3.5.1 Ship Customization thoughts


Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
**** HELP 'Ole CosmicTrader get the color GREEN......... Please. CIG seems to have forgotten GREEN.
my thoughts exactly! W(here)TF are the green options!
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Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the process, reminds me of selecting dealer options on a new car orderd from the factory only much more graphical.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Years and years ago in the UK, green cars were found to have the most accidents. Insurers rose their prices to cover green cars and fewer people bought them and so fewer manufacturers offered the colour option.

Only 1% of new cars are green and not many car makers offer it as an option.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Years and years ago in the UK, green cars were found to have the most accidents. Insurers rose their prices to cover green cars and fewer people bought them and so fewer manufacturers offered the colour option.

Only 1% of new cars are green and not many car makers offer it as an option.
But but but, British RACING Green is such a beautiful colour!
Oh.. I see.

Never knew that, interesting.
This explains why while browsing the used cars for my new car, I noticed that only about 1 out of 30 was green, most of them being boring silver or sometimes black. Hardly found anything else but I got a dark blue one I the end.

So I almost went for the shiny metallic blue on my 300i as well, but opted for the special limited edition yellow instead out of respect for beer, and Test. Added carbon inlays instead of the fake wood trim, and yellow for the brown leather standard seat back. And ofc I had to go with the racing stick option as well. Got the alarm clock just cos.
No performance upgrades though, those cost too much for my wallet, especially that with the stupidly high VAT I payed 6.35 usd instead of the 5usd base price. I want to explore how the upgrade system works in-game, not through my bank account.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
¿Is the XC The best package according this sheet?
It's hard to say right now... The Balancing work has not happened yet (That will happen in Beta).

But look at the weapons, for example, and see whats actually being offered. The CC pack looks like bad value unless your flying combat style is close and personal, then that is ideal even though in UEC it seems like you are loosing out.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2019
RSI Handle
It's hard to say right now... The Balancing work has not happened yet (That will happen in Beta).

But look at the weapons, for example, and see whats actually being offered. The CC pack looks like bad value unless your flying combat style is close and personal, then that is ideal even though in UEC it seems like you are loosing out.
As far as "Origin Celebration Colors" are a time limited offer and we can customize the ship only at once. I have to choose a combat pack ASAP and i would do with the best cost effective loadout, and ease of use (same ammo speed sync)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As far as "Origin Celebration Colors" are a time limited offer and we can customize the ship only at once. I have to choose a combat pack ASAP and i would do with the best cost effective loadout, and ease of use (same ammo speed sync)
From what I understand the special edition celebration colours are one-time-only or limited to certain times of year... Some other colours may come out later which may be even better than these ones.

The rest of the components may be found in game, if you find the ones you have are not to your liking - The most cost-effective option is to stick with the stock-loadout and upgrade the components in the game using UEC earned from missions, trading and mining :-)
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm out of touch and have not had chance to watch the videos yet - but can I ask - are we going to be able to take our existing ships that we already bought and customise the colours etc in game with UEC?

At the mo it seems if I want a colourful 300 I would have to melt my old 300i that was cheap originally, and then buy a new modern overpriced 300i thus completely ruining the original "buy early get the best price" mantra?

I'll stick with the original colours and not waste my money more than I already have!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm out of touch and have not had chance to watch the videos yet - but can I ask - are we going to be able to take our existing ships that we already bought and customise the colours etc in game with UEC?

At the mo it seems if I want a colourful 300 I would have to melt my old 300i that was cheap originally, and then buy a new modern overpriced 300i thus completely ruining the original "buy early get the best price" mantra?

I'll stick with the original colours and not waste my money more than I already have!
The intention is for there to be after-market mod-shops where you can have all sorts of stuff done to your ship, flame decals etc, but right now it's teir 0 and intended to be the same as if you'd bought factory fresh from the ship makers - so no in-verse customization yet, but it's very much planned :)

Also, every 300 ship has the option to customize in the hangar (As in the My Hanger menu on RSI website) - but be careful, you only get to do it once, just like when buying a new car!
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm out of touch and have not had chance to watch the videos yet - but can I ask - are we going to be able to take our existing ships that we already bought and customise the colours etc in game with UEC?

At the mo it seems if I want a colourful 300 I would have to melt my old 300i that was cheap originally, and then buy a new modern overpriced 300i thus completely ruining the original "buy early get the best price" mantra?

I'll stick with the original colours and not waste my money more than I already have!
You do not need to melt your old 300i. I customized they one in my original bounty hunter pledge. You just need to find it on your account among your pledge history or whatever the page is called. You can click customize there.
I think/hope that all of these customizations will be available for all ships later on, both for uec and irl money. After all, they gotta make money after release somehow...


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Ok, I've got a digital bounty hunter package (that's the one with the 300i) sitting in buybacks. I'm probably going to pick it back up now so I was looking at the customization options. I haven't actually been in the game for more than a couple of hours in the past 7 months or so. I've also done next to zero combat in any of the ships I own. What I need is a concise guide or two dealing with weapon loadouts and other mod related things. Does anyone know of some must read ones with semi-current info or tips that are out there?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ok, I've got a digital bounty hunter package (that's the one with the 300i) sitting in buybacks. I'm probably going to pick it back up now so I was looking at the customization options. I haven't actually been in the game for more than a couple of hours in the past 7 months or so. I've also done next to zero combat in any of the ships I own. What I need is a concise guide or two dealing with weapon loadouts and other mod related things. Does anyone know of some must read ones with semi-current info or tips that are out there?
Right now it's a bit of a moot point as everything keeps changing. The Sledgehammers used to be the Meta One-Shot weapon that eveyone needed and indeed everyone bought from Voyager Direct... Then it was balanced and all those Sledge owners got salty as the the Omniskys became the all powerful weapon... Most recently it was the Hurston Dynamics Dominance Scatter-Guns... What is true right now may not be true when the game launches, or even next patch...

Instead take a look at the weapons on the ship and the abilities of the other components. Lots of low-signature gear and ballistics? That'll be the best setup for a stealth ship. Some Distortion guns and a high power generator? That'll be for those wishing to disable and take their target alive. A full load of Scatter-Guns and the most powerful shield there is in that size? That'll be for the knife-fighters who get in close and duke it out.

Choose the bits that look like they suit your play-style and be aware this doesn't mean you now have all of the best components, those will be out there in the 'Verse and need to be juggled with all your other parts... Again, things could change even if a component set looks like it is the stuff of your dreams.

As was always said by the devs themselves when voyager direct was open, it's not a great idea to be buying components before balancing has been done 😉 I'm not saying don't, because I have, but be aware of what you are doing and what could change and you can't be disappointed in the long run. I don't expect the parts in these packages to become lame ducks, they have been chosen especially for backer pledges.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
I'll tell you right now the guns on the LC package are garbage, I replaced them with 2 S3 and 1 S4 gimbals and attached 1 S3 and 2 S2 Attritions to them. Other than that the rest of the components are great, but I can't say that they're worth the IRL money I spent on them. It would not have taken long to buy all those parts in game after doing space bounties.

Now, once the ship is fitted with the Attritions and the LC components, it's a beast... still a bit of a glass cannon, but it'll take care of 5-10k space bounties like it's nobody's business. I can usually run 5-7 bounties before I have to go back and refuel.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Instead take a look at the weapons on the ship and the abilities of the other components. Lots of low-signature gear and ballistics? That'll be the best setup for a stealth ship. Some Distortion guns and a high power generator? That'll be for those wishing to disable and take their target alive. A full load of Scatter-Guns and the most powerful shield there is in that size? That'll be for the knife-fighters who get in close and duke it out.
That's part of what I need direction for. I've looked at https://starcitizen.tools/Ship_Components and some of the links on that site give a very basic overview of some of the equipment but a number of the items don't say anything beyond the size and the grade. Is that pretty much all the info we have to go on atm? the brief descriptions on some of the weapons tell me what sort of situation they are best used for, but where would I find info on stats to get an idea of whether what I'm looking at would be say a "high power generator" or relative shield strength or something along those lines?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
That's part of what I need direction for. I've looked at https://starcitizen.tools/Ship_Components and some of the links on that site give a very basic overview of some of the equipment but a number of the items don't say anything beyond the size and the grade. Is that pretty much all the info we have to go on atm? the brief descriptions on some of the weapons tell me what sort of situation they are best used for, but where would I find info on stats to get an idea of whether what I'm looking at would be say a "high power generator" or relative shield strength or something along those lines?
I think starcitizendb.com is probably the best bet for stats and how strong/efficient a component is as the info is taken from the game files, but as previously stated that's just whats in the latest patch and whats true now may not be whats true later when balancing happens.

As someone who bought the meta components from Voyager Direct in the past, I can't warn about that strongly enough, the stats in Alpha will change.

If you are in any doubts whatsoever about the component packs you'll probably be better off getting the parts in game using UEC, because then you'll be able to get different bits next patch.
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