next man or woman, BUT
... since when are research missions a thing? Picking up a satellite and dropping it in space?
And why does it not work, as in, the mission cancels itself the second I get close to the pickup point?

Is it just me? Did it finally happen? Has something snapped?
Quick, give subject 1826 his serum, he is thinking again!

This has been a thing for a while now, can't remember when these were introduced. I never ever managed to do one, always bugged out.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Got a derelict Reclaimer mission today. It was at night and some players had been there and died. After a bit of a hunt I killed them all (14)and got my cash and while wandering about looking for possible loot it re spawned and I had company in the dark all over. Coooooooooool site :like:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Haven't crashed yet but lots of slowdowns and desync.
Also experienced AFK logoff of 3 and 5 minutes instead of the usual 10-15. Very annoying that I now can't even go for a piss without getting logged out...
Lucky they haven't put in the wazz machanics yet or you'd be logged out using the bog in game too.
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