3.2 invites are out for Concierge, Subscribers, Wave One.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
The FPS is much better in this release for 4K resolution. It's mostly at 30 fps now. Still has regular drops down to 17, and sometimes even to 8, but in general it's an improvement!

Quantum drive is better now too IMO. Still some bugs with it, especially the controls, but I like how it works now.

Zapper Weisman

Vice Admiral
Apr 14, 2018
RSI Handle
I mined up enough ore to fill my Prospector, flew back to Olisar, and then the game turned into an absolute slide-show. I coundn't land to sell the ore so that was disappointing, but mining was fun.

I think the 600i is gorgeous! Love the bedroom and, of course, the bar. I like the plants in the captains quarters. Now, if I can just replace those with Space-weed™... Nothing like seeing a concept become a flyable ship.
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I have and own a 600i its not the speed that bothers me, but all that wasted space. Now wasted space is fine if you put all the necessary things in first, but 20scu of cargo, and no medbay? Still we can play pool right? Who thought pool was something the rich play? It has less cargo than a connie, less guns and so on.

Sadly not impressed with this ship, it really comes across as no ideas I mean where are the servant quarters?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Think you should look at the 600i a little more like our present similar in modern days and they do not come with butlers unless you got insane amount of cash but then you most likely own something a lot bigger like a 890j or a luxury smaller space station...

But I do know there is a lot more to it than you see know, and as you I find the lack of use in hangar for cargo is ridiculous.....

Who care if that what is not meant to do... people will always do or try do with their stuff as they see please it is human nature...

And having that much space and not be able to use it for alternative cargo if that is what you want is IMO a borderline to stupidity and lame... really

But for me I love it as it is but I do expect it to hold supply/ cargo to be equivalent to the trips you can do in it. If you need to go and refill supply more often than you need to refuel it that would be very bad design...

What I want is that all works if it got bottles I want to be able to use them I HATE things put in to make it look more real in game when you can not interact with it then it lose it's value like props useless.

Or as they said once about some ships (which piss me off a little) we put in stuff there and make it look more like it is been lived in and used. WTF
I buy a brand new ship I want it to look new that give me fidelity and immersion, not getting your new ship delivered with scratches and lose paint jobs old lunch boxes and shit in it LIKE PIGS lived in it...
How is that fidelity and immersion.. really.. I want to make the scratches and mess up my ship. if I wanted a used ship that's what I would bought and not be surprised about it look a little banged up.

But the lack of keeping clean in a space closed environment surprise me how they think that is fidelity and immersion. or how it have to be greasy environment for it's mechanics this is so 1950's thinking.... I don't mind it getting a used look or mess it up with some old benny's boxes or so... But still I want to do that I want to make my ship used...

It's like on a real battle ship and U-boats your worst enemy is bacteria and unclean environment not the one that fire bullets at you.

Oh! here go... I can rant on an on about this ----->> But to the 600i

Thinks this is how you should look a them ships...


And here's like the..

And this would be luxury small space station...

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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I think that proves my point. It is luxury if you think getting a 3 series BMW is posh it isn't.
High five on that :smile: LOL it's just a BMW or as some say it's a car so what... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I mean where are the servant quarters?
The crew (servant) quarters (fits 4) is on the lower deck in the rear of the ship behind the cargo area while the Captain has their sweet up front with the potentially epic view. I've got a pair of 600i ships & I'm loving how they've turned out so far. I'm sure that the extras that are meant to be interacted with in game will be as soon as the developers get the various systems working. I'm happy to wait for those because there are far more important aspects of the game systems & mechanics that they're working on currently. Cheers!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
The crew (servant) quarters (fits 4) is on the lower deck in the rear of the ship behind the cargo area while the Captain has their sweet up front with the potentially epic view. I've got a pair of 600i ships & I'm loving how they've turned out so far. I'm sure that the extras that are meant to be interacted with in game will be as soon as the developers get the various systems working. I'm happy to wait for those because there are far more important aspects of the game systems & mechanics that they're working on currently. Cheers!
Agree :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
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