3.24: Cargo Empires


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
Another day, another patch.

Have fun with this one, it looks rather nice (even though I am going to bitch and complain about it)

Issues I encountered on my first session:

I can no longer wear my glasses

Spawning subscriber flair items will break your freight elevator, permanently blocking it. No Traktor, no tool and no amount of ramming will remove the blocking item (in my case, the jukebox)

Also, the trams in NB show the wrong station when stopping.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Spawning subscriber flair items will break your freight elevator, permanently blocking it. No Traktor, no tool and no amount of ramming will remove the blocking item (in my case, the jukebox)
The issue is not one of population, but of location.
Do not be at Orison, for Orison is the yuck and not working at the moment.
....Well shit. I just wanted to hang out with the space whales and watch my fish tank, man! Good thing I've got a backup elevator in the Large hangar. Poor financial decisions for the win!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Another day, another patch.

Have fun with this one, it looks rather nice (even though I am going to bitch and complain about it)

Issues I encountered on my first session:

I can no longer wear my glasses

Spawning subscriber flair items will break your freight elevator, permanently blocking it. No Traktor, no tool and no amount of ramming will remove the blocking item (in my case, the jukebox)

Also, the trams in NB show the wrong station when stopping.
Wish I had known about the subs items. Now I have a bunch of ship models stuck to lift.

@Han Burgundy The fish tank works, no fish but I could move it into a corner at least. YMMV

I have way more serious issues. For one, when I place a beer on a table, it topples over every single time.

Whats even more bothersome is pushing F for the interaction for the object in my hand (like, to place an object for which the default left click is use), the focused item is always the thing BEHIND the item in my hand. It's really really really fucking annoying the hell out of me. Basically impossible to pick up and place items by hand. It's either messing around with the stupid tractor beam or endless frustration. I hate how even for the most basic shit I have to use a workaround.... after 10+ fucking years this is unacceptable levels of incompetence.

Getting up from bed works 1 out of 5 times, requires restart.

Inventory management, UI and theories aside, is just as fucked as it always has been. Sometimes it takes relogging to be able to equip a piece of armor cos it just keeps jumping back into inventory.

I know I know, servers are overloaded, lots of players blah blah. Unacceptable. Spin up another one, limit player cap back to something the servers can manage... Btw I played at 10AM on a Thursday, middle of work/school day in EU (although school might still be on summer vacay), so again, not an excuse for being a buggy mess.

I was expecting a lot better from this patch. Not in terms of more content, but in stability, and playability. It's really disappointing to see, despite the big fanfare from CIG of "oh everything's wonderful, we have the whole team working on this now, it's gonna be godlike!", we are still at the same level as 5 years ago, with patches breaking more things than adding or fixing...

I'll jump on and see if I can do the most basic ass cargo mission, or it's all broken, as it usually is...


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't try to "F" out of bed anymore, always "Y"ing. Well, "Z"ing actually, but matching tooltips to the actual keyboard layout seems to be too complicated for 12 years of development.

Nothing stays put on any table, as far as I can tell. But since I already lost 1 of my 2 elevators to the jukebox, I am hesitant to pull anything out of storage anymore.

We are in agreement, there should be less jank and more competence by now.
Or a minimum of attention to detail.
Or asking oneself "what are the players going to do 1000 times every playsession, and do those basic necessities work?" at least once before pushing out a patch.

Enough of the testing and the finding of broken things and the forcing myself through the atrociously bad issue council. Time to use the sleeps.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't try to "F" out of bed anymore, always "Y"ing. Well, "Z"ing actually, but matching tooltips to the actual keyboard layout seems to be too complicated for 12 years of development.

Nothing stays put on any table, as far as I can tell. But since I already lost 1 of my 2 elevators to the jukebox, I am hesitant to pull anything out of storage anymore.

We are in agreement, there should be less jank and more competence by now.
Or a minimum of attention to detail.
Or asking oneself "what are the players going to do 1000 times every playsession, and do those basic necessities work?" at least once before pushing out a patch.

Enough of the testing and the finding of broken things and the forcing myself through the atrociously bad issue council. Time to use the sleeps.
I just W, cos same confusion with Y/Z and tapping W usually works instantly. If it doesn't, the server is most likely not worth playing on.

I did the introductory cargo run from port tressler to some cargo hub thing. It was confusing as heck, couldn't see shit from the frosted over windows (no window heating in a sci-fi is just insane bs) and snow covered everything. If a newby comes along there's like no chance of figuring out that there are tiny landing pads along the edge and there are the freight lifts hidden away at every pad. It's stupid design. It's shit game design.
I could at least complete this basic mission without any serious issues.

If it weren't for the 30C ambient temp in my room I'd run some space truckin but alas my PC is cooking me alive, so maybe in a weeks time.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
....Well shit. I just wanted to hang out with the space whales and watch my fish tank, man! Good thing I've got a backup elevator in the Large hangar. Poor financial decisions for the win!
I understand about the "poor financial decisions" part. When I entered my hangar for the 1st time, it seemed like it had during 3.23. So I called up 1 of my trusty little Titanic space penguins to help gauge the scale better. To say I was shocked by the actual size of the place would be understating things dramatically. LoL The landing pad seems to be approx 300m long by 150m wide, based on standing on the edges of it & seeing where the center is located. Now I REALLY want my BMM to come into the Verse as well as to get ownership of an Idris, to see if that would change the size of the hangar that much further. Cheers!


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I understand about the "poor financial decisions" part. When I entered my hangar for the 1st time, it seemed like it had during 3.23. So I called up 1 of my trusty little Titanic space penguins to help gauge the scale better. To say I was shocked by the actual size of the place would be understating things dramatically. LoL The landing pad seems to be approx 300m long by 150m wide, based on standing on the edges of it & seeing where the center is located. Now I REALLY want my BMM to come into the Verse as well as to get ownership of an Idris, to see if that would change the size of the hangar that much further. Cheers!
I hope you get your Idris but don't forget you are the pilot of mine. So if you still don't have one when they are here you get first round call up to the hanger


Aug 14, 2024
RSI Handle
Now I REALLY want my BMM to come into the Verse
Can we start a club? I feel like anyone that bought a BMM would love to be in a club together. We can have meetings and talk about our loops. Ponder what SC is going to look like in 5 years when it comes out.

All joking aside. When you start seeing medium and large Banu ships roll out, then you can get excited.

Just so it seems like I didn't hijack this thread to circle jerk over the MM...I played for the first time in a couple weeks last night. Joined with my friend. I couldn't get out of bed no matter what I tried. Restarted. 2 more times. Joked with my friend "you ever have one of those days that you just can't seem to get out of bed?" Logged in again got out of bed to the sound of applause. My door wouldn't open. 2 more restarts and I was out. I have ptsd irl and it's harder to leave the house in game.

Hangar was surprisingly ok. Loaded a corsair with 2 pulses. A corsair on a xl pad is funny. They should have sectioned pads running from every corner. So if you call in a fighter, it spawns in the closest corner to you.

Decided to explore a cave near NB. pretty fookin cool tbh. Until we explored way downwards down this one shaft and it was time to head back. Each clamber spot had yellow on the edge to let u know hey you can climb me. Well you can. For two ledges and the 3rd was like haha NOPE. So we died exploring a cave.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
All joking aside. When you start seeing medium and large Banu ships roll out, then you can get excited.
Truth be told, unless I've missed something, I believe that I've only ever heard of 2 ships / vehicles from the Banu, the Merchantman & the Defender. Though I honestly believe that the Banu have to have more than that given how far they've come technologically as well as how much they've traded with all of the other known intelligent species.


Aug 14, 2024
RSI Handle
I've only ever heard of 2 ships
I think I've watched every YouTube video and read every post possible on the BMM. So the common knowledge is that the main designer of the BMM and his crew left to work on another project. They got headhunted. So what I've heard is that bc the MM is probably going to end up being a capital sized ship they want whoever takes over to start with smaller ships to cut their teeth on instead of the flagship. So I'd imagine reverse engineer some of the BMM into smaller stuff and bridging the gap from the defender. It's been awhile since I've researched tho.

I expect the race to have a lot of ships tbh judging from their unique tech and that they talked about generational passage of ships.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I wish to have a nice time... but SC works against me: I can't either access my hangar or retrive ship at ASOP... (at Orison)
I've seen is a known issue, probably due to the amount of player trying it now... we'll see in the next days...
It's incredibile, just a couple of day and CIG has release a path for the hangar access and spawn ship problem... now you can spawn ship using ASOP terminal but the elevator to hangars/docking are not working: the elevator pannel is not working and you can't even get into the elevator...

I don't know what is worst: the problem or the fix...:drunk:


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's incredibile, just a couple of day and CIG has release a path for the hangar access and spawn ship problem... now you can spawn ship using ASOP terminal but the elevator to hangars/docking are not working: the elevator pannel is not working and you can't even get into the elevator...

I don't know what is worst: the problem or the fix...:drunk:
I was thinking about jumping in for a third round of cargo testing, while I wait for some paint to dry.
Seems like I'm literally better off watching the paint dry...


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
I got a medium planetary hauling mission to ... work? ... today, first try.
Only had to call the stuff on my elevator twice, since the first time only half came up.
Then handloaded the mighty Lazy Lindwurm (BIS Cat), because the ship traktor is useless.
Then called for a hangar at Tressler. That timed out before I could get there, so I called it again. Tressler took that personal and immediately despawned my ship.
Got the helmet back on in a panic, somehow survived. Made my way to the inside of Tressler via landing pad (only took 5 minutes to EVA there). Got into my hangar, got my Cat back, unloaded and got my moneys.

So, all things considered, only a minimum of all of the fucking jank.

Also, I got 8SCU of commissioned Corundum laying around in my hangar from a hauling mission that failed yesterday. Today, they appeared unwanted and unannounced on my elevator.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
What kind of luck have all you Miners out there been having? So far I have had a pretty smooth experience moving from mining to refining to hauling. Am I just being smiled upon by the Gods or is it just mission-based cargo that sucks at actually spawning?


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
I do feel like I'm having a Déjà vu or something.
A couple of years back all I had in this game was a hangar and a ship to spawn there.
Something to gawk at and walk around in and dream of the times the hangar doors would open and release us both into the vastness of space promised to us in the prophecies of eld.
These days I might still spawn my ship there.
And the hangar door would actually open for me and my ride.
I kinda seem to be running out of dreams lately though...
I believe my hangar needs some motivational posters or some such.

PS: I wonder if that thing is still valid?


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I looked it up because I don't remember exactly, but apparently the Hangar Module (and the seconds-per-frame framerate I got with it at the time) was live between around 30 August 2013 and about 20 May 2021. (Source: dates of comments responding to Hangar Module Released and Star Citizen Wiki which says it was disabled in Alpha 3.13.1a). So it's very cool we now have its replacement, but 'couple of years back' is putting it mildly! :)

Cool starting hangar upgrade - hadn't seen one of those. Curious that they were sold given I understood your personal hangar 'trim level' (Self Land/Industrial/Aeroview/Revell & York) was at one point supposed to be something to do with your biggest/best ship. Still is based on your biggest, right. But I've not heard a peep about the different styles for a while. I wonder if they're still in the plans. They're making good progress towards getting the current incarnation of 'generic landing zone' style hangars working - which turns out to be a LOT of work, especially with getting the instanced game worlds of personal hangars connected via gateways into to the shared universe of the open world in popular landing zones, and with getting ship/cargo loading and unloading sorted out properly, and I'm sure there's more to come in terms of features and bug fixing. But once that is all working (in a few patches time?) I guess the relative amount of work to make the different trims for them might not be as big a task as getting the first versions working.

That said, hangar trims are about as important as ship skins are to gameplay and player satisfaction. We want them, but we probably care more about bug-free and frustration-free play and having enough fun things to do.
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